Did the KKK lynch Catholics?

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Did the KKK ever really persecute Catholics the way it did African Americans? And did Catholics ever form any significant anti-KKK groups or organized their own self defense? Any personal tales from ancestors who lived in the era would be great
I don’t know of any historical anecdotes off hand but I’ve met members and they generally hate anyone who isn’t white and Protestant. You’d be surprised in rural areas how much of a congregation might be made up of KKK members.
Really? Even today they’re dedicated to establishing a WASP tyranny? I thought that was what they did back in the 1920s, and today they were just a Neo-Nazi old-timer racist organization with no religion involved
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Like a lot of things it probably depends on where you’re at in the country and I can only speak from my experience (and as ridiculous as it may sound I don’t want my experience to reflect an entire group of peolle, even the KKK). They mix with Neo-Nazis since they share a lot of common ground, sort of how Catholics and Protestants both attend Pro Life marches. But the folks I’ve met don’t like immigrants/foreigners, Jews, Catholics and any kind of interracial anything.

True story: I met a guy once who refused to eat Oreos, on principal.
The KKK harassed Catholics to be sure, but nowhere close to the degree they terrorized African-Americans
The klan, what little bit of it is left, is mostly atheist/neo pagan at this point.
I met most of them at DIY gun ranges and while…procuring illegal distilled spirits. And a family (not mine) reunion, which included both of the aforementioned items.
It’s a dead giveaway that someone is part of a supremacist group (except extreme Zionism) when the first thing he/she does is yammer on about how bad the Jews are.

It’s hard on the ears.
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That is a red flag. Probably not the kind of friends you want to have…
The theory of relativity exists thanks to a Jew. These people should do their research
Unless of course you’re a Nazi…

Curiously enough, I read that while the original German Nazis admired the KKK, the KKK actually looked down on Nazis as a foreign neo-pagan movement alien to their vision of the US. It’s actually ironic that they’re friends now
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Yes I am actually. 3 cheers for the knights of Columbus. Way to go!
Like I said, the ones I know don’t like anything foreign. It’s a terrible mix of bad theology, hyper-patriotism and ignorance.
The KKK has a particularly violent past with a lot of “groups”. African-Americans, Jews and Catholics. I would say the majority of their violence was against African Americans, but they liked to spread the fear, intolerance and violence around. The actions of the KKK are/were extreme but the root of anti-Catholicism was found in all kinds of Protestant gatherings. I grew up in an affluent, WASP area and I was taught that Catholics were poor, uneducated and made up of the “undesirables” in society…seriously, that was a phrase in our family. My father was probably not too surprised when I converted to Catholicism (always a black sheep, here) but he sure wasn’t happy…
Oh, yeah the Neo-Nazi “men” (I use that word loosely), just 💖 a female who they consider a WASP. I detest that term, “WASP.” I detested even more being called one. Especially since it seems to bring all the crazy Neo-Nazi/KKK males out of hiding.
I was so glad when my DNA came back 89% Native Great British Isles.
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But how would being 89% British not mean someone is a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant? Chances are pretty big, since there aren’t many Catholics in Britain
I said Native British Isles. That includes Wales and Scotland. The Anglo/Saxons settled mostly on the coastal areas in England. My genetic ancestors were more in the west and insular.
I am a convert to Catholicism. As far as I know my ancestors were some form of Protestant since about Henry VIII/ John Calvin/ Martin Luther. Wait, I do know of one set of ancestors that were probably Catholic… My ancestors settled in this country when the colonies were starting.
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