Did the church allow Mother Teresa to build temples for other religions?

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I am new to the catholic faith. I joined after being a Lutheran for 14 years. I was brought into the church this year at Easter. I left the Lutheran church because I desire a church with more reverence, but sadly, I have found that the catholic church has become as liberal as most other religions today. The parish where I am at is more like a social gathering. I often wonder if I haven’t made a mistake and am seriously considering the Anglican Catholic church that is very conservative, but the nearest one is over 2 hours away. All conservative churches are a minority in Mississippi and in the world in general.

I recently read an article that said that the church allowed Mother Teresa to build temples and other churches for non-Christian religions where they could worship and die. If this is true, I know I am in the wrong religion because she is breaking the first commandment. I am having the hardest time posting here. This is a very difficult site to post threads in. I had to re-post this because I don’t think it was accepted the first time.

Could someone tell me if this is true or not?

God bless,
Where are your sources a lot of calumny is published about Mohter Teressa from anti-catholic sources don’t beleive it.

I have never read anything from Mother Teressa that would contradict the catholic faith she is truly a saint.

If you are willing to drive 2 hours for just another protestant church why not drive around and visit different catholic parishes maybe they might be a better fit than the one you are going to.

The priest sets the tone for the parish perhaps you haven’t found the right priest. I’d start looking around for differnt catholic churches.
If you are daring try a Latin mass or Eastern catholic church the Byzantine mass is certainly reverent.
Welcome home lefthand:
I’ve never heard of such a thing of Mother Theresa. I’m sure its a lie. She would never do anything against her Catholic Faith.

When I read your post the thing that came into my mind was Perserverance. It is the fruit of the mystery of Jesus’ cruxification when saying the Rosary.
I know that you are Home so you must perservere in seeking the right Catholic Church for you.
God Bless You

Thank you. I love the rosary. The divine chaplet is my favorite. I know that all information found on the web is not accurate. I just wanted someone to let me know if they had heard this.

In Christ

You are right. If I am willing to travel 2 hours I should search out another parish. Their is no Byzantine church in all of Mississippi. The only Eastern church is the Eastern Orthodox church. They aren’t in agreement with the Roman Catholic church are they?

Thank you for replying.

God Bless,
let me see if I am understanding this situation right - after a long, careful process of study, discernment and prayer you decided to leave your Lutheran Church, convinced that the Catholic Church teaches the fullness of Truth and is the one best way to relationship with Jesus Christ as His representative on earth. You heard an unsubstantiated claim from an unstated, untested source about one Catholic person, which, although she has a reputation for holiness and virtue, you chose to believe. On the strength of this one rumor, you now have decided to search around for yet another denomination, as long as you can do it without too much inconvenience like driving 2 hours. Surely I can be forgiven for wondering what your criteria for choosing a Church home is and how you arrived at it?
I have never heard that before.Mother Teresa took in people of all religions,but I have never heard that one before.You did probably read it on an Anti-Catholic site.You will not find a Church that has access to all the revealed Truths like the Catholic Church.Most of all if you want to be a part of the Church that Jesus started.This may sound pessimistic but in our society the Catholics are not raised in bubbles and if you spend alot of time in mannuer you might smell funny.Mother Teresa was a Holy women.Don’t let yourself get down, the devil will attack Jesus’ Church with more malice than any other please don’t fall for his snares and lies.God Bless

You are right. If I am willing to travel 2 hours I should search out another parish. Their is no Byzantine church in all of Mississippi. The only Eastern church is the Eastern Orthodox church. They aren’t in agreement with the Roman Catholic church are they?

Thank you for replying.

God Bless,
No the Orthodox church is not in communtion with Rome the Eastern Catholic churches ie Byzantine Catholic Church are in communion. It seems you don’t have any in your area. Like I said try a Latin mass if possible if not just keep checking out neighboring parishes you will some more ortdox than some.
A similar, but true, story is that the Pope bowed to and kissed a Muslim Koran. That was Pope John Paul II.

