I was just reading some of the Quick Questions in the latest This Rock about the story of Jonah. In supplying an answer to that quesiton, the response gave the example of “If Johah’s 3 days in the whale were counted like Christ’s 3 days in the tomb, after the Semitic fashion - that is, parts of 3 distinct days, but perhaps only slightly more than twenty-four hours total - then it is possible that Johah could have been coughed up…”
The question that arose for me in this response is what is it that we as Catholics really believe? That it was literally on the 3rd day as we count it (ie: Fri, Sat, Sun) that Jesus rose, or is there a different time(frame) that is actually the case? Are we using a Semitic version of “days?” And if so, what the heck is that ?
The question that arose for me in this response is what is it that we as Catholics really believe? That it was literally on the 3rd day as we count it (ie: Fri, Sat, Sun) that Jesus rose, or is there a different time(frame) that is actually the case? Are we using a Semitic version of “days?” And if so, what the heck is that ?
