Demonicpedia featured in Google Search results

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I happened to do a Google search on the hierarchies of angels yesterday and the first, featured search result was a web page called Demonicpedia dot com. I don’t want to link it here obviously but it is clearly some occult site, not even a New Age angel type site. I was horrified that this would be the first, featured search result. There is a button on it to leave feedback to “improve Google search” so I marked it offensive or whatever and wrote a note saying it was inappropriate.

I hoped this would be the end of it and such result would not show any more on my search results page, but unfortunately when I Googled angel hierarchies again today, I got the same disgusting page at the top of the list.

I am having a similar though not as bad problem with an ad (formatted in a similar way) constantly showing to me in the lower right hand corner of the Amazon page for Bishop Schneider’s new book. It is an ad for a fiction book called The Dog of Jesus which apparently involves a miracle-working dog owned by Jesus that causes some big revelation to mankind. Now I like dogs and love Jesus but I find this ad really inappropriate on a page about Bishop Schneider’s book. Do they really think the audience who reads his stuff wants to read new age tripe about a miraculous dog? I have reported this ad about 3 times and it won’t go away either.

I can only hope that enough people give negative feedback that I’m someday not bombarded with a demonology reference when I look up stuff about angels. Please, if y’all encounter such stuff, leave negative feedback.
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Good to see you back Tis.

I’ll bet it has something to do with upcoming Halloween and people looking for that sort of thing.

A lot of people aren’t really into Satanism, but they’re looking for a cheap and spooky thrill.
I happened to do a Google search on the hierarchies of angels yesterday and the first, featured search result was a web page called Demonicpedia dot com. I don’t want to link it here obviously but it is clearly some occult site, not even a New Age angel type site.
…is it? I looked some at the site. It seems to just be a general “encyclopedia” concerning beliefs about demons, not one that’s actually promoting demons in any way from what I can tell.
It references books on the occult all over the page. Long lists of names of demons are not to be casually perused either. I’m not sure how you don’t think it’s “promoting demons”; it’s not exactly a Father Amorth demons-are-bad website, and the type of audience it draws on the web are probably going to be bored kids or people drawn to the occult as opposed to scholars doing research.

It also shouldn’t be coming up when people search for info on angels. That’s like if I searched for information on God and it brought up Satanopedia.
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It references books on the occult all over the page. Long lists of names of demons are not to be casually perused either. I’m not sure how you don’t think it’s “promoting demons”; it’s not exactly a Father Amorth demons-are-bad website, and the type of audience it draws on the web are probably going to be bored kids or people drawn to the occult as opposed to scholars doing research.
From what I looked at, it was decided neutral, simply giving information regarding beliefs on demons. I didn’t see anything like giving suggestions on how to contact or serve demons on it. I can understand disliking the site, but it doesn’t seem nearly as nefarious as you’re portraying it as–at least from what I saw on it.
It also shouldn’t be coming up when people search for info on angels. That’s like if I searched for information on God and it brought up Satanopedia.
You searched for hierarchies of angels. That site has a page about the hierarchies of angels. Considering that, it isn’t particularly weird it would turn up.
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We’re going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I found it disturbing. If you think it’s just fine, that’s your prerogative. I don’t think such a site is something that most practicing Catholics would want to read, nor is it something they expect to pop up searching for material on angels. I’m a bit mystified why you, who list yourself as “Catholic”, would want to be justifying it on here, but to each his own I guess.
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Good to see you back, @Tis_Bearself.

You’ve changed your profile a couple of times so I’m still getting used to it. ☺️

I agree, that is disgusting. I think it’s very sad that this has happened. A simple search for ‘hierarchies of angels’ brings up the same result for me.


Not much we can do except hope and pray for these occultists.
Google and youtube often incorporate “left-wing” ads into searches or videos that contain conservative or orthodox religious content. Searches on youtube for some topics (say, climate change or Freemasonry) now come included with a link which takes you to a page with the “left-wing” (so, to, them, the “correct”) view on those topics.
Yes, as someone else said it’s all about money and who pays to come up first in the search results.

I’ve also seen cases where one searches on some specifically Catholic topic and the first few search results are from non-Catholic churches or anti-Catholic websites, trying to get people to read their views and see how Catholicism is wrong and their view is right.

One of these days, the government will probably step in and try to “regulate” search results and what comes up first. Good luck with that…
Yeah. We need to remember google is not neutral. A lot of sites get periodically censored with the excuse of protecting people from “fake news”, a lot other wich are too big to be removed unnoticed are moved back on the pages. Most people only look at the first results anyway
Good to see you, Tis.

I agree with you. It’s bad to see a search result that shows you that kind of website. I’m thinking that it’s just typical of the growing paganization of our culture that doing a search on a good topic leads to the opposition’s view on things.

I’m not saying it’s an organized large scale effort, i.e. a conspiracy per se; but what I’m saying is that I think it’s indicative of the impious tendencies in our society regarding good and evil.
Some years back I was googling for stories of people who converted from atheism to Catholicism.

The entire first page of results was the opposite—cradles Catholics who became atheists.

I mean, it’s possible I typed in my search query wrong… 🤨
I don’t mind Halloween, it’s a fun thing for kids. I just really hate when I’m looking up hierarchies of angels in order to meditate as I pray the St. Michael Chaplet and I get a serious website promoting the demonic in my search result, repeatedly after I’ve left bad feedback.

On Facebook at least when an ad pops up you can mark it with something like “Sensitive topic” or “Offensive” and it disappears. I’ve done that with ads for Planned Parenthood and other morally objectionable stuff, and now I get more ads for stuff I enjoy, like sweatshirts with pictures of bears on them.
This is what happens when I load up YouTube incognito on my phone:

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Obviously not just an American thing. They’ve infiltrated the search results and ADs of New Zealanders as well!

Having that pop up on the page with the Amazon Synod likely seems highly appropriate to many who are very concerned with what is going on there…but yeah I agree inappropriate.
I don’t even watch Dr Marshall. I’ve barley even watched videos on the synod. I watch a lot of the Journey Home and Mother Angelica, as well as YouTube channels run by normal Catholic laypeople. Again, it shows how YouTube lumps all Catholic content into one even though a video from Mother Angelica about so and so has nothing to do with Taylor Marshall’s coverage of the synod.
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