Defense Says Deviant Sex Consensual

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Wonder if AP has picked it up. We all know it won’t get the attention Matthew Shepard did.
Wonder if AP has picked it up. We all know it won’t get the attention Matthew Shepard did.
Nope. :nope: I just did a Yahoo news search. No links other than local ones.

Another case of people we just need to understand and accept. After all, they can’t be expected to not act on their urges.:rolleyes:


Jesus must weep when he sees all of the sick and evil things going on in the world today :crying: :crying: This man needs serious help because he is either evil or insane :crying:
tom.wineman said:
Another chapter in the case the national media will not carry because it put homosexuals in a bad light.

Lorenzo Guilty

No, It only puts ONE homosexual in a bad light, and with every reason. This behavior is not indicative of ALL, nor even a minority of homosexuals.
No, It only puts ONE homosexual in a bad light, and with every reason. This behavior is not indicative of ALL, nor even a minority of homosexuals.
You are right. Certainly not all homosexuals are this sick or evil. However, a practicing homosexual is still guilty of committing mortal sin.
No, It only puts ONE homosexual in a bad light, and with every reason. This behavior is not indicative of ALL, nor even a minority of homosexuals.
When was the last time you were in a gay bar ?

The hunt for kinky sex is the main drive of the majority there.

**And why are there so many gay bars ? Because there are so many homosexuals looking for kinky sex partners.
You know there are -pleanty- of heterosexual folks who look for kinky sexual partners too.
tom.wineman said:
When was the last time you were in a gay bar ?

The hunt for kinky sex is the main drive of the majority there.
And why are there so many gay bars ? Because there are so many homosexuals looking for kinky sex partners.

Well, since I am a lesbian, pretty recently actually. Whens the last time YOU were there? Or have you ever actually stepped foot in one? No doubt, there are places like that, but there are identical places like that for heterosexuals. Just as though there are gay bars where people jsut go to have a beer and kick back, same as straight folks. You’re trying to generalize with far too broad a brush, my friend.
Well, since I am a lesbian, pretty recently actually. Whens the last time YOU were there? Or have you ever actually stepped foot in one? No doubt, there are places like that, but there are identical places like that for heterosexuals. Just as though there are gay bars where people jsut go to have a beer and kick back, same as straight folks. You’re trying to generalize with far too broad a brush, my friend.
Yes, my gay friends have taken me to gay bars and gatherings, possibly to proselytize me, and they did a lot more than “kick back.” I saw enough to convince me that it wasn’t a good life style. Just recently some of your “friends” were accused in Tampa for having sex in a bar’s restroom which ended up in a big brawl . You may have not seen it in the filtered national press.
tom.wineman said:
Yes, my gay friends have taken me to gay bars and gatherings, possibly to proselytize me, and they did a lot more than “kick back.” I saw enough to convince me that it wasn’t a good life style. Just recently some of your “friends” were accused in Tampa for having sex in a bar’s restroom which ended up in a big brawl . You may have not seen it in the filtered national press.

I have in no way denied that these things do go on. They do. All I’m trying to say is that just becuase these things exist in a certain community does not mean that all members are involved. The way that you generalize is akin to me saying that since there are some priests who molest boys, then they all must molst boys and that is by no means true. There are plenty more good priests than bad and I feel that there are many more good natured homosexuals than there are of the kind you give example of.
I have in no way denied that these things do go on. They do. All I’m trying to say is that just becuase these things exist in a certain community does not mean that all members are involved. The way that you generalize is akin to me saying that since there are some priests who molest boys, then they all must molst boys and that is by no means true. There are plenty more good priests than bad and I feel that there are many more good natured homosexuals than there are of the kind you give example of.
Agreed. That is why I don’t dump my gay friends.

My thread here was to point out that the national press is biased in it reporting of the down side of homosexual behavior.

The forum censors changed it to the headline you see and did not allow me to have my own title.
I have in no way denied that these things do go on. They do. All I’m trying to say is that just becuase these things exist in a certain community does not mean that all members are involved. The way that you generalize is akin to me saying that since there are some priests who molest boys, then they all must molst boys and that is by no means true. There are plenty more good priests than bad and I feel that there are many more good natured homosexuals than there are of the kind you give example of.
If you are sexual active you are a Catholic in excommunication. Homosexual sex is a sin of excommunication as is premarital sex and abortion. You have to go to confession and have no more sex in order to be a faithful Catholic and in communion with the Church.

Why do you think the Pope want’s to excluded men with same sex attraction from the priesthood? I will tell you it is because they suffer from a major disorder. This is a terrible cross. But can be helped.

I certain that you will call me a homophobe, but I am not. I would love to see you get all the help you need to remove this heavy cross from your shoulders. I know that we live in a culture that says that this is normal but it is not. We also live in a culture that has become totally pagan. A culture that worhips sex in any form and sacrifices at the altar of abortion.
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