I used to be a Lutheran as well. I went to the Hope Lutheran Church, but now I am a full member of the Roman Catholic Church and I am staying a member, despite what other Catholics do, whether they are saints or Popes. I have faith that Jesus founded only One Church and that was on Peter and Peter became Bishop of Rome. He did not found the schisms, nor the Protestant churches which appeared long afterwards.

While some churches will claim to have Bishops that trace their Apostolic Succession back to the Apostles, which is correct for the Eastern Orthodox, no church can claim to have the Keys to the Kingdom but the One with the Pope.

Now, about Mother Teresa, if she did do non Christian things for non Christians, she is still a servant to God. Think about it, do you ever do non Christian things for non Christians? None of us is perfect, but there remains still the fact that Jesus founded One church and it is important to stay with that One church, not because your fellow lay people fit your ideal of Christians, but so that you stay in Mary, who represents the Church as One. Do not let the sins of your fellow church goers affect your going to the One church Jesus set up.

Remember, it is not the appearance of the Christians that make the church. It is the presence of Jesus. Jesus’ presence is only guaranteed in the Church He founded on Peter, to whom He gave His Keys to the Kingdom. Anyone else who claims to have the Keys to the Kingdom is from a cult, and cult Christians may appear holy but they do not have Jesus’ true presence.

My criteria for a church is one that is teaching the truth as taught by Christ, not of man, one that practices reverence in the church, one that believes in the true presence of our Lord in the Eucharist, even Lutherans believe that, and one that will not falter and become liberal just to attact people to the church. If people want to make radical liberal changes in the church to suit their lifestyles and the church allows this, then I can not be a part of it.

I don’t want to go to a church that is going to be accepting of homosexuality, accepting of the ordination of women, one that denys that infants have a right to baptism, and many other things.

I was attracted to the Catholic church, because I thought they had very conservative views, but I have found that to not be quite true in this parish. There is a lady there that is married and living with a guy out of wedlock, but yet she can still receive the Eucharist. This should not be allowed. Maybe I will look for another parish.

Hope this helps puzzleannie.

My criteria for a church is one that is teaching the truth as taught by Christ, not of man, one that practices reverence in the church, one that believes in the true presence of our Lord in the Eucharist, even Lutherans believe that, … There is a lady there that is married and living with a guy out of wedlock, but yet she can still receive the Eucharist. This should not be allowed. Maybe I will look for another parish.
The Lutherans do not have a valid Eucharist because they do not have Apostolic Succession for their ministers. Remember that Martin Luther was a priest, not a Bishop, and the Lutheran Church rejected the authority of the Pope and his Bishops. You need a Bishop to make a new Bishop and that is Apostolic Succession.

The bread and wine in Lutheran masses had better be symbolic or they are committing a sacrilege. Also, that woman out of wedlock receiving communion is committing a sacrilege, even though the priests do nothing about it.

Remember that you are responsible for yourself and not your neighbor, though you are to love your neighbor as yourself. Remember what Revelation 22:11 says: “Let the wicked still act wickedly, and the filthy still be filthy. The righteous must still do right, and the holy still be holy.”
Perhaps you can be a good conservative example in your own parish! Perhaps if you look around you will see that there are people you didn’t notice before showing reverence to Jesus. The bad examples tend to stick out.

I go to a very conservative parish. Even in my own conservative parish, though, I still see examples of irreverence. Last Sunday one of the altar servers was chewing gum while serving at Mass, and there was a guy standing outside after Mass with a Kerry/Edwards sticker on his jacket. They were immediately noticeable. But there are plenty of faithful, God-loving, reverent Catholics whom I know personally who I didn’t notice at that Mass, but were there. Don’t let a few people spoil it for you. It’s for God, not for us, to separate the wheat from the chaff.

When I first started going to my parish, I had a lot of the same reactions you have. The problem was me. I had to learn humility. Try reading “Imitation of Christ” by Thomas Kempis. You can find it free for download if you do a search on the internet, or at Gutenberg.net. It’s great! It advises that no matter what we see others doing, to always count others as greater than ourselves. We’ll never get to heaven by worrying about what others are doing, but by worrying about our own actions, thoughts, and temptations. I find out things I need to do better every day, and find out about what other people are doing that is better than what I had thought. We just need to be open to it.

