Degrees of faith?

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Suppose a friend is seriously admitted in the hospital and you are
requested to pray for him,how would you pray?
would it be based on faith bigger than a mustard seed that goes"God,
with mountain moving faith,i believe in a miracle healing no matter how
bad things seem to be"
Mark 11:24
“When you pray and ask for something,believe that you have received
it,and whatever you asked for,will be given to you”
When his disciples asked Jesus why they couldn’t cure the boy with a
demon,he said it was because they didn’t have enough faith.
When the storm came and everyone panicked,Jesus again stressed on faith
which could calm the wildest of storms.
But,…God has his own ways and his own plans.Not all prayers are
answered the way we want…no matter how much faith we put in…
.SOOOooo…should it be more like “Not my will,but your will”…“Thy
will be done”…like praying that things happen the way they are
supposed to…hmm??..but why do we have to pray that way when its going to
happen anyway??becoz the life of that person is entirely in God’s hands!
wouldn’t it be more like saying…“God,I know you can heal[ok,so u have
faith]but will you?”
is that how we r supposed to pray?
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.SOOOooo…should it be more like “Not my will,but your will”…“Thy will be done”…
YES, YES, YES! We should always pray “not my will, but Your will be done.”

God also knows our hearts, so it’s also OK to pray for your friend to be healed. Just as Jesus prayed “If it be Your Will, Father, please let this cup pass from me. Yet not my will, but Yours be done.”

Sometimes there is a greater good that Our Lord is accomplishing in the lives of others that we don’t quite understand, but we must trust God. So your prayer may be answered, but just not the way you think it should be answered.

Also, God calls us to pray for one another in order to be like His Son, Jesus, who prays for us; in order to release His Grace, Mercy, and Love; in order to increase our own faith; in order to make us all less selfish by remembering the trials of others.

Pray from your heart, with complete trust in Our Lord!
Suppose a friend is seriously admitted in the hospital and you are
requested to pray for him,how would you pray?
would it be based on faith bigger than a mustard seed that goes"God,
with mountain moving faith,i believe in a miracle healing no matter how
bad things seem to be"
Mark 11:24
“When you pray and ask for something,believe that you have received
it,and whatever you asked for,will be given to you”
Why do I get the feeling that…

Oh, never mind.
I always pray according to God’s will and always invoking the intercession of Mary & the Saints.🙂
This is a really good question. I’ve prayed about this one for a while.

God has only three answers for prayer: “Yes”, “Later”, and “I have something better in mind.”

It is true that God is unable to work through those lacking faith. But what does it mean to lack faith? Consider the following:

“God cannot heal this person.”
“God cannot heal this person by MY prayer. I am not holy enough/I am not a healer”
“God will choose to not heal this person, just like he chooses to not heal others.”
“My prayer will not heal this person.”

All of these statement, and atitudes in prayer, show lack of faith, in different ways. You already are coming into the situation expecting a specific outcome, and that limits what God will work through you.

It is true that God may choose to not physically heal a person you pray for. But we rejoice when that occurs, because then we know that he has answered, "I have something even better in mind! "

And that is how we can both pray in faith, and at the same time pray “They will be done.” Because I have faith that:
  1. He will hear my prayer.
  2. He is fully capable, and out of his loving glory, is perfectly probable in healing this person through my own measly prayer.
  3. Should he choose to not heal this person in the way I am asking, he’s gonna do somethin’ even cooler!
And it is as thus that I prayer, “Thy will be done. On earth, as it is in heaven.” Because I know that he can, and might, heal this person. And if he doesn’t, he will still work glory from my prayer to a degree I can’t even concieve. And so it is with great expectation and hopefulness that I pray.

And this is why the bible tells us “Whatever you ask in my[Jesus] name, will be given to you.” That doesn’t mean that if I add, “We ask this in Jesus’s name.” to the end of every prayer, it’ll be granted. (Although it is a good practice in reminding us that) It means that I’m acting in the person of Jesus when I pray, asking God to do what he wills, to be the loving God he is. I am acting, as a servant through intercession, as a servernt of Jesus, and thus I am acting is his name. Its the whole “Tell them Bob sent ya!” mentality.

God is so glorious.

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