Defiling the body of Christ

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I was in Mass the other day and it occurred to me, as some things just do in Mass, St. Paul defends Mary’s sinlessness just by defending Christ’s Body. I’m not sure where he states it, a little help would be appreciated in this aspect, but he writes about how taking in Christ’s Body into a sinful body would be defiling Him. (Correct me if I’m wrong in any way about this too, I hate having incorrect information.) Obviously as Catholics we practice this by going to confession before Communion, so we can be as pure as possible, a tabernacle if you will, when we eat the Eucharist. Quite simply, Mary would’ve had to be sinless in order to give anything human to the Lord. Jesus’ complete genetic make up came from her, so there’ no way that she could’ve had any sin or she would’ve “defiled” God. Let me know what you guys think, in all humility please correct any misinformation or misunderstandings.

Christ be with you
C.M. Amateis
I am new to the faith but everything you posted seems to be true. Mary was without sin with the immaculate conception. So whats your question.
I was in Mass the other day and it occurred to me, as some things just do in Mass, St. Paul defends Mary’s sinlessness just by defending Christ’s Body. I’m not sure where he states it, a little help would be appreciated in this aspect, but he writes about how taking in Christ’s Body into a sinful body would be defiling Him. (Correct me if I’m wrong in any way about this too, I hate having incorrect information.) Obviously as Catholics we practice this by going to confession before Communion, so we can be as pure as possible, a tabernacle if you will, when we eat the Eucharist. Quite simply, Mary would’ve had to be sinless in order to give anything human to the Lord. Jesus’ complete genetic make up came from her, so there’ no way that she could’ve had any sin or she would’ve “defiled” God. Let me know what you guys think, in all humility please correct any misinformation or misunderstandings.

Christ be with you
C.M. Amateis
You are correct with your post. I am not sure what passage you are talking about but here is a passages that say something similar from the OT.
Job 14:4 - Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? There is not one.
Haggai 2:13
** - Then said Haggai, “If one who is unclean by contact with a dead body touches any of these, does it become unclean?” The priests answered, “It does become unclean.”
Quite simply, Mary would’ve had to be sinless in order to give anything human to the Lord. Jesus’ complete genetic make up came from her, so there’ no way that she could’ve had any sin or she would’ve “defiled” God.
Mary’s sinlessness was altogether fitting but it was not necessary in order for her to be the Mother of God. Here’s why it was not necessary: If sinless parents are needed to produce sinless offspring, as you suggest, and since Mary’s complete genetic make up came from her parents, then Mary’s parents, grandparents, etc., all the way back to Adam and Eve would all have to be sinless but we know that is not the case.

Regarding the Bible verses, maybe you were thinking of 1 Cor 6:12-20 or 1 Cor 11:27.
Try 1 Cor 11:27ff

As far as Mary’s sinlessness is concerned, her ancestors, up to and including her parents, need not have been sinless for her to be sinless.
Check out the last line of the work of Duns Scotus here,

Then, take a look

for the rest pof the story.

The Church teaches that Mary was redeemed, like the rest of us, by Christ’s passion and resurrection, only before the fact. She didn’t need to be sinless to bear Jesus, but God arranged it so that she was. I think that’s fitting.

God bless
The best explanation that made the most sense to me was from a Catholic children’s book that I was reading with my kids. It stated that Adam & Eve were created sinless but they disobeyed. Mary, the mother of Jesus was also created just like Adam & Eve, without orginal sin but she was always obedient. Since no one questions God creating A & E without sin, why should it be a big deal that He did the same with Mary? 🙂 God Bless. CM
Todd Easton said:
Mary’s sinlessness was altogether fitting but it was not necessary in order for her to be the Mother of God. Here’s why it was not necessary: If sinless parents are needed to produce sinless offspring, as you suggest, and since Mary’s complete genetic make up came from her parents, then Mary’s parents, grandparents, etc., all the way back to Adam and Eve would all have to be sinless but we know that is not the case.
Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

Or have you not heard of Immaculate Conception?
Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

Or have you not heard of Immaculate Conception?
I do not question the dogma of the Immaculate Conception but the logical argument used by Amateis to support that dogma was flawed. Amateis’ argument was: Since Jesus was sinless and since Jesus received 100% of his genetic make up from Mary, then Mary must also be sinless. The flaw of the argument is that, by this same logic, since Mary received 100% of her genetic make up from her parents, then her parents must also be sinless…and her grandparents, etc. all the way back to Adam and Eve.

Amateis may have a better agrument for Mary’s Immaculate Conception using 1 Cor 6:17 which says, “But he who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with him.” Since Mary was “united to the Lord” and “one spirit with him” at least from the moment of Jesus’ conception, Mary must have been sinless because a sinner cannot, by definition, be “united to the Lord” and “one spirit with him.” Also, since Jesus was conceived in the womb of Mary and since we know that anyone who receives the Lord into their body “in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord” (1 Cor 11:27), then Mary must have been worthy in order to receive Jesus into her womb, i.e., Mary must have been sinless.
Here it is in black and white:


The Mother of the Redeemer

Mary’s Motherhood of God

  1. Mary is truly the Mother of God. (De fide.)
The Privileges of the Mother of God
  1. Mary was conceived without stain of Original sin. (De fide.)
  2. From her conception Mary was free from all motions of concupiscence. (Sent. communis.)
  3. In consequence of a Special Privilege of Grace from God, Mary was free from every personal sin during her whole life. (Sent. fidei proxima.) She was immune from all sin mortal and venial.
  4. Mary was a Virgin before, during and after the Birth of Jesus Christ.
  5. Mary conceived by the Holy Ghost without the co-operation of man. (De fide.)
  6. Mary bore her Son without any violation of her virginal integrity. (De fide on the ground of the general promulgation of doctrine.)
  7. Also after the Birth of Jesus Mary remained a Virgin. (De fide.)
  8. Mary suffered a temporal death. (Sent. communior.)
  9. Mary was assumed body and soul into Heaven. (De fide.)
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