Did I move that or did I get a Visitor?

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Okay, this may sound weird to you guys but oh well.

I usually keep a small crucifix and my rosary on my bed near the top left of the corner of the bed when I’m going to bed and even when I’m not in bed and away from my apartment. I don’t know why…guess to remind me or so.

Well, last night I was extremely tired and I usually leave them alone and don’t move them but I moved them and put them on the right side of my bed and moved them a little away from me so just in case I roll over, they wouldn’t fall off the edge (because I toss and turn a lot!). So I turned over and layed on my side and though I was tired, seeing the crucifix laying next to the rosary, I prayed “Jesus, I love you! You’ll always have a place in my heart.” Than I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I don’t remember waking up at all until my alarm went off this morning. I woke up and was expecting to find my crucifix and my rosary in the same spot I moved them but realized that THEY HAD BEEN MOVED back to the same top left corner of my bed! I’m usually tired and all after my alarm goes off and usually hit the snooze button but I was so shocked at what I saw, I really woke up!

I mean, the crucifix and rosary were neatly placed on the bed, as if someone came and placed them there…I don’t remember moving them and even if I did move them in my sleep, they would’ve been upside down or messed up! They were there as if I never have moved them! I tried as hard as I could to remember if I woke up or if I moved them…but I didn’t!

What happened? Did I get a Visitor or something? How could this be possible?
Very possibly an angel, or???

This happened to my girlfriend, also. She had tangled her beads so badly, that after many attempts to straighten them out and use her rosary for prayer, she finally gave up and went to sleep. The next morning when she looked on her nightstand, they were completely untangled.
Very possibly an angel, or???

This happened to my girlfriend, also. She had tangled her beads so badly, that after many attempts to straighten them out and use her rosary for prayer, she finally gave up and went to sleep. The next morning when she looked on her nightstand, they were completely untangled.
Well I should’ve said my rosary wasn’t THAT neat but it looked like it was just moved from the new spot to the old. As if it was moved and saying, “No, leave the crucifix and rosary right there!” LOL!
Paris Blues:
Well I should’ve said my rosary wasn’t THAT neat but it looked like it was just moved from the new spot to the old. As if it was moved and saying, “No, leave the crucifix and rosary right there!” LOL!
…might not have been an angel… it could have been a…

…well, maybe…
Well, I for one thank that Space Ghost should stay out of other people’s bedrooms!:tsktsk: 😛

Actually, is it possible that you woke up just enough, Paris, to move your rosary back to its original spot? You might not have any memory of doing so.
NO. I didn’t wake up!
Paris Blues,

Although I believe 100% in angels/demons/things that go bump in the night (heeyyyooo space ghost…) my sister had the same thing happen to her all the time, almost everynight. Things would be moved in her room and she couldn’t explain it. Then one day, my parents decided to do renovations on my room so I had to sleep in her room. One night I awoke to find her moving all of her dolls into her closet. I kept calling her name and she wouldn’t listen so I just rolled over. The next morning, she opened her closet and found her dolls and had no idea how they got there. She was sleepwalking. She still does it today (about 7 years later). Maybe that was a possibility because my sister never remembers waking up either. Then again it could’ve been space ghost!!!
Paris Blues:
NO. I didn’t wake up!
I accidentally posted under my son’s screen name, Wolfhunter. He didn’t log off and I forgot to log on.:o

I asked because I sleep walk occasionally, as does my younger brother. When he was a preteen, he once peed in the corner and swore at the time that he was in the bathroom. :bigyikes: He has no memory of doing so, but being a kindly older sister I took great delight in reminding him.😃 Besides, I can’t imagine what God, Angels or Demons would have to gain by moving your rosary. I am not saying that such activity might not have a supernatural basis, just that I can see a non supernatural reason behind such an occurence.
I do stuff constantly while I am asleep- people- my mom, roomates, friends, have carried on entire conversations with me in my sleep, or seen me doing things…
It’s amazing what people do in their sleep and the various near-sleep states that we enter into every night. If you’ve slept with siblings or are married and have children, you quickly learn of all the possibilities. I’ve witnessed and participated in (so I’m told) countless acts and conversations with people totally asleep who have no recall in the morning. You obviously stirred in your sleep, saw the objects out of place and restored them without ever fully waking.

It sounds to me like something perfectly natural. Either you moved it and forgot, did it in your sleep, someone else (another human) moved it, or any number of explanations. When something supernatural happens, especially if it’s a sign from God or your Guardian Angel or something, you generally know it.
Look Paris, rosaries do not move all by themselves - you know that! A chair will now move all by it self either. An outside force has to act on the chair in order for it to move.

The great English Mathematician/Physisist Issac Newton gave us a true statement in, “A body at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by an outside force”.

You had a Rosary on the right corner of the bed. Upon awaking it was on the left side of the bed. How did it get there ? YOU DID IT. How else? Do you really think that Almighty God is going top favor you and send an angel to “mess aroung” with your Rosary? I dont think so. You did it !
Look Paris, rosaries do not move all by themselves - you know that! A chair will now move all by it self either. An outside force has to act on the chair in order for it to move.

The great English Mathematician/Physisist Issac Newton gave us a true statement in, “A body at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by an outside force”.

You had a Rosary on the right corner of the bed. Upon awaking it was on the left side of the bed. How did it get there ? YOU DID IT. How else? Do you really think that Almighty God is going top favor you and send an angel to “mess aroung” with your Rosary? I dont think so. You did it !

You did it, you moved it.

God is not going to work such a miracle just to move your Rosary, for what purpose? There is no need for Divine intervention.

You did it
I say…if you want to believe that your “angel” very nicely placed your Rosary in an area where you wouldn’t damage it…believe it…which can be somewhat comforting!

I have a night light of the Blessed Virgin…it is all the time being turned off…I finally asked my husband if he turns it off and he doesn’t. So, now that everytime I have to turn it back on…I say a Hail Mary for someone…maybe just my “angel” telling me that I need to pray more.
Look, I don’t remember waking up or moving the things, all right? I was just asking a darn question…and even if I moved it when I was sleeping, I don’t remember…okay? If I didn’t, I don’t know how it happened!!!

Sheesh people! You guys are like YOU DID IT! sounds like as if you’re accusing me of a crime or something!😦
You just need to calm down Paris. It’s great to have such zeal but it can be harmful when you begin to manifest things that you WANT to happen. You thought you saw a demon, then you wanted to be a Nun now your rosary moved.
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