Defending the faith in this situation

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Hello everyone, I was recently reading through some comments on YouTube and I saw one about Jesus and God being fake and all of that. I have the comment and can show you but it isn’t really appropriate. How should I respond to this comment?
Thank you!
Gregory V.
Stop reading comments on YouTube. You aren’t going to change anyone’s mind. They are not expressing those views in good faith hoping to have an honest and open discussion. Find a better way to spend your time.
How should I respond to this comment?
Stop wasting so much time online and start spending a lot more time doing productive and enriching things in the real world with real people, from your family to your friends to complete strangers. Get outdoors: go fishing, climb a mountain, camp in the woods for a week, whatever you like. Just get out of the habit you have formed of thinking that what happens on the internet has any real significance. You have fallen into the “virtual reality” trap. Get out now!
Guys I actually don’t spend too much time on the Internet. Except I’m spending way more time on now bc of school. I just looked at few comments for 3 minutes. I try to limit myself everyday on time spent on the internet anyways. Or at least I have started to since lent started.
The only thing I use the internet for is gaming for 1 hour usually, anything that I need to look up, or talking with friends cause I can’t in real life right now.
Thanks for asking:

This can be complicated as only GOD can cause a conversion; though He does at times use Informed and fully practicing Catholics to assist him at times.

What is needed here is evidence of God. GOOGLE Thomas Aquinas EVIDENCE of God

But you might also teach RATIONALISM as a gift from God
  1. In all of the created Universe with its BILLIONS of things only humanity can be proven to be rational
  2. WHY is that? (logically there has to be a reason)
  3. The Universe (and humanity) exist so that we could know a 1st. cause exist, which is who and what we call God.
  4. All “good things” in some manner reflect God’s Goodness (evil exist because man; with Satan introduced it)
Space does not permit a more detailed explanation.
PRAY for guidance before you enter into this dialog

God Bless you
Ignore it. Get away from youtube or internet combo boxes. As Christ said, shake the dust from your sandals and move on.
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