I agree that we do need good faith classes for adults but I think one thing ex-Catholics either forgot or never thought about was this: we all have a
personal responsibility to keep on learning the Faith. We don’t just stop learning and studying and asking questions when we get confirmed! It’s not the Catholic Chruch’s job to hold our hands and spoon feed us the Faith without any effort on our parts. When I meet folks that have left the Church because they were “denied the Gospels”, “Weren’t being fed”, or just plain didn’t know the Faith, I want to ask them, “Why were you so lazy that you didn’t get off your duff and study, learn, and ask questions?” Once they enter non-Catholic churches they devote immense amounts of energy doing “Bible study.”
Where was this same energy and zeal when they were Catholics??
Any of us Catholics that feel we weren’t taught the Faith very well are perfectly capable of hitting the bookstores, buying a CCC, going to good websites like
catholic.com and filling in the gaps! We aren’t helpless.