Did I see a miracle?

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A few nights ago I saw like a bright light light up in front of me. Is this a miracle or something else?
And if it keeps happening also see a doctor
Absolutely this. I saw bright lights, and it turned out to be my retina tearing. I should have said don’t wait for it to happen again. See an opthalmologist asap.
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A few nights ago I saw like a bright light light up in front of me. Is this a miracle or something else?
Who can say? I was seeing sparks and found out from an ophthalmologist that it was Posterior Vitreous Detachment.
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I found out it was migraine with aura and optical neuropathy… Far from miracles
It looks like the holy light miracle in Orthodox churches.
It’ll take a lot to convince me that what I see in that video is a miracle and not just cameras flashing and such.

Yes, it’s good that you’re seeing a doctor if you’re seeing flashes like that in the absense of an identifiable light source.
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Probably not. Where were you? Was it day? Night? There is most likely a natural explanation. Would seeing lights have a particular spiritual significance to you? If so, ask the priest.
Also, if it appeared to be more in one eye than the other, or was in daylight, or happens again, please see an ophthalmologist ASAP. My friend saw this in her kitchen and she had a torn retina. Thankfully, her daughter who is a nurse insisted upon going to the emergency room and they were able to save her sight.
Stop fixating on these silly things that distract you from real spiritual things. Go to Mass, you will see a miracle there.

this has been happening a lot to me. It’s most likely a vision problem.
Since you mention the Orthodox, you should know that we Orthodox are taught not to give too much credence to these things. It is never a sin to ignore our dreams and visions, no matter how Godly we may think them to be. They do not necessarily have any mysterious meaning or significance to be interpreted. It is actually spiritually dangerous to give these types of things too much attention. Always turn to God and give Him the glory. Always be mindful that you are a sinner in need of repentance. When you think that you’ve been given special dreams and visions, you’ve already fallen into deception (a.k.a. prelest).
It can be an illusion or an eye problem. Have a consultation with a doctor or maybe ask your most trusted priest about this matter if it seems that there’s no problem. Relax and chillin for a moment…
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