Did I mortally sin here?

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One of the things I’m really trying to work on is lying- tiny ones, big ones, whatever. It’s one of the things I was at Confession for this morning, actually. But I have really bad anxiety problems, so I worry about stuff like this.

Then my sister and I were swimming this afternoon, we got to talking about drinking for some reason- I don’t at all, and she knows that, but she does sometimes, and she asked about the most I’d ever had at a party. So totally deadpan, I said Everclear punch, and she believed me! She went off with this story about some party she was at, so I cut her off and said, “I was joking about the Everclear thing. You know I don’t drink.” But does this count as a mortal sin if I was just kidding?

Also, the priest this morning gave me prayers as a penance, but I had a panic attack as I was leaving the confessional- anything can bring them about- and had to collapse into a pew so I could get my bearings and start breathing again. After I recovered my composure I said the prayers, but was slightly distracted as an aloud rosary was being said at the time. So between the after-effects of my attack and that, I was distracted during my penance…is this a moral sin also?? Please, anyone who can shed light on this…
I would say no in both cases…but if you’re not sure, I’d confess it anyway. That’s the rule I’m going to go by once I’m received into full communion…when in doubt…confess it.
Neither of these is a mortal sin. You suffer from scrupulosity, which your confessor can help you overcome.
Oy vey:p You’re worse than me, and I have the same problem.
However, if given the choice between scrupulosity and…um…sinning? I’d take scrupulosity. Even though it can be a pain.
As said previously, not fully concentrating while praying is hardly a mortal sin, especially since you seemed to be making an effort to concentrate. Sometimes if we concentrate to much, we concentrate on concentrating instead of on our praying. Just keep it simple: talk to God.
As for the lying:
You were just kidding, so no sweat there, I’d think, especially since you confirmed you were kidding. In order for a straight-out LIE to be a mortal sin, I think the lie has to be about something important, like perjury. That’s bad. In your case, though, I wouldn’t worry. To make a long rant short.
I agree with the previous responders. Don’t sweat it. You have not mortally sinned.
Thanks for all the replies! I hope I can ask advice of you all one more time.

I woke up with a new obession: thinking about whether I have ever broken fast before Communion. I don’t remember having done so, and I would never do so intentionally- but what if I did, accidentally, without realizing it? Is it sinful to not confess sins you don’t remember? Can I recieve Communion this Sunday, not remembering if I’ve ever done this?

I really am trying to work on being scruplous- thanks very much for the article, JimG, it was quite helpful.
Thanks for all the replies! I hope I can ask advice of you all one more time.

I woke up with a new obession: thinking about whether I have ever broken fast before Communion. I don’t remember having done so, and I would never do so intentionally- but what if I did, accidentally, without realizing it? Is it sinful to not confess sins you don’t remember? Can I recieve Communion this Sunday, not remembering if I’ve ever done this?

I really am trying to work on being scruplous- thanks very much for the article, JimG, it was quite helpful.
If you don’t remember doing it, don’t worry about it. There is no benefit in “making up” sins.

Besides, if you do that, you may come back to us, concerned that in some way you “lied” to the priest!

First off please read over the ten commandments for the scrupulous posted earlier. Next, remember what is required during confession:


As long as you are not deliberately holding back any unconfessed mortal sins your confession is valid once you receive absolution. If you remember any mortal sins that you forgot to confess, simply bring them up during your next confession. The fact that you recall a past mortal sin does not mean that suddenly you are in a state of mortal sin.


Please bring up your scrupulosity with a priest. I’m hesitant to reccomend it but you may want a general confession. However, there’s the danger that a general confession may lead to greater scrupulosity so make sure you discuss it with your priest.

Also, I highly reccomend praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and remember the words “Jesus I Trust in You”:
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