Did my priest say something heretical?

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My priest said that we are "50% divine”. I was pretty shocked when he said this. I thought only Jesus is divine? My priest is from India, and I was thinking maybe there’s a language barrier, but that just seems completely wrong. Is this heresy?
He didn’t speak truth. Maybe you could discuss this with him further.
My priest said that we are "50% divine”. I was pretty shocked when he said this. I thought only Jesus is divine? My priest is from India, and I was thinking maybe there’s a language barrier, but that just seems completely wrong. Is this heresy?
It sounds more bizarre than heretical. We do become one with Christ in the Eucharist, and the Holy Spirit does dwell within us.

I have to wonder if “50 percent of” something could be a non-literal figure of speech used in Indian English, just as Americans might say “I have told you that a million times”, “he must weigh a ton”, or “we’ve been friends forever”. I honestly don’t know.
Did he maybe mean something different…

It’s probably an issue with translation and also understanding of what it means to have a spiritual body together with the visible physical body. (he might be thinking 50%+50%=100%, but not realize it can’t actually be measured as such)

ie- 1 Corinthians 15:42-44
Before you start wondering if your priest is a heretic, I would consider the far likelier possibility that there’s a language issue, or he just flubbed what he was trying to say, etc.

Priests are human. Sometimes things come out wrong.
I’m not saying he’s a heretic, I was just wondering if what he said was heretical. I’m hoping it is just a language issue.
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Yeah it definitely seemed strange, I’ve just never heard that said before. I’ll have to ask him to clarify next time I see him.
Perhaps this is what your priest was referring to. 2 Peter 1:4 …

Through these, he has bestowed on us the precious and very great promises, so that through them you may come to share in the divine nature, after escaping from the corruption that is in the world because of evil desire.
It’s difficult to judge an isolated statement without knowing the full context.
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