I know a lot of people have struggled with depression at some point. I’m wondering how it affected your prayer life and your faith in the Catholic Church? It is just that for me it only leads me away from God and I don’t know if that is normal
I was formally diagnosed with Clinical Depression in the mid 90s, but hindsight tells me I probably had it since childhood. How it has affected my faith in God and the Church has been mixed.
I still believe in God in the sense that I believe He exists but I no longer view Him as a universal force for good. I do believe God loves some people more than others and some He does not love at all. Many are called; few are chosen and all that. In my view, God does NOT love everyone; He has his favorites.
I still like the Catholic Church as an institution but I feel that it really has lost touch with its congregations. Some say “The Church needs to get in touch with the times” but I counter “No, the times need to get in touch with the Church.” Yet if I had my druthers, I’d probably quit altogether. I still identify as a Catholic but the only reason I still go to mass is to avoid getting into a fight with my wife.
I also believe that God is the cause - not the answer to - my suffering. When things go wrong for me - whether it is losing my job or dropping my car keys on the kitchen floor - I believe that God had a hand in it; either He deliberately caused the event or He failed to prevent it. My hopes and dreams go unfulfilled and probably always will be.
I really don’t go to confession anymore; not because I believe I don’t sin but because I see no point in it. If my life on this Earth is any indication of how much God “loves” me then in all likelihood I’ll be going to Hell when I die anyway. Nothing is going to change that and it would be awfully presumptuous for me to think I can change His mind.
All in all, I’ve just become pretty much indifferent to it all. I have a dead-end job and a loveless marriage. I see no point in reaching out to God because I know from experience that my prayers always go unanswered. Yes, I’ve heard all notions that “God answers all prayers but sometimes the answer is ‘No.’” or “God has something better in mind.” and all that. Well, as far as I am concerned if my prayers are not answered “my way” then they haven’t been answered period.
I hope that someday someone will tell me something that just completely blows me away; where I’m going smack myself upside of the head and be like “Wow! I’ve never thought about it that way! You know, you’re right!” but so far that has been elusive.
Frankly, I just don’t care anymore.