Remember that you are responsible for yourself and not your neighbor…
That was Cain’s position: “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

IIRC, it didn’t fly very far with God.

– Mark L. Chance.
Dear Friend

I would agree with Puzzleannie on this. You surely can’t expect to find perfection in another human being can you? You will never find it, what we and you need is to base our faith on what the Catholic Church teaches and Christ Jesus. If you momentarily start to look to humans to sustain your faith, you will on most counts be instantly disappointed and turn into a spiritual nomad who wanders from denomination to denomination looking for perfect people in a perfect church, there is no such thing, there is a perfect church and that is the Catholic church, but always the people within that church will NOT be perfect as they are human and sin. The Catholic church is the true church, there is also truth outside of the Catholic church BUT …ONLY the Catholic church holds and guards the FULLNESS of truth, it is the Church Jesus founded and sustains and the gates of hell will never prevail against it.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

HappyBrew, Teresa9, and others,

Thank you for your encouragement as I have said on a post by JohnCarroll entitled, “Why does it have to be so hard to be Catholic?”

You are right, happybrew. I need to look at my own sin. I am so guilty of finding fault in others. Forgive me. Thank you for making a good Catholic out of me and making me realize my own sins. I, being a deep-south-southerner, get so scared and listen to too many of my protestant friends. The south is very anti-Catholic and still very racial, whether they will admit it or not. I have told my children to judge a person by his character and NEVER by his skin color. I am so pleased to say that has paid off, and they love people for who they are, even the ones that some people have given up on. The little children shall lead us. I am so proud to say that my children make me aware of my own sins as you have done here.

I have searched high and low for a group that could encourage me, and thought that it was not possible, but I think that I am home. I am home.

The most inspirational part of being brought into the church at Easter was the Eucharist and confirmation with the mark of the Holy Spirit. The oil used and its smell did something to my soul that no other church could do.

I also believe that the Catholic church is the only one that is Apostolic in nature and called by Christ.

Thank you all for being true saints,
Wow! That’s got to be hard, right up there with trying to find a Catholic Church and be a Catholic in the middle of Utah. I spent some time on business in the South once, and it was a different experience. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be in the home of the KKK. You have your work cut out for you, but don’t despair.

Don’t be hard on yourself, just be open to the Holy Spirit. I’ve seen plenty of allegations about the Catholic Church. Most are false. Some are true, but taken out of context. I’ve given up trying to refute them all. When I answer one, two more come up. I answer those, and four more come up. At some point one has to say “enough!”

Welcome to the Church! My wife came in at Easter. Her mom then told her she wished she’d never married me! So it’s not just in the South, although the South I’m sure is worse than where I’m at.

Count yourself as blessed when you come to difficult situations. It might not make the situation any easier, but it makes you feel better about it.

God Bless!

Dearest Brenda

Oh dear friend, don’t be so hard on yourself, you know the old saying…‘you can please some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time’…I think this fits the scenario when people follow a faith, someone somewhere will have good to say about it and someone somewhere will rip you to pieces over it. You can’t please people, we have to please our Lord and you are doing just that by following His call to you to follow Him in the Catholic church, this is where He has led you and you are always right where He wants you to be.

Pray for fortitude to the Holy Spirit, you were given all the graces you need to live in Christ at your baptism and confirmation. Jesus is always with you and never forgets or leaves you.

These days whenever someone says something against my faith …and they do!!.. my heart is hurt of course, but I smile and let it bounce off me, I take the words graciously and offer them straight to my Lord for the help of the particular person…you see they hated Jesus before they hated you, it is not you they are hating it is Him and this is what hurts my heart. Don’t be down about it, walk in the light that is Jesus with a joyous heart, …you are home xx

Remember this, if all the people in the world dislike you, hate you or persecute you, God always loves you…if they dislike you or hate because of our Lord be happy because you are truly a child of God. So, come on saint…be happy and joyful!!!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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