I suffered for years from depression and tried prayer, volunteering, exercizing, changing my diet, and did just about everything I could to fight it. The winter months and PMS were the worst.
I looked at my life and didn’t know why I was depressed. I had a loving husband and healthy kids. Nothing about my life was extremely stressful aside from the normal stuff. I would find myself crying uncontrollably once a month or so (PMS). I couldn’t concentrate on simple tasks. I also had GI trouble and insomnia (would get 4-5 hours of sleep a night if I was lucky).
Last year I finally talked to my doctor and she diagnosed me with a chemical imbalance. My brother has the same thing, only more severe. He had insomnia too and would get angry and irritable for seemingly no reason and tried to control it but couldn’t on his own. He’s had this trouble for years and it cost him his marriage and several relationships. He and I have been prescribed the same medication but his is on a stronger dose. My GI problems cleared up and I can sleep again at night. The medication doesn’t make me feel foggy or any different. In fact, I feel like myself. I am able to exercize and function normally at home and work. I still get PMS and a little down in the winter but it’s not disabeling anymore.
Talk to you doctor and get a physical and see if there is a physical reason for your depression. Share any and all symptoms because they may be related. Continue prayer and taking care of yourself but if you need medical help, seek treatment and don’t let someone tell you you’re always able to overcome it on your own.
God bless,