Denomoinations........ Why be a Catholic instead of one of the others? :D

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Hi Guys,

I know a lady and she is Pentecostal… We both like each other tonnes… Can you give me some information/reasons as to why we should be a Catholic and not Pentecostal or Protestant etc.? And what are the key differences between the denominations?

I know that as Catholics we must raise Catholic children in a Catholic marriage so why should this lady want to do this with me? 🙂

Many thanks,

The main difference would be the Magisterium of the Church. “What you bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven and what you loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven.” Because the Catholic Church has the Magisterium we are able to believe in all seven of the Sacraments instituted by Christ, even if they don’t have a direct Biblical origin (I say direct because all the Sacraments are mentioned in the Bible just not explicitly.) So the Catholic Church has 1. Baptism (as do other denominations) 2. Christ’s Presence in the Eucharist- This truly is HIS Body and Blood! 3. Confirmation (some Protestant denominations accept Confirmation, not all) 4. Reconciliation/ Confession- we may be forgiven our sins and given the grace to overcome our weakness. 5. Anointing of the Sick- another chance at forgiveness and potentially, if one is disposed bodily healing. 6. Marriage- while marriage existed before Christ He changed it to be an indestructible bond 7. Holy Orders- Priests, and Bishops have the capability to stand In Persona Christi or in the person of Christ.

So Catholicism contains a lot of important gifts from Christ, a few of which are listed above. Basically the Catholic Church contains the Fullness of God’s Revelation: the entire Sacred Tradition, and Sacred Scriptures. 👍
Hi Guys,

I know a lady and she is Pentecostal… We both like each other tonnes… Can you give me some information/reasons as to why we should be a Catholic and not Pentecostal or Protestant etc.? And what are the key differences between the denominations?

I know that as Catholics we must raise Catholic children in a Catholic marriage so why should this lady want to do this with me? 🙂

Many thanks,

I note that your sceen name is “NewCatholic”. Have you just recently converted? If so - Why?
This might begin to help you answer the question.

PHS has already given some good reasons.
I would say that one should be Catholic because of the fullness of Truth contained within The Church. The Catholic Church is so much more inclusive than most other denominations. For instance - your friend is Pentacostal. Pentacostals, as I understand it, are a very boistrous charismatic type community. There likewise is an active “charismatic wing” within the Catholic Church. The same thing is true for those who lean the other direction, those like myself who are attracted to the more “eastern”, quiet, mystical aspects of faith.

So - it is the “Fullness of Truth”, coupled with the “Unbroken Line of Apostolic Teaching” that are the biggest draws. And through these two things we have retained the greatest gift…the Eucharist, Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, received regularly into our bodies.
This fullness - as embodied by the magisterial teachings of the Church - ensure consistancy, a fullness of the Gospel and a confidence unrivaled by any other Christian group.

All that said, being Catholic does require that a person submit in ways that protestants are not use to. For all of the freedom that resides within the Church, we cannot pick and choose what teachings to accept. We accept that Christ founded a visible, authoritative Church and that the Catholic Church, in communion with the Holy Father in Rome, is it. Some people cannot bring themselves to submit their will to God’s in His Church.

I’m not sure if we are answering your questions very well…Keep asking questions and we’ll zero in…

Hi Guys,

I know a lady and she is Pentecostal… We both like each other tonnes… Can you give me some information/reasons as to why we should be a Catholic and not Pentecostal or Protestant etc.? And what are the key differences between the denominations?

I know that as Catholics we must raise Catholic children in a Catholic marriage so why should this lady want to do this with me? 🙂

Many thanks,

I could attempt to list the reasons I am Catholic, from the simple and obvious (Our Lord in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar), to it’s sincere and staunch Orthodoxy and moral truths, however I find that G K Chesterton expresses it much better then I ever could:-
“The difficulty of explaining ‘why I am a Catholic’ is that there are ten thousand reasons all amounting to one reason: that Catholicism is true.” – G. K. Chesterton
Well, I became a reborn-Catholic after finding evidence to support being a Catholic but what the lovely lady is basically saying is, ‘What is the difference between Pentecostalism and Catholicism? Why should she change?’

