The phrasing in Genesis chap. 5 (geneologies) suggests that Enoch didn’t die but was taken up to God instead. What’s the common understanding of this passage?
- The Assumption of Moses:
This is a fragment preserved in the “Midrash Bereshit Rabbati” of R. Moses ha-Darshan (a manuscript in the library of the Jewish congregation in Prague), which was published by Jellinek in “B. H.” vi. § 22. It is intended as an exegesis to Gen. xxviii. 17b. The following is a synopsis of its contents:
jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=1643&letter=A&search=assumption%20Elijah%20EnochAs the time for Moses’ death approached, God permitted him to ascend into heaven, and unveiledto him the future world. There Middat ha-Raḥamim (the Attribute of Mercy) came to him, saying: “I will announce good tidings.” Turning his eyes to the throne of mercy, Moses saw God building the Temple out of precious stones and pearls; he saw also the rays of the Godhead, and Messiah the son of David with the Torah in his arms; also his own brother Aaron in priestly robes. Aaron imparted to Moses that his death was near at hand, whereupon Moses asked God for permission to speak with the Messiah. The latter then revealed to him that the sanctuary which God was then constructing was the Temple and the Jerusalem, which would be established for Israel in the future world to endure for all eternity, and that God had shown the same Jerusalem to Jacob in his dream in Beth-el. To Moses’ question when the new Jerusalem would descend to earth, God replied: “I have not yet revealed the end to any one; should I reveal it to thee?” Thereupon Moses said, “Give me at least a hint from the events of history,” and God answered: “After I have scattered Israel among all the nations, I will stretch out My hand to gather them in a second time from all the ends of the earth.” Moses then joyfully departed from heaven, followed by the angel of death, who demanded his soul. Moses refused to yield it; but finally God appeared to him, and he surrendered his soul to God willingly and cheerfully.
jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=383&letter=E&search=assumption%20Elijah%20EnochBiblical Data: Name of the seventh progenitor of the race in the “book of the generations of Adam”; he was the son of Jared and the father of Methuselah (Gen. v.). He lived 365 years, and is described as “walking with God,” his end being told in the words “and he was not; for God took him” (ib. 24). No further reference to Enoch is found in Hebrew Scripture, unless the ingenious emendation in Ezekiel (xiv. 14, 20; xxviii. 3) of “Daniel” into “Enoch,” proposed by Halévy (“R. E. J.” xiv. 20 et seq.) and adopted by Cheyne (Cheyne and Black, “Encyc. Bibl.” ii. 1295), be accepted. In Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) xliv. 16 Enoch’s “taking away” is referred to with the addition, in the recovered Hebrew text, of (see Peters, “Hebräische Text des Buches Ecclesiasticus,” p. 230, Freiburg, 1902); and in xlix. 14 his destiny is glorified.E. G
He was assumed into Heaven body and soul like Mary, Elijah, and Moses.The phrasing in Genesis chap. 5 (geneologies) suggests that Enoch didn’t die but was taken up to God instead. What’s the common understanding of this passage?