I had a very rough day today. I have been trying to help my sister find a job but she has been complaining about painful headaches that prevent her from functioning. I told her that she needed to go to the ER or a doctor if they are that bad. She wouldn’t go because she does not have insurance. My mom and I found her a free clinic, made the appointment, and took her there personally. The problem is that while there, the Dr. wanted to talk to me. He told me that I had to take my sister straight to the ER because she was threatening to hurt herself. I told him that I could not take her because I had my two young children with me and I could not trust her to comply. I have tried to get her to go to the ER or some kind of Dr. before with no luck. I would not agree to take her to the ER because I knew she wouldn’t cooperate. I had to go sit in the exam room with her and I asked her if she would go to the ER but she said she would not and that if I tried to take her she would just walk home. Of course, at this point the dr’s and social worker were already making arrangements for an ambulance and the police to come pick her up. When the EMT’s came, she refused to go with them. I told everyone that I would not leave with her because of what she said to the doctor. I tried to talk to her about what she told the dr. and she denied ever saying anything to him. She said he took everything out of context. She lied to me, her daughter, our mom and everyone else. I stood firm on not leaving the clinic with her. Apparently, she went to the hospital and has been calling and harassing my mom. She is saying that we set her up and all kinds of crazy stuff. I am emotionally drained and am starting to wonder if I did the right thing. My sister is really good at lying and being devious to get attention. She has attempted suicide several times in the past and has spent considerable time in mental institutions. I am just tired and exhausted and need someone to tell me that I did the right thing. My sister could also use some prayers.