Let me guess-
The special claimed that Jesus was a charismatic, backwater preacher who left behind a group of dispirited, disorganized, hick apostles and St. Paul was the real brains behind the movement.
This is periodically dragged out to explain the phenonenon of Christianity’s growth (Auguste Comte/Nietzche in the 19th century for example) along with many other theories (now it’s Mary Magdelen!) because their default position is that Christ isn’t who He is.
Also (if this is what they did), notice the not too subtle elitism implied, i.e. how could a group of blue collar types led by a fisherman provide the guidence and leadership during those crucial years. They needed an “intellectual”, maybe someone involved in academia…or a journalist! He’d take charge of things and come up with a doctrine/ long term vision, etc.
There’s nothing more mediocre (at best) than a network journalist. Soon they’ll run a Jesus the Extraterrestrial “documentary” with a straight face. At least Comte and Nietzsche had the good sense to go nuts!