Dems Urged to Reach Out to Pro-Life Voters

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Dems Urged to Reach Out to Pro-Life Voters

Associated Press Writer

July 22, 2005, 4:40 PM EDT

WASHINGTON – Democrats need to reach out to voters who oppose abortion rights and promote candidates who share that view, the head of the party said Friday.

Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, told a group of college Democrats that their party has to change its approach in the debate over abortion.

“I think we need to talk about this issue differently,” said Dean. “The Republicans have painted us as a pro-abortion party. I don’t know anybody in America who is pro-abortion.”
Howard Dean said:
"The Republicans have painted us as a pro-abortion party.

No I think they did that all by themselves.

Howard Dean said:
“I don’t know anybody in America who is pro-abortion.”

You might have the majority of America fooled in to thinking pro-choice means in favor a the your choice of a well paid job or and excellent paid job but I think pro-choice means pro-abortion.

Even if I wanted to buy in to your sophist position, just read the information page at NARAL: NARAL Pro-Choice Washington is pro-choice, meaning that we think it is important that a woman have access to every reproductive option, including abortion.
Dean, a former Planned Parenthood board member, said the difference between his party and Republicans is that “we believe a woman has a right to make up their own mind and they believe (House Majority Leader) Tom DeLay should make it up and Rick Santorum should make it up for them.”
Way to go Dean, this is really rich. He intends to win us over by insulting us?

So because I believe that a child is a human being worthy of protection, I am therefore attempting to control women and prevent them from fulfilling their “rights”. Dean is ridiculous and highly insulting.

Photos of premature babies:

[ removed by moderator)hotos2001/pages/10.htm]( removed by moderator)hotos2001/pages/10.htm)

Photos of aborted babies:

(a warning… I nearly faint just looking at photos of aborted babies. Prepare yourself before looking at images of slaughtered human beings.)
The Democrat politicians are pretty good at reaching out - that is their hand is always out for your money and your vote. However, their record for doing something for life is poor to nonexistent.
Joe Kelley:
The Democrat politicians are pretty good at reaching out - that is their hand is always out for your money and your vote. However, their record for doing something for life is poor to nonexistent.
Joe Kelley:

I believe this is a COSMETIC Makeover, where Democrats are going to try to say they want “Abortions to be legal but rare”.

I know of NO right that we want to be RARE, esp. if it’s one that people are supposed to EXERCISE.

It may be, that after reading the convoluted logic of the latest Supreme Court decision defending Roe v. Wade (in 1993), that even the Democrats know that something terribly wrong is being done. It’s just that Democrats (esp. those on the LEFT) are indebted to the PRO-ABORTION Organizations who helped get them elected.

The other problem is, if you take Abortion away from Democratic poiticians, they don’t have a lot that unifies them that also separates them from Republicans (except for some rather nasty anti-Americanism on display in the extreme LEFT).

That may be one reason they hold to “The Right to Choose” with such enthusiasm.

Blessed are they who act to save the Innocent, Michael
Yes legal but rare, of course not so rare enough Planned Parenthood doesn’t make their money goals.

Maybe atleast they have enough shame to back down from partial birth abortion and no parental notification.

It’s good to see the Democrates trying to reach out. They really seem to be the party of good intentions, even if that means having no connection to morality.

Upps sorry, here I go again another white Christian.
Maranatha said:
“I think we need to talk about this issue differently,” said Dean. “The Republicans have painted us as a pro-abortion party. I don’t know anybody in America who is pro-abortion.”

I have always viewed the assertion that one is pro-choice but not pro-abortion as an oxymoron. I can’t see how anyone can be one without being the other.

Personally, I have lately considered changing my “independant” voter status and joining the Democratic party. Pro-life Dem now that’s a rarity. I like being unique.😉
Traditional Ang:
I know of NO right that we want to be RARE, esp. if it’s one that people are supposed to EXERCISE.

I like your mind, TradAng. Are the Dems are suggesting that **all **rights be rare? In which case, in what way do the Dems intend to limit the exercise of rights?

Snort, how stupid do they think we are? I fall off my chair laughing.
I don’t know anybody in America who is pro-abortion.
Actually, I don’t know anybody in America who is pro-choice.

I’ve met people who claim they’re pro-choice, and when they do, I give them this simple quiz:

Consider this hypothetical situation. Let’s say a single mother with five kids and living on welfare discovers she’s pregnant. What should she do?

They always say the same thing. “She should have an abortion.”

This is when I point out that the prefix “pro” indicates what you are in favor of. “See?” I point out. “You’re not pro-choice. You’re pro-abortion. If you were pro-choice, you would have said, ‘She should make a choice.’ You didn’t say that. You said, ‘She should have an abortion.’”

This has led to a few dropped jaws. I hope it leads to a few changes in attitude.
. . .
Personally, I have lately considered changing my “independant” voter status and joining the Democratic party. Pro-life Dem now that’s a rarity. I like being unique.😉
Would that entitle you to protection under the Endangered Species Act? 😃
Would that entitle you to protection under the Endangered Species Act? 😃
I hope so. I just might need that protection. 🙂
We might have to keep you in a wildlife preserve, you know. And tag you. 🙂
Ani Ibi said:
Would that entitle you to protection under the Endangered Species Act? 😃

We might have to keep you in a wildlife preserve, you know. And tag you. 🙂

As long as the “tag” is fashionable and the wildlife preserve is in Hawaii. 😉
Sure they could reach out, by fielding real pro-life candidates.

Up till now, pro-life democrat candidates have been legal, safe, and exceedingly rare.

(If abortion were as rare as pro-life Democrats, it probably wouldn’t even be an issue.)
“I think we need to talk about this issue differently,” said Dean. “The Republicans have painted us as a pro-abortion party. I don’t know anybody in America who is pro-abortion.”
Funny, but I wasn’t aware that the GOP wrote the Democratic Party platform:

Democratic Party Platform of 2004:
Because we believe in the privacy and equality of women, we stand proudly for a woman’s right to choose, consistent with Roe v. Wade, and regardless of her ability to pay.**
I don’t care what Democrats do- I am suspicious of them. I know their platforms- they are: anti-family, anti-religion, and pro-death, and they’re unclear on their positions (unless you know how to see through them) so they can win votes.

“A reporter asked John Kerry if he is for or against gay marriage- as usual, his answer was ‘yes’.”- Ann Coulter

They know few will be fooled. This is all about defeating Rick Santorum in 2006. We will see endless articles about how Casey is pro-life. The target audience will be elderly Catholics who are not paying close attention.

If they can grab just a few percent of the Catholic vote, Santorum will lose.

And for the next 6 years, every time abortion is mentioned we will hear the Democratic party is a big tent and Casey is pro-life.

A Potemkin Catholic is just what the Democratic party needs.
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