Demonic attacks

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When people have these attacks, do they know that its happening? :confused:
Maybe, maybe not. They surely know something is wrong, but they may not know the source of it.
I have to agree with the previous poster. Demonic attacks may masquerade as more mundane phenomena. That is the danger with assuming that all bad things are the results of demons. On the other hand, some bad things are the results of demons. It takes a discerning man of God to know what is truly demonic. As in medicine, self-diagnosis can be dangerous. If a person is living a life in the Church and a regular recipient of Eucharist and Confession, it is unlikely that the attack is flagrantly demonic except for perhaps temptation.

These are just musings of a casual reader of good Catholic literature related to demons and exorcism.
As in medicine, self-diagnosis can be dangerous.
In my experience, the people who are most concerned with demonic attacks are so preoccupied with the possibility, they forget we also deal with the physical world.

A few years ago I went to a seminar fun by a Fundamentalist organization. There were some sound problems with the audio system. The man speaking blamed it on demons not wanting us to hear his message. He rebuked Satan and said “I bind you in the name of Jesus Christ”. Turned out his son who was running the sound board had not put new batteries in the microphone before the seminar started.

Well, that’s what happens when you don’t change batteries. They go dead. Not some supernatural demonic attack. Just old batteries.
When in a certain state of mind, it seems that every single move one makes is cursed, and dead batteries is just one more of many irritations (edit: maybe “frustrations” would be a better term) that come in a string of them.

One can repeatedly say, “luck has run out on me today,” or “I am under demonic attack” as equally valid ways of expressing the seeming statistical anomalies at how many things get in the way.

This is especially true when a person is trying to be compliant and do what he/she is “supposed” to be doing in any given setting. It isn’t even that the “world” is interfering with your plans, but plans you are only doing because you have to and not want to.

Sometimes when I’m in this mindset, I think that there are actually thought processes (like computer “daemons”) that intermittently block us to the extent that “bad luck” or “demonic attack” become a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is very difficult to pull out of this mindset, because even as one recognizes it and tries to “lighten up” things don’t automatically get better until after the mood subsides, while the mood is driven by the happenings.

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