Need help addressing these points …
if what you are saying is true would you agree that your leaders first act was that of treason?
(NASB): Matthew 16:22 - Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “God forbid it, Lord! This shall never happen to You.”
(NASB): Matthew 16:23 - But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s.”
Wow, what a leader!I suppose it is easier to accept the pope’s authority in light of the fact that the first act of your supposed head was satanic. Thankfully, it is your blasphemy against Peter, and not the truth that has determined your perspective. Peter himself rebukes you even with his sin.
Also, tell me who headed up the council that met in Jerusalem as recorded in the book of acts. Was it Peter? NO! In fact it was James. Strange that a man assigned to the task of leadership by the Lord himself would be assigned a secondary role at that council would it not?
Thirdly, Paul rebukes Peter for his actions in the book of Galatians. I believe Paul refers to Peter as “standing condemned.” Is this the Christ appointed leader you submit to? Would you be willing to say te same of the pope, or is he so infallible that you will following him to the depths of Hell yourself? You do realize that “your man” believes and has stated that sincere Muslims are saved? I encourage you to embrace the rebuke of the one who came to you in baptism, and reply to the man who’s imprisoned your heart by saying, “Get behind me, Satan!”
… thanks in advance.Lastly, if you read Augustines correspondence with the Roman emperor during the 4th Century regarding the Pelagian controversy, you will see that the notion of a centralized bishop was clearly rejected by the church as a whole. You are supporting a tyranny that no Christian should tolerate.