I’m not sure what to say… I am one because:
  • the eucharist is real in our church,
  • Jesus said stay as one,
  • I do not want to support denominations that do not stay as one,
  • if you start another denomination then why not just start your own and make your own rules up? :rolleyes:
  • what about priests??? Is there any evidence to suggest that priests are required to forgive our sins and that they have power to change bread into God???
  • it says in the bible that wolves from within will lead people away from the church…
  • i know of some monks who prayed the rosary and avoided being killed by a nuclear or atomic bomb in Japan so that shows that the rosary is pretty cool! 😃
Anything else? :confused:
Your friend does have a legitimate question though…Why Change? You have already a pretty good list of reasons.
Books have been written…All the Books in the world could never contain all the reasons to be Catholic…But perhaps a couple of suggestions might help.
Rome Sweet Home by Scott Hahn
Born fundementalist, Born Again Catholic by David Currie
Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth by Catholic Answers

Also - here is a search result on YouTube for “Why Be Catholic

Perhaps watch some and read some together and talk. Be Catholic, Live Catholic, and let the Holy Spirit Guide you both.

Just be sure NOT to degrade her faith in any way. Her faith in Christ is legitimate and, so long as she is baptized by the Trinitarian formula, she is a member of Christ’s church - Just not in full communion.

You have not said that you did degrade her faith, but the only reason I bring it up is because often times protestant groups find it necessary to attack the Catholic parts of the Catholic faith and we do not want to respond in kind…

The Eucharist was the big thing that led me back to The Church.
Second was the disunity and contradictory teachings within protestantism - beignning with the fact that they changed the bible canon.
Then there is the consistancy of teaching - no waffling on moral issues like homosexuality or birth control etc.
The NT is most fully realized in the Catholic Church. It hangs together most beautifully.

It’s just wo hard to encapsulate something as full and rich as the Catholic faith.

another point… correct me if i’m wrong

If a Catholic would like to marry a non-Catholic, the Church will honor that with a mixed marriage using the Catholic Rite. However, it will not be sacramental.
=NewCatholicUK;7868849]Hi Guys,
I know a lady and she is Pentecostal… We both like each other tonnes… Can you give me some information/reasons as to why we should be a Catholic and not Pentecostal or Protestant etc.? And what are the key differences between the denominations?
I know that as Catholics we must raise Catholic children in a Catholic marriage so why should this lady want to do this with me? 🙂
Many thanks,
Not possible to fully reply in the limited space permitted:🙂

One: Throughout the ENTIRE Bible; OT and NT; God’s mesage is exceedingly clear>

One God; Only One [sets of beliefs], founded on One New Covenant which over-rides the old covenants. There are in the NT alone over 100 proofs of this.

Phil.2: 2 “complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being **in full accord and of one mind.” **

**Eph. 4: 1-7 **“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all lowliness and meekness, with patience, forbearing one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body [WHICH MEANS ONE CHURCH] and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call, one Lord, one faith, [Meaning only One set of beliefs] one baptism, one God and Father of us all, who is above all and through all and in all. But grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift".

**Eph. 2: 18-22 **“ for through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord;

**John.10: 16 **“And I have other sheep, that are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will heed my voice. So there shall be one flock, one shepherd”

Two: Jesus Himself set the structure of the CC in line with OT practices. Mt. 16:19, John20:1-22 [establises the CC], Mt. 28:19-20. John 1:16-17; and John 17:15-19 affirm all of this.

Three: Only the CC has valid and Licit practice of the Seven Sacraments [the numer imples “PERFECT”] which are a sourcge of enormous amounts of GRACE. In particular ONLY the CC [and branches of] have Christ Himself truly PRESENT; and KNOWN forgiveness of Sins [John 20:23].


Five: in the ENTIRE world their in only ONE faith founded by a God: it is the Faith of today’s catholic Church. EVERY OTHER FAITH DENOMINATION IN FOUNDED BY VERY MORTAL MEN.

God Bless.
I can only presume that you know very little about your church and it’s teachings. If you did, you would never need to ask a question like this.

The Catholic Church has full and true Apostolic Succession, meaning that it’s powers and beliefs are directly handed down from the original Apostles to every Bishop and Priest that exists in this world. The vast majority of the other Christian Churches do not have this.

The Catholic Church believes that in the Eucharist (Communion) the actual body and blood of Jesus exist. We believe that Jesus quite literally meant what he said at the last supper, “This is MY Body”, and “This is my blood”, “Do this in memory of me”.

We believe that when he told the Apostles to “Do this in memory of me”, he literally gave them the power to turn ordinary bread and wine into his body and blood.

