Democrats Go On Record In Support Of Homosexual Marriage

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**Democrats Go On Record In Support Of Homosexual Marriage

** Activists pushing for legalizing homosexual marriage say they will not stop with just homosexual marriage. They demand more. They want government and societal acceptance, approval and financial support for many kinds of relationships, including polygamy. And the Democratic Party says it will help them achieve their goal.

Activists say that marriage is “not the only worthy form of family or relationship,” and it “should not be legally or economically privileged above others.” The statement was signed by 270 homosexual rights activists and heterosexual allies.

Other kinds of relationships that they say deserve marriage-like benefits include “committed, loving households in which there is more than one conjugal partner (polygamy)” and “queer couples who decide to jointly create and raise a child with another queer person or couple, in two households.” The goal of the activists is the destruction of traditional marriage.

The Democrat National Committee has developed plans to help the homosexual activists achieve their goal. Democratic National Committee (DNC) spokesman Danien LaVera says the DNC has developed a five-point plan to help homosexuals block any legislation which prohibits homosexual marriage, and to push homosexual marriage.

The first successful effort occurred in Illinois where the Democrats helped the activists keep the marriage protection law off the ballot in that state, including a donation of $10,000.

LaVera said the DNC strongly opposes efforts to ban homosexual marriage by amending the federal or state constitutions and that **the Democratic party plans to step up efforts to promote pro-homosexual marriage bills in several states.

Democratic parties in eight states have already adopted platforms endorsing homosexual marriage bills.** They include New York, California, Washington, Iowa, Alaska, Colorado, Massachusetts and Hawaii.

Here is the 5-point plan LaVera said the Democratic National Committee has developed to fight for homosexual marriage:
  • Labeling efforts to ban homosexual marriage as “divisive” ploys by the Republicans and others to deflect voter attention from other important issues…"
  • Begin a “party-building” operation which includes specific training for state Democratic operatives in all 50 states on how to campaign against ballot measures banning homosexual marriage.
  • Working closely with the gay group National Stonewall Democrats to "develop strategy and talking points’ to combat state measures defining marriage as being between one man and one woman.
  • Working cooperatively with homosexual organizations fighting ballot measures in each state where they surface, providing campaign advice, expertise, and logistical and financial support.
  • Empowering and organizing homosexual communities around the country with the help of the DNC’s new homosexual outreach organizer Brian Bond.
                                  **Take Action**
                                      **1. [Sign the NO HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE pledge.](** Officials of both parties will be notified of the number who sign the pledge. We will not provide either party with your name or email address.
2. Please forward this email to friends and family alerting them about the plans of the Democratic party to help legalize homosexual marriage and abolish the traditional family.

3. Tell your friends about the efforts of the Democratic Party.
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Democrats Go On Record In Support Of Homosexual Marriage

Activists pushing for legalizing homosexual marriage say they will not stop with just homosexual marriage. They demand more. They want government and societal acceptance, approval and financial support for many kinds of relationships, including polygamy. And the Democratic Party says it will help them achieve their goal.

A quick perusal found that a priest (Fr. Richard Parker) and a nun (Sister Jean McBride) signed the first document that calls for alternative relationships (gay marriage, polygamy, etc.). I recognize the nun’s name as a long-time progressive feminist. Will someone please tell me why are these people still allowed to be priests and nuns if they endorse stuff like this?
If homosexual marriage becomes the law of the land, I can only imagine what will come next. What in the world is happening to our society?
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