Determining Vocation

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I have been at my out of college job for more than the 3 month trial period less than a year. I don’t want to get to specifics , but I had to talk with my supervisor and also with my boss because they requested to meet on my performance thus far. Communication is a big issue and doing things asked. (Overwhelmed easily) After the talk I’m not sure I’m cut out for this job, but I know I need to have total faith and trust in God’s will. God sometimes gives me peace after reception of communion, but I cannot dicern anything related to employment especially if it would be his will to change. I wish I could have more self confidence and better social skills( can’t read social cues well consequently little few friends) . I’m not sure how to get an authentic prayer life and wish I could have more guidance in life. I need more follow through to help discern vocation etc. Any advice?
Praying to the Holy Spirit to give you guidance, direction, strength, fortitude & wisdom in your discernment.
I have been at my out of college job for more than the 3 month trial period less than a year. I don’t want to get to specifics , but I had to talk with my supervisor and also with my boss because they requested to meet on my performance thus far. Communication is a big issue and doing things asked. (Overwhelmed easily) After the talk I’m not sure I’m cut out for this job, but I know I need to have total faith and trust in God’s will. God sometimes gives me peace after reception of communion, but I cannot dicern anything related to employment especially if it would be his will to change. I wish I could have more self confidence and better social skills( can’t read social cues well consequently little few friends) . I’m not sure how to get an authentic prayer life and wish I could have more guidance in life. I need more follow through to help discern vocation etc. Any advice?
Have you been tested for Autism Spectrum Disorder? Sounds like you need to interact with Voc Rehab concerning your job situation. Get tested and see what happens then.

Cloisters (ASD)
I have something similar except it is not an ASD. I have complete faith in God’s will and hope to continue to do better. All I want is peace and to become more consistent in my prayer life.
I have something similar except it is not an ASD. I have complete faith in God’s will and hope to continue to do better. All I want is peace and to become more consistent in my prayer life.
A consistent prayer life isn’t necessarily better. If you’re endlessly chanting psalms like a Trappist, but aren’t getting anything out of it, I wouldn’t exactly call it better (for you, personally).

If I may suggest, perhaps being overly explicit when conveying your thoughts, not only in prayer life, but also your job, may be of help. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the two are inter-related.

So, to sum it up,
  • You have stated that your communication skills are (as identified by others) inadequate.
  • Communication is facilitated by language.
  • Language is the means to convey ideas (either through vocal language or body language).
Therefore, you need to increase the amount of language you are expressing to others (be it at work, with your friends, or with God - who, while He knows all, also likes us to willingly share with Him). Even if it may seem mundane to you, others (as mentioned above) will appreciate that you are at least attempting to convey your ideas more clearly with them.
Thank you for your advice. My parents specifically my mom says “God didn’t put you there to fail, but he wants to show you can overcome anything and don’t place limitations on yourself.” I have because my LD. I feel like I will fail my 3 month didn’t go so well, but I did get some positives.
Thank you for your advice. My parents specifically my mom says “God didn’t put you there to fail, but he wants to show you can overcome anything and don’t place limitations on yourself.” I have because my LD. I feel like I will fail my 3 month didn’t go so well, but I did get some positives.
Thank you for your advice. My parents specifically my mom says “God didn’t put you there to fail, but he wants to show you can overcome anything and don’t place limitations on yourself.” I have because my LD. I feel like I will fail my 3 month didn’t go so well, but I did get some positives.
Try getting professional help. It gives a better grounding for prayer life because prayer is interdependent with virtues and communication/charity with others is part of the virtues. One can’t know one’s path or vocation without having a firm emotional and mental foundation first.
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