Just thought I would give and update on my discernment. I have continued to pray the Office as I have been for some time now, but I also started reflecting on this little book that was at our church that comes out each quarter (One Bread, One Body). It has the daily readings, psalms, and gospel in it along with something to meditate on and a prayer. I also picked up two books on the Ignatian way or discerning what God is calling me to do (not just with this but everything).
Anyhow, last night while spending time with God in prayer, I asked the Blessed Virgin Mother to intercede for me and have her help me see what God is asking me to do. This morning, in the reading for the Morning Prayer, it was from Peters first letter and he was basically telling us that we are to put our God given talents to use to serve one another. “The one who speaks is to deliver God’s message. The one who serves is to do it with the strength provided by God.” Later, in the responsory, it almost echoed my prayers over the past weeks…“From the depth’s of my heart I cry to you; Hear me, O Lord” and then it says “I will do what you desire; hear me , I Lord.”
I know people will say that is just chance or luck that I saw this today… I tend to believe it was the Holy Spirit answering my prayers. I think some call it the Holy Spirit working through the word (or something along those lines… if you know the exact term, please let me know).
This evening, my wife and I will be meeting with the Diaconate office in our diocese. It is my understanding that this meeting is to see if I have any impediments to going any further in the process. I have to admit, I am nervous, but I don’t know why I should be. Possibly the church will think that I am not a good fit, and that may end the process for me. If that is the case, I need to understand that is God’s will, but I know that will be hard.
Anyhow, I ask for your prayers for the Holy Spirit to be with me tonight and to allow me to be relaxed and at ease.
Take care, YBIC… John