Did Anyone Here Pray to Saint Jude and Have Their Request Answered?

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How many here prayed to St. Jude and had their prayers answered? From what I’ve read, he’s the number one saint to pray to for hopeless cases. I desperatly want my prayer answered, and want hope.
Dear friend

There is a Novena you can pray for St Jude’s intercession. My mother hands this out to anyone she knows whether they are Catholic or not, I don’t know how many people she has praying it for their hopeless causes at present , but none of them that have prayed this Novena, NONE of them, have failed…isn’t that something? 🙂

You can buy a prayer card with the Novena on at most Catholic stores.

I am sure you have heard this phrase before but God answers all prayers it is just sometimes He says not yet and sometimes His answer is not what we expect.

I will say a little prayer to St Jude for your private intentions.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

… I don’t know how many people she has praying it for their hopeless causes at present , but none of them that have prayed this Novena, NONE of them, have failed…isn’t that something? 🙂
That’s a pretty powerful statement. :rolleyes:

Speaking for myself, I can honestly say that after MANY months of praying to St. Jude (daily mass, daily communion, praying 15 decades of the rosary each day with the St. Jude prayer being said after each decade, Litanities [sp] to Saint Jude, attending weekly novena church services in nearby parishes, etc.; for over a year), my prayer was answered. This doesn’t mean that I got what I was praying for. On the contrary, I didn’t even come close to getting what I was praying for but the issue that I was praying about was no longer a problem and was resolved in an entirely different way.
Yes, I have had my requests answered through prayer to St. Jude. St. Jude is my favorite saint to pray to. Here is the novena prayer I am using now (I have seen slightly different versions of it.) I always thank him and Mary for their prayers, and praise the Lord.

Thanksgiving Novena to St. Jude

O Holy St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance.

Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. St. Jude pray for us and all who invoke your aid. Amen.

Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and Glorias.
Sir Knight:
I didn’t even come close to getting what I was praying for but the issue that I was praying about was no longer a problem and was resolved in an entirely different way.
But didn’t you, in fact, get what you were praying for? You were praying for resolution to some issue. The fact that it was “resolved in an entirely different way” doesn’t mean that you didn’t get it… does it? :confused:
I had said this novena many times. I had always received an answer. That has never failed. But my answer was not always the one I wanted to hear.

Maybe that is a heartbreaking reality - but the truth can set us free.

For example - one one situation, I had finished up my novena and went to Adoration. I prayed and prayed that I would get an answer to my novena. I did- in the form of a spectacular rainbow as I walked out of church - with the words loud and clear in my heart “faith”.

So your answer may not come in the handy, convenient form you would like, but God never fails His faithful. He may say “no- not now - wait because what you seek is out of My timing”, or “no, I have something better in mind”.
Wow, it seems what your people are mentioning are exactly what I’m experiencing now. I’ve said that special prayer and am continuing to do so but over and over again I become discouraged. Should I continue praying to St. Jude?
Let me ask you a question. Why would getting a “no” answer from God be a horrible thing? We don’t need to know what you are praying for in order to realize that God knows what is best for His child who He loves very much. You only see a snippet of your life and can only fathom a tiny bit of the future – but God, now He has it all in front of Him.

Maybe He has a few other situations to arrange first before things fall into place for you?

Absolutely continue to pray. Your answer may be a “no”.

Maybe changing your request a bit - by asking for St Jude to pray that God’s will in your life be made crystal clear? Sometimes I pray for this and the Holy Spirit delivers clarity, if I am ready.

This is where the fruits of the Holy Spirit come into play – perseverance, patience and trust. Sometimes knowing the truth can really hurt emotionally – but it is empowering and freeing. God reveals the truth when He knows we can handle it.

Thy will be done, not ours. I did not get the answers I wanted to hear – but then I am confident that there is better in store. Actually, had I gotten the thing that I wanted, my life would NOT be better today.

Trust trust trust and do not fear your answer.
I got a Novena for St. Jude from the newspaper that says “SAY THIS PRAYER Nine times a day. By the eighth day your prayer will be answered.” Last night, (my sixth day,) I forgot to pray it. If I pray it today then will today count as my sixth day, or was it supposed to strictly be 8 days in a row?
I got a Novena for St. Jude from the newspaper that says “SAY THIS PRAYER Nine times a day. By the eighth day your prayer will be answered.” Last night, (my sixth day,) I forgot to pray it. If I pray it today then will today count as my sixth day, or was it supposed to strictly be 8 days in a row?
I have done the same thing, and then just kept up the novena. However, when I finish the nine days I start all over again anyway. So really one will never know if it made a difference to stop and start. The point is really unending prayer and reaching out to Jesus directly or through the saints as intercessors with our needs and our thanks.
I got a Novena for St. Jude from the newspaper that says “SAY THIS PRAYER Nine times a day. By the eighth day your prayer will be answered.” Last night, (my sixth day,) I forgot to pray it. If I pray it today then will today count as my sixth day, or was it supposed to strictly be 8 days in a row?
Dear friend

Do you have faith?

You are going to answer yes to this, of course. So you believe and have faith in God and that if it is His will He will grant you anything you ask, then in that case, no it does not matter you missed a day. Carry on and complete nine days and carry on in faith

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I just finished my novena to St. Jude and I’ll tell you I do feel better. Faith in God is all you need.
Blessed be God And All His Angels And All His Saints.
Yeah… it’s called a house still standing and a job after Hurricane Ivan.
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