Did anyone here this on the Glenn Beck program?

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Glenn Beck, on his program, said something that has really gotten me mad!

He was talking about holidays being taken over by liberals.
In describing Christmas, Glenn stated that ,"Mary played a small role in Jesus’ life.’
And that, ‘Mary became the Mother of God to satisfy pagans who worshipped idols.’

I wrote him a VERY strong letter to retract his statement. However I will not hear it because I NO LONGER will listen to his program.
I thought a former Catholic, which mr. beck is, would at least have some tact to not air the words he did.

If anyone else heard this please join in.

The only way to relisten to what he said, you whould have to pay to join his ‘insiders’ and I do not want to endorse him monetarly.

go with God!
Realize that Glenn is a Mormon. The Mormon faith holds some extremely troubling views regarding the divinity of Jesus. I would expect nothing less regarding his mother.

I stopped listening long ago after he started playing the cute little pedophile priest song. I so wanted to call him out the age of some of Joe Smiths “wives” and the sexual abuse that is rampant in his church.

I thought it would be better just to let it drop and discontinue listening.
Realize that Glenn is a Mormon. The Mormon faith holds some extremely troubling views regarding the divinity of Jesus. I would expect nothing less regarding his mother.

I stopped listening long ago after he started playing the cute little pedophile priest song. I so wanted to call him out the age of some of Joe Smiths “wives” and the sexual abuse that is rampant in his church.

I thought it would be better just to let it drop and discontinue listening.
I’ve also gotten tired of his anti-Catholic diatribe. I’ll add him to my prayer list–he’s obviously got some “issues”, and been hurt somewhere along the line–but I don’t have to listen to him. One thing he does is brag about how he and his wife are married “for eternity”. I can’t help but wonder if he’ll be sorry about that sometime, though I don’t wish him any marital disharmony.

What I’ve decided to do, rather than write to him–which would probably only encourage him in his mouthiness–is write to the radio station and let them know I’m not listening. If they get enough of those letters, they’ll find someone else to fill their spot. There are plenty of talk shows out there to choose from.

And while I’m on the subject–has anyone else noticed that there aren’t any good Catholics on the talk show circuit? Laura Ingraham is a recent convert, and doesn’t make any outrageous remarks, but a couple others I’ve heard just make me cringe–namely, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly. I enjoyed Bob Dornan when he was on, but he’s retired now. It’s so frustrating when there is so much misinformation out there about the Church.
I heard Glenn’s statement on his show today. I recognized it as a typical view of Mary among many fundamentalist and pseudo-Christian sects (Jahovah’s Witnesses, etc). You also hear this sort of thing on “non biased” on PBS, the History Channel, etc., networks that base every story on the notion that there is no God, and every religion and religious belief is of human contrivance.

I would hope in your letter, besides just insisting on a retraction, you presented a defense of Mary, in particular Mary as “Queen of Heaven”. Catholic Answers apologists should be able to help with this. Perhaps include mention of some of miracles attributed to Mary throughout history, including Guadalupe (the image on the Tilma) and Fatima (the miracle of the sun), which are historically indisputable and anti-Catholics cannot explain away.

I don’t think Glenn Beck meant to attack the Catholic Church; apparently, that’s just one of the things he’s been indoctrinated into believing and just never questioned it.

By the way, about a week ago, Mr. Beck was saying handicapped children were somehow “special” in the “pre-spirit world” and, by adopting one, it becomes his (and his wife’s) task to “bring him home to the Father”. It’s nice that he’s adopting handicapped children but… My question is, do you expose the falsehood of this doctrine to him, or do you keep quiet about it since it seems to motivate a very good deed?
I do pray for Glenn since he is a fallen-away Catholic.

My anger for him has subsided since the remake he made on Friday, BUT I will write to the radio station and tell them I will no longer listen to his show or endorse any of the products he suggests.

(I even have his book which I will give away to a rummage sale at our church next year).

Yes, I like Laura Ingraham, and didn’t know she is a convert.

I will repent any hate I may have for Glenn and just transform that in to pray for his soul.

go with God!
I wrote him a VERY strong letter to retract his statement … If anyone else heard this please join in.

I prefer to allow people to speak their religious beliefs, even if they are wrong, so that Catholics can do the same.
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