Hi everyone. I posted here a couple of months ago about some really difficult family issues. Things have progressively gotten worse, and I am so incredibly emotionally and spiritually drained. No one needs to respond to this if they don’t feel like it; I just needed a place to vent, because I do not have anyone else to speak with about this.
I’m a 26 year old woman and I still reside at home with my parents. For years, my father has been in and out of hospitals due to complications resulting from a weight loss surgery he had in 2003. As a result of his doctor’s errors, my father can no longer absorb nutrients the way an average person can. This has triggered one serious illness after another, one of which is osteoporosis which has made my father a high fracture risk. He has shattered his ankles and feet, needing reconstructive surgery. He has broken his femur and tibia. He has needed two knee replacements (in the same knee) less than ten years apart.
Every year, things escalate, and my parents’ quality of life continues to deteriorate.
My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010, but thankfully went into remission after treatment. However, in 2018, doctors diagnosed her with angiosarcoma on her breast, which resulted from too much radiation during her breast cancer treatment. Last year, she needed a mastectomy and was absolutely devastated by it.
Even after having overcome all of that, this year has been the hardest to bear yet. My grandmother passed away in early January, which caused a huge division in my father’s side of the family, and a massive burden on his shoulders, exacerbated by horrible new injuries he sustained earlier this year. He fell out of bed and broke his rib and his hip. The rib healed, but the hip needed to be replaced. My father returned home from rehab only to fall again, and break his arm three weeks later.
While all of this was happening, my mother began experiencing mild memory loss, which escalated to severe within a matter of a couple months. She has now forgotten how to perform basic, everyday tasks. There are times where she doesn’t know where she is, and we have to remind her that we are at home. The other day she had forgotten that her mother passed away in 2005. Reminding her was heartbreaking.
This brings me to today, which feels like our breaking point. In one day, I found out that my father’s broken arm was neglected too long by his doctor and will need to be re-broken and operated on; this recovery will require at least two months in the hospital/rehab. Additionally, the neurologist (who I’d taken my mother to see) called with the results of the MRI, saying that her brain function is deteriorating; they will need to repeat the scan to get a full diagnosis, but whatever it is, it’s serious and aggressive.
I’m a 26 year old woman and I still reside at home with my parents. For years, my father has been in and out of hospitals due to complications resulting from a weight loss surgery he had in 2003. As a result of his doctor’s errors, my father can no longer absorb nutrients the way an average person can. This has triggered one serious illness after another, one of which is osteoporosis which has made my father a high fracture risk. He has shattered his ankles and feet, needing reconstructive surgery. He has broken his femur and tibia. He has needed two knee replacements (in the same knee) less than ten years apart.
Every year, things escalate, and my parents’ quality of life continues to deteriorate.
My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010, but thankfully went into remission after treatment. However, in 2018, doctors diagnosed her with angiosarcoma on her breast, which resulted from too much radiation during her breast cancer treatment. Last year, she needed a mastectomy and was absolutely devastated by it.
Even after having overcome all of that, this year has been the hardest to bear yet. My grandmother passed away in early January, which caused a huge division in my father’s side of the family, and a massive burden on his shoulders, exacerbated by horrible new injuries he sustained earlier this year. He fell out of bed and broke his rib and his hip. The rib healed, but the hip needed to be replaced. My father returned home from rehab only to fall again, and break his arm three weeks later.
While all of this was happening, my mother began experiencing mild memory loss, which escalated to severe within a matter of a couple months. She has now forgotten how to perform basic, everyday tasks. There are times where she doesn’t know where she is, and we have to remind her that we are at home. The other day she had forgotten that her mother passed away in 2005. Reminding her was heartbreaking.
This brings me to today, which feels like our breaking point. In one day, I found out that my father’s broken arm was neglected too long by his doctor and will need to be re-broken and operated on; this recovery will require at least two months in the hospital/rehab. Additionally, the neurologist (who I’d taken my mother to see) called with the results of the MRI, saying that her brain function is deteriorating; they will need to repeat the scan to get a full diagnosis, but whatever it is, it’s serious and aggressive.