Did God create Death?

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Who created Death? Was it a creation of God or a creation due to Adam and Eve? When it is our time to sleep in the faith of resurrection, does God allow it for his will or is it a natural occurence that could happen at anytime? To any of us?
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death is the pathway to eternal life,

keep your soul clean. go to confession & when it happens; it happens

no one gets out of here alive, shipmate…
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Who created Death? Was it a creation of God or a creation due to Adam and Eve?
Death as the perishing of one’s physical body is part of nature, and as such is part of God’s Creation and therefore good. Without it one would be stuck in one physical body forever. That would be both absurd and extremely undesirable.

Death as the “experience” of non-existence (which is rather a non-experience) after physical death is due to man having forgotten the immortality of his soul. This forgetfulness was a result of the Fall, i.e. of man’s choice to sin. Religion is man’s struggle to regain his immortality by “remembering” it (or more accurately re-cognizing it). This requires elimination of his sinful tendency.
does God allow it for his will or is it a natural occurence that could happen at anytime?
There is no difference. Death of the physical body is a natural occurence, and yes, God allows it. He created nature including physical death.
To any of us?
Do you mean are all of us subject to physical death? Yes, thankfully.
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Think about your death everyday and you will live forever.
death is coming to us all

Death is the separation of the body and soul. I’m not sure if this is one of those things that one can create.
1008 Death is a consequence of sin . The Church’s Magisterium, as authentic interpreter of the affirmations of Scripture and Tradition, teaches that death entered the world on account of man’s sin. Even though man’s nature is mortal God had destined him not to die. Death was therefore contrary to the plans of God the Creator and entered the world as a consequence of sin. “Bodily death, from which man would have been immune had he not sinned” is thus “the last enemy” of man left to be conquered.

Good question. For hundreds of millions of years the universe has been eating itself. Dinosaurs eating dinosaurs, mammals eating mammals. It is clear that death was present even before the rise of man. I tend to think that sin was present even before the Creation, because sin is a result of Satan; and Satan was present in the beginning. I do not see how death only came about as a result of sin in man.
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rare exceptions to the general rule
I can’t decide whether the odds of my making it out the same way are 0.000000000000000000000% or more like 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%.
Yes and this is supported by Scripture: ‘Do not invite death by the error of your life, nor bring on destruction by the works of your hands; because God did not make death, and he does not delight in the death of the living.’ - Wisdom 1: 12-13
Finally, when in doubt, refer to the CCC and scripture! Thank you for this @TheLittleLady.
Matter is corruptible by nature. Death is simply the natural result of having a body made up of corruptible matter. Thus even animals that don’t age (which is to say, have a chance of dying at any given moment that does not increase with time) still die, because at some point something will cause their bodies to stop functioning.

In the beginning, God gave man the preternatural gift of immortality, meaning that even though we were naturally capable of dying, God would ensure that nothing would ever actually cause us to die. When Adam and Eve sinned, God simply withdrew this gift and allowed nature to take its course.

It does seem that, prior to the Flood, human beings either did not age or aged at a slower rate. According to the Book of Genesis, God did actively change the human lifespan at that time. But death is still caused naturally, God doesn’t need to specially intervene for a person to die.
We are free to believe either way, that Mary as Assumed before or after her death.
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