So I’ve been watching a lot of Francis Chan videos, and I think he is an awesome guy. Yes he is a “non-denominational” Christian pastor, but I don’t think that prevents him from being a good role model. He believes in good works and speaks at Catholic youth events as well.
In one video, he was talking about how he felt that his church (in terms of the building, the band, etc) was making people forget the true message of Christ. He said if he had it his way, he would go out into fields or under shade trees and have everyone pray and worship together there. That got me thinking, and raised this question in my mind:
Did Jesus intend for his disciples to attend a church every weekend? When he was with his Apostles/disciples, they seemed to have worshipped wherever they could. At least from my reading of the Gospel, I’ve never seen an instance where they actually built a building. I do think it would be cool to have people go out and pray outdoors, and I’m a big believer in the “give up everything and follow me” message that Jesus portrayed. How can we be sure that big, ornate buildings are what he desired us to worship in?
In one video, he was talking about how he felt that his church (in terms of the building, the band, etc) was making people forget the true message of Christ. He said if he had it his way, he would go out into fields or under shade trees and have everyone pray and worship together there. That got me thinking, and raised this question in my mind:
Did Jesus intend for his disciples to attend a church every weekend? When he was with his Apostles/disciples, they seemed to have worshipped wherever they could. At least from my reading of the Gospel, I’ve never seen an instance where they actually built a building. I do think it would be cool to have people go out and pray outdoors, and I’m a big believer in the “give up everything and follow me” message that Jesus portrayed. How can we be sure that big, ornate buildings are what he desired us to worship in?