I have often heard that the Church had people killed such as heretics like Tyndale. Is this true. I figure it is just propaganda, but how do I respond to such claims? Thanks!
I think in most cases it was done by the state, not by the Church. However if you believe in Capital Punishment and the right to remove individuals from society that pose a SEVERE threat to the common good, then some acts of Christendom qualify under this category.I have often heard that the Church had people killed such as heretics like Tyndale. Is this true. I figure it is just propaganda, but how do I respond to such claims? Thanks!
The Church didn’t actually do the killing, they just did the judging. Back then, when a person was accused of a crime, they were not judged by 12 people, they were judged by the Church.I have often heard that the Church had people killed such as heretics like Tyndale. Is this true. I figure it is just propaganda, but how do I respond to such claims? Thanks!
Bravo!And shame on those Church leaders who apologize for the Church of the middle ages, when it defended God’s law, and protected the faithful by condemning heretics. Shame on them for apologizing for that, then allowing the wolves of their own day to devour the flock, unhindered. Woe to those wolves who lead Catholics astray, and shame on those leaders who allow it.
I am well familar with Reverend Bonhoeffer and have read many things written by him, including his prayers from prison. (Incredibly moving and inspiring!). However…he was the exception and not the rule I think.church militant,in regards to the protestant world sitting on there hands during the holocaust,i would urge you to read about the lutheran pastor(dietrich bonhoeffer)a christian martyr hung by the nazis during the final days of ww2 for his resistance efforts against hitler and the horror of the nazi regime.a bit of an unfair generalization you had there. in christ,celt
During that time the Church basically ran the sate, if not indirectly influenced it.Actually the church killed few people. Most people were killed by the state. As during the inquisition the state had the power to kill people as the church did not want to kill people however they helped set up the Inquistion system that had papal legates mostly dominicans that reviewed these cases. The cases are actually in the low thousands if you leave out the Spanish Inquistion which was more poltical in nature and I beleive had just one or two reps on a 15 memeber panel but yeah the church did contribute to these deaths but its more complicated than it seems to us modern day folks. No government or relgiion is wihtout fault we are all human and subject to original sin. What makes the church holy is our Founder Jesus Chist and the holy spirit which guides the church we as humans can distort dogma to our destruction.