Did anybody teach you to pray

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Did anybody teach you to pray?

We never prayed at home.

I’ve known people who invite me to join them at an unearthly time of morning and only a few times of the year, it definitely mustn’t be done most of the year at all.

People who claim to provide a prayer time at the end of something else which turns out to be about 20 seconds and as one’s opening one’s mouth one is cut short.

I can’t count and pray not even with beads so the rosary doesn’t work.

If I try rolling my eyes at monstrances I just go to sleep, if the sight of the VG’s behind isn’t worrying me too much. (Must remember to take a higher pew next time.)

It does me good if I can hear what is being prayed for then I know God has got it in His in tray.

I does me good if others can hear what I am praying for then I have the objective experience of having actually prayed.

Most of the time I am just muttering Our Fathers.

Sometimes I can’t handle more than Glory Be’s.
Jesus taught me to pray. “Our Father, who art in Heaven…” :signofcross:

Many human beings tried to expand upon this when I was younger, but even their best efforts didn’t take hold with me. I guess I was a tough nut to crack as a child, and once I hit adolescence the situation was futile. This continued until my late 20s.

The most prayer help I’ve ever gotten is that which I have right now. Not everyone will find their inspiration where I found mine, nor will I necessarily be moved by someone else’s prayer “trigger.” What’s important is to find what works for you.

In the meantime, please keep in mind that even the shortest prayer, prayed sincerely, is pleasing to God. Sometimes it’s hard to pray. It happens to most people at least once in a while. I don’t know the causes of your prayer difficulties, but if all you can say at this point is a Glory Be, then pray that prayer with everything you have and know that the Lord smiles upon you for it.

One of the purposes of prayer beads is to eliminate the need to count, so I’m not sure why that wouldn’t work for you…?

I don’t understand what you said about Adoration. Rolling eyes at the monstance? VG? Sorry, I’m lost. :confused:

If knowing what’s being prayed for is helpful to you, you might want to take a look at the Prayer Intentions forum.

God bless 🙂
God must have had mercy on me and sent me a team to help me pray.

My deepest prayer I remember was when I had to invoke my fathers power of attorney and sign his medical papers refusing medicine that was keeping him alive (his death sentence in my mind). As I lay weeping prostrate weeping on the floor, my only prayer was a whisper saying, “help”. Soon after my dad’s baptist minister dropped by to say hi.

When I went to confession (for the first time since a teenage) my penance was a decade of the rosery. It took an hour and a half to complete this penance. I decided it was pathetic to take so long and this caused me to enroll into RCIA class. My teacher, the priest, my fellow parishioners taught me to pray. It was like it took a whole team to clean my sorry self up.

Yes, God hears our prayers always. Yes, praying does take instruction, guidance, and practice. Also, a deep desire to get closer to God is needed. Peace be w/u.
Watch this: youtube.com/watch?v=pO5cpLK8eIY

And then read this:
Perhaps the secret of all prayer and holiness of life is wrapped in God’s plea to listen—to listen to His Silent Presence—that Presence that penetrates our being and keeps us in existence—that Presence that fills our souls with love and serenity—that Presence that makes us strong when we feel weak.
We have forgotten how to pause—we want so much to keep going.
We have forgotten how to be still—we want so much to move on.
We have forgotten how to listen—we want so much to be heard.
My parents, my grandparents, and my aunts (who were unmarried when I was a very young child) taught me to pray - always before meals; before bed; and also to give thanks to God for everyday blessings. Sister Bernard, my first grade teacher, taught the whole class to pray the rosary… But it felt as if she was teaching only me. I wonder if everyone in the class felt that way.

I use the same rosary today that I was given when I made my First Communion. I think that my parents must have given me my rosary… But I have always felt that Sister Bernard gave it to me.

One of the purposes of prayer beads is to eliminate the need to count, so I’m not sure why that wouldn’t work for you…?

I don’t understand what you said about Adoration. Rolling eyes at the monstance? VG? Sorry, I’m lost. :confused:

Too fumbly, honest! 😉 I do multitask quite a lot of things - simply turns out to be a combination I can’t handle!

My eyes roll because I’m dropping off, probably.

Thanks to you & everyone else for the beautiful info in your posts.
Maybe the VG isn’t quite as sinister as I give him “discredit” for :o
LOL! My father taught me to pray for the intercession of St Anthony when I lost things. I believe he previously taught me to pray to God, but the St Anthony experience really stands out.

Thank you for all of your intercessions St Anthony! ❤️
My Grandmother taught me to pray, indirectly. We shared a suite, and I saw her nightly kneel in our sitting room and pray. She went before Our Lord and called the name of each child and grandchild, eventually each great-grandchild as well, interceding for God’s mercy and blessing. Even at eight and nine, I could sense her holiness and wanted to be like her.

My mother, in later years, did the same. She read scripture and prayed from 430-600, every morning, without fail, at “her” table in the morning room.

I’m still trying to find my “place” as so much in parenting changes my routine.

My advice to you would be to start with a single Our Father, slowly, listening and pondering each line. Then say 3 Hail Marys the same way, for an increase in Faith, Hope, and Charity. Then just speak to Our Lord like a friend. Tell Him about your thoughts and struggles, your desire to grow. He promised if we lacked wisdom, He would give it. I have no reason not to take Him at His word, that He loves to give us good things.
My older sister taught me the simplest of prayers while I fiddled with my toes…Now I lay me down to sleep. My mother-the mother of 11-hardly had time to take a deep breath. How I miss them both.
My mom taught me how to pray at a young age and I was told to do so every single night prior to going to bed, it consisted of a simple our father and sign of the cross and going to bed, which ended up turning into a lot more.
My mother, may her memory be eternal and may she rest in peace, taught her children to pray. I remember quite fondly kneeling in front of the Blessed Virgin Mary image in our home for her intercession. We experienced what is impossible for men but possible for God answers to those prayers.
My grandmother taught me to pray-and she taught me the rosary in the afternoons in her bedroom on a love seat, gave me my first picture book of mysteries etc.

She also took about an hour each night for her prayers in her bedroom-and I was not allowed to talk to her during this time. I believe this taught me the reverance for God, and the importance of prayer because my grandmother loved me very much. She would welcome my conversations anytime except for this time, during night prayer.
My mom taught me how to pray at a young age and I was told to do so every single night prior to going to bed, it consisted of a simple our father and sign of the cross and going to bed, which ended up turning into a lot more.
My mother, may her memory be eternal and may she rest in peace, taught her children to pray. I remember quite fondly kneeling in front of the Blessed Virgin Mary image in our home for her intercession. We experienced what is impossible for men but possible for God answers to those prayers.
My mother, as well, taught me how to pray.

My father was not a Catholic nor a church goer so he left the religious instruction to my mother.

Every night we said the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the Glory Be, and a few others, and I still say them.
Come to think about it … I’m still learning to pray!

I find when I post prayers here at CAF and read others prayers, I learn and join with them! Thanks to all the Prayer Warriers here who are still teaching us to pray.🙂
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