Hello Friends,
I pose this inquiry to Catholic Deacons who may read this forum. I bit of background of myself 1st. I am a lifelong Catholic. 47 years of age. Live in Long Island NY. Widower 5 years ago, remarried this past summer.
My faith has grown by leaps and bounds the past few years. Prior to that I was what one would call a casual observer. My wife has been a partner and great supporter of this deep devotion to Christ and His Church. Most of my time (I’m a retired NYC police officer since 2008), is devoted to theology, studying the gospels, lives of early desert fathers, history of the Church and especially books by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. I am seriously considering entering the Diaconate. Being through many different phases of life and the experiences that go with it, I feel I can truly devote my time, energies, patience, and faith, to serving the Lord and His Church in whatever way He see’s fit. My wife is from the Fiji islands which was and still is served by many European priests who went there during the colonial period. Her Parish priest there was from Ireland. I also would very much like to go to area’s across the globe in need, those experiencing persecution of Christian’s. I feel my relative youth (yes 47 is still young LOL), can be of service to the more remote area’s like many parts of Fiji still are. So whether my calling is to the Diaconate here at home or some sort of assistance to foreign missionaries, it’s my yearning to serve in either capacity. Helping those poorest of the poor is my deepest passion.
I have an associate’s degree and am a bit confused as to the education requirements for the Diaconate. My understanding is that the seminary courses are at the masters level but a prior bachelor’s degree is not exactly necessary. Of course I do know many of the Deacon’s and Priest’s at my church but wanted to get some advise from other Deacon’s as well.
I pose this inquiry to Catholic Deacons who may read this forum. I bit of background of myself 1st. I am a lifelong Catholic. 47 years of age. Live in Long Island NY. Widower 5 years ago, remarried this past summer.
My faith has grown by leaps and bounds the past few years. Prior to that I was what one would call a casual observer. My wife has been a partner and great supporter of this deep devotion to Christ and His Church. Most of my time (I’m a retired NYC police officer since 2008), is devoted to theology, studying the gospels, lives of early desert fathers, history of the Church and especially books by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. I am seriously considering entering the Diaconate. Being through many different phases of life and the experiences that go with it, I feel I can truly devote my time, energies, patience, and faith, to serving the Lord and His Church in whatever way He see’s fit. My wife is from the Fiji islands which was and still is served by many European priests who went there during the colonial period. Her Parish priest there was from Ireland. I also would very much like to go to area’s across the globe in need, those experiencing persecution of Christian’s. I feel my relative youth (yes 47 is still young LOL), can be of service to the more remote area’s like many parts of Fiji still are. So whether my calling is to the Diaconate here at home or some sort of assistance to foreign missionaries, it’s my yearning to serve in either capacity. Helping those poorest of the poor is my deepest passion.
I have an associate’s degree and am a bit confused as to the education requirements for the Diaconate. My understanding is that the seminary courses are at the masters level but a prior bachelor’s degree is not exactly necessary. Of course I do know many of the Deacon’s and Priest’s at my church but wanted to get some advise from other Deacon’s as well.