Is there any writing that shows St. Augustine believing in transubstantiation?
-what about the fact that he was a bishop thus would celebrate the Mass
an argument against transubstantiation
"Augustine Believed the Mass to be a Sacrifice
“In the sacrament he is
immolated for the people not only on every Easter Solemnity but on every day; and a man would not be lying if, when asked, he were to reply that Christ is being
immolated. For if sacraments had not a likeness to those things of which they are sacraments, they would not be sacraments at all; and they generally take the names of those same things by reason of this likeness” (
Letters 98:9 [A.D. 412]).
“For when he says in another book, which is called Ecclesiastes, ‘There is no good for a man except that he should eat and drink’ [Eccl. 2:24], what can he be more credibly understood to say [prophetically] than what belongs to the participation of this table which the Mediator of the New Testament himself, the priest after the order of Melchizedek, furnishes with his own body and blood? For that sacrifice has succeeded all the sacrifices of the Old Testament, which were slain as a shadow of what was to come. . . . Because, instead of all these sacrifices and oblations, his body is offered and is served up to the partakers of it” (
The City of God 17:20 [A.D. 419]). "
Take a look at the above website, it is filled with quotes from St. Augustine. I know this doesn’t have anything to do with the topic but Augustine also believe in purgatory, with which is something ALL Protestants disagree…
Augustine Believed in Purgatory and Praying for the Departed
“That there should be some fire even after this life is not incredible, and it can be inquired into and either be discovered or left hidden whether some of the faithful may be saved, some more slowly and some more quickly in the greater or lesser degree in which they loved the good things that perish, through a certain
purgatorial fire” (*Handbook on Faith, Hope, and Charity *18:69 [A.D. 421]). “We read in the books of the Maccabees [2 Macc. 12:43] that sacrifice was offered for the dead. But even if it were found nowhere in the Old Testament writings, the authority of the Catholic Church which is clear on this point is of no small weight, where in
the prayers of the priest poured forth to the Lord God at his altar the commendation of the dead has its place” (
The Care to be Had for the Dead 1:3 [A.D. 421])."
Here is the home page which has a plethora of issues with which St. Augustine believed…