I hardly get a chance to listen to him anymore, but I think I actually heard that call.
If it was the one I think it was, then if you heard an audio replay you probably heard the gist of it.
She talked about how this woman does NOT speak for most american mothers of military she knows, all of whom are proud of their sons. It was a very moving testimony, and although I have not been following the story of this “Cindy” woman, I think she should have to listen to that segment of Rush 10 times before she goes on with whatever vendetta or agenda she’s on. When I say, “have” to listen, I mean she should have to write a report on it too. When she can show that the consensus of the family members of military like Debbie that what their sons are doing is contributing to evil, then maybe she’ll have some credibility.
In the apartments we are now living (hopefully moving back into our house next month) we get to hear Reveille every morning from McConnell AFB across the street. At 5:00 we hear colors. At 9 pm we hear Taps. I don’t know what all they are, but at 5:00 when they play the Star Spangled Banner, my children and I often stop what we are doing, open the doors to hear better and/or stand out on the front porch, face the flag and salute.