Define Evangelization Catholic Style?

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I think we as Catholics have our work cut out for us when it comes to evangelization. Here are my thoughts below:
Evangelization is the essential mission of the church
Evangelization is the dynamic for establishing & building up of the church
You can’t evangelize without stewardship
An evangelizer is a messenger of good news
If we are not evangelizing we are not being Catholic
Everyone in the parish needs evangelization to be converted to good stewards
Stewardship and Evangelization: two sides of the same coin

The problem: Evangelization is the most misunderstood word in our Church. (Most think it means beating down doors)
The solution: Educate the current members in the pews on what Catholic evangelization and stewardship really is.

What do you think? 🤷
Check our our diocese’s office of evangelization. There are good resources there as well as some free resources.

I think you have a good start!👍
Evangelization, at it’s core, is telling people about God. It can be as simple as a bumper sticker for your local catholic radio. Or as complex as literal door to door preaching. What you have to do is fit evangelization to your gifts and skills God has given you. Problem is, too many catholics don’t even try. Catholics need to be taught what they can do to use those gifts to tell people about God.

My favorite, yet cliche, example of this is St Francis’ “Evangelize always. When necessary use words.”
I don’t think there is any one right way to evangelize as a Cathoilc. How each of us evangelizes may be different, yet effective. It depends on the talents and gifts given to each of us by God. Some people can have good conversations and explain concepts to people quite well without scaring them off or offending them into shutting their ears. Other people would do better to find another way to spread the message.

I was given a voice to sing, so I lend it to my parish in support of the liturgy. We hear at our parish many stories of people who came to mass with a friend or who returned to church after a long absence only to be drawn closer to God through the music in the liturgy.

Some people are powerful witnesses to the faith by openly living their faith in daily life. I have been with friends dining out and we made the sign of the cross and prayed the Catholic family blessing before the meal. A waitress came over one time and said that she had grown up Catholic and it touched her to see our group. Maybe it planted a seed for her to return to the church. Other people have commented on other occasions as well.

I know a wonderful priest who was on a plane in his black clerical clothing. He was seated next to a young woman with a baby who got very ill due to many problems in the flight with turbulence, etc. He helped her with the baby and her sick stomach. She ended up returning to the church after a long absence due in large part to his simple, charitable actions and the subsequent kind conversation.
Check our our diocese’s office of evangelization. There are good resources there as well as some free resources.

I think you have a good start!👍
Hi stbruno,
Can you describe the content, etc., of the resources listed on this site?
Are these the resources used by the deacons in their “Spreading the Holy Fire” program?
I think we as Catholics have our work cut out for us when it comes to evangelization. Here are my thoughts below:
Evangelization is the essential mission of the church
Evangelization is the dynamic for establishing & building up of the church
You can’t evangelize without stewardship
An evangelizer is a messenger of good news
If we are not evangelizing we are not being Catholic
Everyone in the parish needs evangelization to be converted to good stewards
Stewardship and Evangelization: two sides of the same coin

The problem: Evangelization is the most misunderstood word in our Church. (Most think it means beating down doors)
The solution: Educate the current members in the pews on what Catholic evangelization and stewardship really is.

What do you think? 🤷

If I’m not mistaken (and I may very well be) catholic evangelization in “public” is really the point here?
Or, evangelization (stewardship) within the catholic church. That is the small handful that need a deeper awareness and participation in the faith.
I’m all for the latter but, my calling is more geared towards the wayward catholics that are not coming to mass or the disillusioned protestants that need to come home.
Both areas of evangelization are important and different in approach or tactic.
That’s probably as clear as mud, I apologize.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum.
Evangelization ‘Catholic Style’ seems evident in the Pentecost.
When God’s time is right, He sends the Holy Spirit to move those He chooses into action. Some are moved to speak, others to act, others to pray, others to teach. Each according to God’s own design.

Our job as faithful Catholics is to continue to seek to know God on a personal level, to love Him and to serve Him - as HE guides us. We need to always get out of His way when He sets things in motion. If we are normally shy, one day, one moment, we can find ourselves proclaiming firmly our faith to a circle of co-workers. This is evangelization - but the key here is that it is God doing the evangelizing - through us, His servants.

WE don’t do the evangelizing, thus it is not up to us to seek out and determine which methods to use or when to use them. We must always be ‘at the ready’ to be moved into action according to His will.

At least that is what I have learned over the years.
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