Pentacostals do NOT believe that Communion actually contains the Body and Blood, but see it as a symbolic thing only.

There are many, many other differences.

I would STRONGLY recommend to you that you consider enrolling in an RCIA (or an adult catechism) class at your local parish. You need to learn what your own church teaches. Try to get your girlfriend to go also, so she can learn something about YOUR faith.

Once you actually learn what the Catholic Church believes, then you can answer your own question, “Why be a Catholic”.
I will keep this short. I am a cradle catholic and just a few years short of becoming an octogenarian. My wife and and were involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal for 6-7 years and then went onto other things and being much closer within the Church. ( I guess more orthodox in our practice of the faith).

What I want to describe is an encounter with a non-Catholic person. I don’t remember his denomination.

I was in the Los Angeles Airport (LAX) waiting to board a plane to go home to my family. This man, seeing me reading my Bible, approached me and struck up a conversation with me. Learning that I was involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, he immediately asked me when I was going to leave the Catholic Church. I had to tell him that I would have to give up too because any other “church” would only be offering me much less than the Catholic Church offers me.

Where else can you find the Seven Sacraments and the channels of Grace that they bestow, the daily Holy Sacrifice of the Mass where Jesus’ Passion, Death, Resurrection are re-presented in an un-bloody manner, and I am able to eat His Flesh and drink His Precious Blood and thereby He communes with my soul in a such glorious and mystical way beyond our human comprehension in this our life on earth. He IS our Bother, Friend and Lord

May the Peace, Love and Joy of the Risen Lord be with you.
I can only presume that you know very little about your church and it’s teachings. If you did, you would never need to ask a question like this.

The Catholic Church has full and true Apostolic Succession, meaning that it’s powers and beliefs are directly handed down from the original Apostles to every Bishop and Priest that exists in this world. The vast majority of the other Christian Churches do not have this.

The Catholic Church believes that in the Eucharist (Communion) the actual body and blood of Jesus exist. We believe that Jesus quite literally meant what he said at the last supper, “This is MY Body”, and “This is my blood”, “Do this in memory of me”.

We believe that when he told the Apostles to “Do this in memory of me”, he literally gave them the power to turn ordinary bread and wine into his body and blood.

Pentacostals do NOT believe that Communion actually contains the Body and Blood, but see it as a symbolic thing only.

There are many, many other differences.

I would STRONGLY recommend to you that you consider enrolling in an RCIA (or an adult catechism) class at your local parish. You need to learn what your own church teaches. Try to get your girlfriend to go also, so she can learn something about YOUR faith.

Once you actually learn what the Catholic Church believes, then you can answer your own question, “Why be a Catholic”.
Well, I know that we should be and stuff but I was just wondering how you would all word it so that you could help her to understand 🙂 Also I was interested in factual information so that I could show through the bible, logic and/or scientific evidence for the importance of being a Catholic 😃

I know that the eucharist is real but I just wanted info where it states why we need it 😃 And also people have funny ideas about not needing a priest 😃 And also people have funny ideas about you can be part of any Christian denomination as it doesn’t matter; so where’s the scientific evidence, logic, history and/or biblical words that state that we should believe in all of this 😃 That’s all… A lot of people who have no clue and I just wanted to ask people who knew the specific information that specifically answers their questions and makes them think, ‘hmmm, I can’t argue with that!’ LOL 😃
Well, I know that we should be and stuff but I was just wondering how you would all word it so that you could help her to understand 🙂 Also I was interested in factual information so that I could show through the bible, logic and/or scientific evidence for the importance of being a Catholic 😃
Logic and science cannot fully explain. Even quoting the Bible can only do so much since those who hold to Sola Scriptura can and have interpreted passages differently from the hstorical church.
Only the Holy Spirit can convert.
I know that the eucharist is real but I just wanted info where it states why we need it 😃
In John 6, Jesus talks about eating His flesh and drinking His blood. He then makes this remarkable statement. "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; (Jn 6:53) Based on this statement we see that we need the Eucharist.
And also people have funny ideas about not needing a priest 😃
True - but specific points can be addressed, like confession and ordination and confecting the Eucharist.
And also people have funny ideas about you can be part of any Christian denomination as it doesn’t matter;
Well in the Protestant community they MUST take this view because they have rejected the idea of a visible and authoritative Church. They have no way to resolve doctrinal disagreements and so must “agree to disagree”, even when they are on opposite sides of an issue. 🤷
so where’s the scientific evidence, logic, history and/or biblical words that state that we should believe in all of this 😃 That’s all… A lot of people who have no clue and I just wanted to ask people who knew the specific information that specifically answers their questions and makes them think, ‘hmmm, I can’t argue with that!’ LOL 😃
As I said earlier - there is a lot of info out there, but none of it will necessarily change a person’s mind.
The core issue in all of this is really authority. Did Christ found an authoritative Church? We know that He did. He gave His Church the Authority to bind and Loose, and told us to “Listen to The Church” and promised to protect His Church from error.
Protestants have rejected the idea of an Authoritative Church body and substituted the Written word of the Bible. But in rejecting the Authoritative Church, they have opened the door to “private interpretation”. Something not supported in Scripture at all.

