Detox diet

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For a long time now, my diet has been HORRIBLE!! I’m not overweight or anything, but I feel just awful all the time. Physically, I am sluggish and I feel bloated. I know it is from my bad diet. I have tried watching my diet but unfortunately I have very little willpower. However, I am determined to make a change because I know eventually my health will be at stake if I don’t take better care of myself. I feel I am abusing my body, and the Lord does not want us to abuse our bodies. I have heard of detox diets which are supposed to help cleanse the body of toxins from overprocessed foods (which is what my diet consists of). I’m not really sure what I am supposed to be eating for a detox diet, but I would guess that it probably consists of fruits and vegetables and water. Has anyone ever tried a detox diet?? What are you supposed to eat?? If anyone has tried it, what changes in your body did you notice after a while (did you have more energy, feel less bloated, etc.)? If anyone can answer these questions I would really appreciate it.
In my experinence, I would just change your diet. You will go through a detox anyway. I did this a few years back. I got rid of processed foods and went more with a whole foods, make it from scratch approach. You body still detoxes. All of the detox diets I have seen require you to buy something to get the diet. Waste of money in my opinion. Fruit and vegetables and water should be part of a balanced diet. Good luck!
I agree. Choose to eat foods that are as close to the way they come in nature as you can. There is a program by a CAtholic woman called The Light Way which teaches you to incorporate your faith in coming to make better eating choices. It is expensive on its own but some parishes offer it. Detox diets go in a “fad” category with me. I believe Atkins and the like fall into this category. Give yourself basic nutrition education - like why whole wheat bread is healthier for you than white, fresh fruits are better than canned, etc. You will serve yourself better in the long run. Christ’s peace, Carrie
Stop eating processed foods and refined flour and sugar. Eliminate bread, pasta, white rice, empty starches – basically simple carbohydrates. Simple carboydrates cause your insulin and glucose to do wacky things:whacky: - rise, crash, etc. Drink lots of water – 1/2 of your body weight in ounces per day.😃

CarrieMG – sorry to disagree with you, but Atkins is not a fad diet. :nope: It’s been around in one form or another for many, many years (over 35 as far as I know). It works wonderfully!! :dancing: Anyone who reads the books and understands basic nutrition, understands that Atkins eliminates refined carbohydrates. Most people are under the mistaken impression that Atkins followers “only eat bacon and steak”. That is a misconception and is just plain incorrect. :tsktsk:
I agree with Catholic90, get the Atkins new diet revolution book. Read it thouroughly, then follow the advise. The first two weeks are the only time you limit your carbs. to certain vegetables and is a great way to detox your body from all the refined carbs. you are eating. Atkins and some of the other low carb diet advocates are physicians who saw something that worked well for their patients as well as themselves - those refined carbs were killing them. I also recommoned checking out books from the library by Drs. Eades ( a husband and wife couple) who you could say “stumbled” on the low carb lifestyle at about the same time as Dr. Atkins, the difference is I think that Dr. Atkins is from New York and got a whole lot more press . 😃 Oh, and the South Beach Diet, well that is just the Atkins diet reproduced in a fancy new book with a new name (don’t know how that Dr. who started it can say it isn’t Atkins, he can’t have read Atkin’s books!).

Brenda V.
After watching the movie Supersize Me, I am interested in The Great American Detox Diet by Alex Jamieson. She is the nutritionist/chef/ girlfriend of the man who went on the Supersize Me eating plan for a month. After he was all done with that (and really heavy and sick), she designed this detox diet for him. You can see it here:

As for the Atkin’s diet, you need that like you need a hole in the head. Do an internet search using the words “Atkin’s diet dangers” and see all the “lovely” things that are associated with it.
As for the Atkin’s diet, you need that like you need a hole in the head. Do an internet search using the words “Atkin’s diet dangers” and see all the “lovely” things that are associated with it.
Atkins diet has one thing in common with the Catholic Church: People hate the Catholic Church for what they think it is, not for what it really is, the same goes for the Atkin’s diet, many people think they are using it when they really are not. You can get into serious trouble if you just follow the first two weeks of the diet (which is the detox part). If you have read the New Diet Revolution you would know that in the long run Atkin’s advises people to eat a well balanced diet without all those refined carbohydrates we have all gotten used to eating! He even says that you must be careful because a calorie is a calorie no matter what the source and if you eat more than you expend then you will gain weight.

Sorry, Aunt Martha, but I have known way too many people who are doing well eating “low Carb.” than those who eat “low fat”. In the end I think the good old fashioned moderation is what we need to get into (which is not what happened with the movie “Supersize Me” - gee, it is not my fault that I went ahead and said yes to that supersize fries and extra large regular coke! The workers at McDonald’s forced those foods down my throat!)

Now the book and detox diet you mentioned might be a good one but I do know that it usually takes two weeks to detox your body of some food substance you want out.

Brenda V.
For Has anyone ever tried a detox diet?? What are you supposed to eat?? If anyone has tried it, what changes in your body did you notice after a while (did you have more energy, feel less bloated, etc.)? If anyone can answer these questions I would really appreciate it.
Fat Flush by Gittleman (can’t get into the book right now) she has a couple of other books, Beyond Pritikin is one. this is a detox for the liver, critical if you have been living on junk food. lost 12 lbs in 2 weeks, have kept it off, and was a great prelude to my current (doctor prescribed) diet, and cleared up some allergy symptoms right away. you could also get any allergy handbook and start an allergy elimination diet, which will be stricter but useful in identifying food sensitivities. Read a good allergy book to find out symptoms of gluten allergy especially.
Interesting posts.
Have you heard anything good about the macrobiotic diet?

The problem with eating healthier is that it is WAY more expensive. Organic foods, fresh veggies, etc. can add up.
Interesting posts.
Have you heard anything good about the macrobiotic diet?

The problem with eating healthier is that it is WAY more expensive. Organic foods, fresh veggies, etc. can add up.
Not heard of this diet but totally agree about the cost of eating well. It’s so difficult for me to shop for my family of 5 (soon to be 6 since I’m pregnant again) on the budget we are on. We only make around 24k a year combined and do receive WIC and food stamps but the help we get will only get the basics. Fruit and vegetables cost an arm and a leg and I have to buy them a couple times a week. I spend well over $200 a month just to buy the fresh stuff, and it’s not organic either, if it was I’d spend a whole lot more. The local farmers market isn’t any cheaper than the grocery store either!! It’s horrible.

I grow my own veggies in the garden and so far have gotten TONS of zuchinni and have lots of green tomatoes and little greenbeans so far, plus I have lovely raspberry plants but when winter comes, I’m forced to buy those things from the store again.

I don’t have an extra freezer so I can only buy enough food to fit in there, usually meat (chicken & fish mostly, a little bit of lean ground beef or stew beef). All the other stuff I have to buy as we use it since we can’t afford to get a freezer right now. It’s frustrating sometimes but I’ve been doing it for so long I’m used to it.

God bless!
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