One thing that gets my blood boiling is when groups of human beings are treated as though they are less than human or as though their lives lack value. While most atrocities (such as ISIS’s acts in the middle east) are only committed by a few and reviled by the rest, there are some that are widespread and whose victims are all but ignored.
While I have gone into lengh in previous threads about the less-than-humane aspects of the American Prison System, that is only one example. If you disagreed with my previous threads on that, don’t bring it up here: I will not tolerate derailment.
Another example of dehumanization is the treatment of the mentally disabled. People with mental disabilities such as autism or down’s syndrome are treated differently than mentally healthy people, oftentimes being viewed as burdensome. Many children who develop mental disabilities in the womb are aborted (some countries where abortion is illegal under most circumstances make exception in cases of mental health), and even today there are still people who think Eugenics (a barbaric practice by which the disabled or deformed are sterilized or outright murdered) should be brought back. But the mention of abortion brings up another group that is dehumanized …
Because unborn children are unable to speak for themselves, and because they are inconvenient (even if a temporary inconvenience), society has arbitrarily decided it is acceptable to murder them at will. As of 2013, Nicaragua and Chile are the only country where Abortion is Illegal under all circumstances. Abortion is like slavery in that it is a dehumanizing and cruel practice, it has been around longer than it had any business existing, and after it is abolished civilization will look back on us as primitive and cruel for practicing it.
Feel free to discuss these injustices, or to bring up other ones.
While I have gone into lengh in previous threads about the less-than-humane aspects of the American Prison System, that is only one example. If you disagreed with my previous threads on that, don’t bring it up here: I will not tolerate derailment.
Another example of dehumanization is the treatment of the mentally disabled. People with mental disabilities such as autism or down’s syndrome are treated differently than mentally healthy people, oftentimes being viewed as burdensome. Many children who develop mental disabilities in the womb are aborted (some countries where abortion is illegal under most circumstances make exception in cases of mental health), and even today there are still people who think Eugenics (a barbaric practice by which the disabled or deformed are sterilized or outright murdered) should be brought back. But the mention of abortion brings up another group that is dehumanized …
Because unborn children are unable to speak for themselves, and because they are inconvenient (even if a temporary inconvenience), society has arbitrarily decided it is acceptable to murder them at will. As of 2013, Nicaragua and Chile are the only country where Abortion is Illegal under all circumstances. Abortion is like slavery in that it is a dehumanizing and cruel practice, it has been around longer than it had any business existing, and after it is abolished civilization will look back on us as primitive and cruel for practicing it.
Feel free to discuss these injustices, or to bring up other ones.