There are many good answers to the questions you have raised, but few are “short”. I hope that you and you friend enjoy conversation and study.

=The Old Medic;7869434]I can only presume that you know very little about your church and it’s teachings. If you did, you would never need to ask a question like this.
The Catholic Church has full and true Apostolic Succession, meaning that it’s powers and beliefs are directly handed down from the original Apostles to every Bishop and Priest that exists in this world. The vast majority of the other Christian Churches do not have this.
The Catholic Church believes that in the Eucharist (Communion) the actual body and blood of Jesus exist. We believe that Jesus quite literally meant what he said at the last supper, “This is MY Body”, and “This is my blood”, “Do this in memory of me”.
We believe that when he told the Apostles to “Do this in memory of me”, he literally gave them the power to turn ordinary bread and wine into his body and blood.
Pentacostals do NOT believe that Communion actually contains the Body and Blood, but see it as a symbolic thing only.
There are many, many other differences.
I would STRONGLY recommend to you that you consider enrolling in an RCIA (or an adult catechism) class at your local parish. You need to learn what your own church teaches. Try to get your girlfriend to go also, so she can learn something about YOUR faith.
Once you actually learn what the Catholic Church believes, then you can answer your own question, “Why be a Catholic”.
Almost but not quite 😃

Excellent Post;THANKS,

***But note the critical difference: It is the Holy Spirit that makes Christ present THROUGH his Catholic Priest:

From Eucharistic Prayer # 3 [part of]

Father, you are holy indeed, and all creation rightly gives you praise. All life, all holiness comes from you through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, by the working of the Holy Spirit*. From age to age you gather a people to yourself, so that from east to west a perfect offering may be made to the glory of your name.

And so, Father, we bring you these gifts. We ask you to make them holy by the power of your Spirit, that they may become the body + and blood of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, at whose command we celebrate this eucharist.

Eucharist is the Awesome Gift Of God, By God and For God to which we alone benefit as God is Already perfect**.👍

God Bless,
I think others have answered your questions very well, so I’ll just add this: the Catholic Church is NOT a “denomination”. It is the one Church founded by Jesus Christ. “Denomination” is a term properly used to distinguish between the thousands of variations within Protestantism. It is NOT a term that can be correctly applied to the Catholic Church.
I will keep this short. I am a cradle catholic and just a few years short of becoming an octogenarian. My wife and and were involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal for 6-7 years and then went onto other things and being much closer within the Church. ( I guess more orthodox in our practice of the faith).

What I want to describe is an encounter with a non-Catholic person. I don’t remember his denomination.

I was in the Los Angeles Airport (LAX) waiting to board a plane to go home to my family. This man, seeing me reading my Bible, approached me and struck up a conversation with me. Learning that I was involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, he immediately asked me when I was going to leave the Catholic Church. I had to tell him that I would have to give up too because any other “church” would only be offering me much less than the Catholic Church offers me.

Where else can you find the Seven Sacraments and the channels of Grace that they bestow, the daily Holy Sacrifice of the Mass where Jesus’ Passion, Death, Resurrection are re-presented in an un-bloody manner, and I am able to eat His Flesh and drink His Precious Blood and thereby He communes with my soul in a such glorious and mystical way beyond our human comprehension in this our life on earth. He IS our Bother, Friend and Lord

May the Peace, Love and Joy of the Risen Lord be with you.
Mea culpa! The text in my previous post, “I would have to give up too because” should read “I would have to give up too much because.”

My typing skills aren’t the greatest…
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