Excommunication of Kerry

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Go to to get links to read the truth about what the Vatican says about the excommunication of Sen. Kerry. The charge is public heresy.
The message should read:
Go to to get links to read the truth about what a canon lawyer unofficially says about the excommunication of Sen. Kerry. The charge is public heresy.
Yes John, you are partially correct…but there was a letter from Rome sent both to the Archdiocese of Boston and to the Cannon Lawyer located in L.A., CA. There have been news releases quoted by perhaps 20 news outlets.

From Rome… The Response, therefore, is “official” and binding in that it simply restates infallible teachings of the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium, already stated unequivocally by** Cardinals Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the CDF, and Tarcisio Bertone,** then secretary of the CDF, in their own commentaries to the Professio Fidei of 1998. Hence the Response’s rapid and forceful content.

AND: Marc Balestrieri, JCL who has filed a formal case for Heresy against Kerry for his support of the right to abortion, revealed that he has received a written response prompted by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, affirming that Catholic politicians who persist in supporting the right to abortion are “automatically excommunicated.”

Mr. Balestrieri, Director of De Fide, said the Response was written by the Reverend Fr. Basil Cole, O.P., an expert theologian based in Washington D.C., who was delegated by the Undersecretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Very Rev. Fr. Augustine di Noia, O.P., to formally respond. As a result, the Response has encouraged him to expand his complaint to include four more pro-abortion Catholic politicians, both Democrat and Republican. :yup:

P.S. John, this is NOT about Mr. Balestrieri’s Opinion…no! …it is about the written responce from Rome. They in Rome say ( in fact) that it is done, unless the politicians recant publically on promoting abortion.

If a case against him is still being filed - isn’t it rather premature to issue a condemnation before he’e even been heard in his own defence ? 😦

Gottle of Geer said:
## If a case against him is still being filed - isn’t it rather premature to issue a condemnation before he’e even been heard in his own defence ?

Of course, meanwhile they’re “dancing in the street, Philadelphia, PA, Baltimore and D.C. now”

Goodness, like this even MEANS something!

And, BTW, the ordinary magisterium is not infallible according to the rules set up by Vat I. Look it up.

And, even if it were, a fallible canon lawyer delegated by a fallible Vatican dicastery does not have the charism of infallibility anyway.

Republicans also publicly support the right of a woman to have legal abortions under certain circumstances.“We oppose the public funding of abortions, except in the case of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.”

Bush opposes abortion except in cases of rape, incest or to save the mother’s life.
George W. Bush on Abortion

“We oppose abortion, but our pro-life platform does not include putative actions against women that have abortions.”
2004 Republican Party Platform
There are multiple threads on this so I have posted it elsewhere but in the event you haven’t seen it, may I suggest that you go to the page for a canonist online and read the following:

You may wish to read Fr. Basil Cole’s response at:

As I read Fr Cole’s statement I do not think this matter is as cut n dried as it appears to be on many websites. It commences:

Several weeks ago, Fr. DiNoia, the undersecretary for the Congregation of Doctrine and Faith, asked me to communicate with Marc Balestrieri about a question concerning abortion, excommunication and the like…
John Higgins:
Of course, meanwhile they’re “dancing in the street, Philadelphia, PA, Baltimore and D.C. now”

Goodness, like this even MEANS something!

And, BTW, the ordinary magisterium is not infallible according to the rules set up by Vat I. Look it up.

And, even if it were, a fallible canon lawyer delegated by a fallible Vatican dicastery does not have the charism of infallibility anyway.


If I had enough heads, I would shake them 🙂

If the “CC” - a nebulous phrase? certainly: it can mean anything from the universal Church to a national hierarchy to one’s fellow-parishioners, as Fr. Groeschel points out - manages to give the impression that it is meddling in the domestic politics of a nation, and during an election year at that, it will almost certainly be the loser.

It cannot afford to seem like a player in party politics, because that is not its character. The Church was not founded in order to prop up the status quo.

It cannot afford to seem to be supporting either candidate, because neither candidate fully reflects Catholic social teaching, and both are open to criticism on this point.

It’s not exactly done itself any favours in the last year or two - and those scandals are not confined to the States 😦
So some of the accusations against Kerry might very well be used against others than Kerry - such as certain bishops.

The whole thing could do enormous damage to the Church’s mission :(, if it even looks as though she is using her influence to favour a political candidate at this time. The whole thing has been so ineptly handled, that at least it doesn’t look like a conspiracy. 150 years ago, and even 75, that would have been the accusation.

Even though that link contains much that is re-assuring - thanks a lot for posting it. ##
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