Did Mary marry after Christ’s death?

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My granddaughter was told by her youth minister that Mary (mother of Jesus) married John after Christ’s death. I don’t believe this is true and have heard of Mary’s perpetual virginity. Any words of advise on what to tell him?
I’ve never heard this before. Hopefully the minister instead meant to say that John took Mary into his home and cared for her as if she were his own mother (which is what happened).
I would ask the youth minister to say exactly what he said and exactly where he found the teaching. Perhaps your granddaughter misunderstood and when the minister said that John took Mary into his home after Jesus’ death she thought it meant ‘as a wife’.

I don’t see how any person could look at the clear words of the Scriptural text where Jesus said to John, Behold your MOTHER” and to Mary, “Behold your SON” and extrapolate from that ‘they got married’. It simply doesn’t make sense.
If the minister were to quote that Scriptural passage exactly, it would clear up your granddaughter’s confusion, completely. You should suggest that she do so.
My granddaughter was told by her youth minister that Mary (mother of Jesus) married John after Christ’s death. I don’t believe this is true and have heard of Mary’s perpetual virginity. Any words of advise on what to tell him?
Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his home. [John 19:25-27]

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I will ask her to follow up on this. However, when I discussed this with my three daughters, one of them had also heard someone say this. I just wondered if this was something going around.
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This sounds like some of New Age-ish or Gnostic thing, if indeed the minister said it. Was this a Catholic youth ministry?

The whole “mother, behold your son, son, behold your mother” thing demonstrates that this is patently false.
Yes, it was a Catholic Youth Minister. My granddaughter is a senior in high school. I will ask her to check with him to see if she understood him correctly. Can’t have a whole group of teens misunderstanding this!
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She did not. If you analyze Jesus’s treatment of his apostles with regard to Jewish customs of the time, he treated them as an equivalent part of his family as blood relatives. The giving of Mary to John as his mother is not an act of marriage as a brother would take the wife of the deceased and raise up children, but rather entrusting the widowed mother’s care to the next of kin who does not already have others to care for. The other apostles most likely already had families or elderly parents/relatives for whom they were responsible for. John’s brother James was older and thus was expected to take care of their own biological mother when the time came. John, as the younger of the two, would fall under no such responsibilities and was thus available to take care of Mary.
i take care of my mother and she lives with me. we aren’t married. same with Our Mother and St John.
perpetual virginity
This is news to me, the teaching of the Church has been pretty consistent since the 4th century with Jerome being at the forefront of this teaching… I would ask what her youth minister is drawing this from?
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