Did the Pope really say

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Hi. Hope I’ve posted this in the right forum. I’m new, as of yesterday, so please bear with me till I find my way around! I was listening to the radio during the week and heard that the Pope’s latest ‘utterance’ is that men and women are not equal and that women’s preoccupation with ‘equality’ is distracting them from their true role of being mothers and homemakers!!! Is this true? Did he actually say this? Did anyone else hear this? Not that I’m a feminist, but I do take offence at this. I thought we had progressed beyond that kind of thinking.
I haven’t read the whole document, but don’t accept what radical feminists or the media say. That doesn’t sound like the Pope. Read it for yourself.
Dear Romani,

I’m rather out of the loop these days regarding the Pope’s speeches and reflections but what you said you heard that he said is rather funny. What was the source?

Like I said, i don’t know what he’s said lately but if he talked about the topic, he probably said that men and women are equal but not the same and the vocation of wife and mother is an extremely high calling which should be supported by all people in our society, not denigrated as being second-class.

I suppose he was commenting on the document on the relationship between men and women which a congregation of the Vatican (not the Pope, personally) released recently…I haven’t read that either.

It is always best to get what he says right from his mouth and not through some secondary source, by the way.
You can access the document on the Vatican website. It’s free!
You can access the document on the Vatican website. It’s free!
Which document are you referring to? It sounds like what you heard was media spin. Although, it is true, men and women are not equal. Look around you - do men and women look the same, talk the same, think the same? I don’t think so. In any event, the Pope is an expert on the family and how it is the building block of a stable, safe, and loving society.

I can elaborate more if I know what talk or document you are referring to.
Hi. Hope I’ve posted this in the right forum. I’m new, as of yesterday, so please bear with me till I find my way around! I was listening to the radio during the week and heard that the Pope’s latest ‘utterance’ is that men and women are not equal and that women’s preoccupation with ‘equality’ is distracting them from their true role of being mothers and homemakers!!! Is this true? Did he actually say this? Did anyone else hear this? Not that I’m a feminist, but I do take offence at this. I thought we had progressed beyond that kind of thinking.
The Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Collaboration of Men and Women in the Church and in the World can be found here:

Yep, I agree its the media that is turning this all around. Read the articles shown above and then make an opinion.
Hi. Hope I’ve posted this in the right forum. I’m new, as of yesterday, so please bear with me till I find my way around! I was listening to the radio during the week and heard that the Pope’s latest ‘utterance’ is that men and women are not equal and that women’s preoccupation with ‘equality’ is distracting them from their true role of being mothers and homemakers!!! Is this true? Did he actually say this? Did anyone else hear this? Not that I’m a feminist, but I do take offence at this. I thought we had progressed beyond that kind of thinking.
No, the pro-radical feminist and anti-catholic media deliberately put their own misinterpretation on it to turn people away from it. It is a good document. Read it. The church has much more respect for women than the feminists do.
‘Well at least the media got one thing right’, I said to myself as I was sitting in my hotel room watching the news. The headline ‘The Church Opposes Feminism’ couldn’t be any more true, but what made me laugh was that the media was trying to pass this off as if it was new!
Oh yeah, and to answer the question, no, the pope didn’t say that.😉
Unlike the radical feminist movement, perhaps the pope sees a value in women who are domestic engineers.
if you have read the Pope’s “Theology of the Body” and know his stance on the family and men and women, you would know that this is in no way what he would say… it sounds like a misquote or a quote taken out of context.

The Pope has stated over and over that men and women are very much equal in the sight of God, but have different roles (i.e. the roles are unequal). And by the way unequal does not mean one is better than another. Modern society and the femenist movement have turned unequal into a superiority thing. Something can be “unequal” in appearance and role, but equally valued.
  1. Look up the document on the internet.👍
  2. STOP: PRAY, to the Holy Spirit, for guidance and understanding.
  3. Read the WHOLE thing, with an open mind.:yup:
  4. I doubt that you will be offended any more.:clapping:
God Bless you,

well I am a feminist and NO that’s not what the Pope said! He did say that society should enable women to stay home with their children and women who do this shouldn’t be denigrated. But he also said women have the right to full participation in professional and social life. And the Pope recently canonized St Gianna, who continued to work as a doctor even after she had children. She died because she refused to have an abortion while pregnant with her fourth child, and is a wonderful patron saint for the pro-life movement.
actually, after re-reading your post of what the Pope said, he probably did actually say that… in light of what I posted before, it makes sense. You cannot equate “not equal” with inferior. You have to understand the context in what the Pope is saying. You have to look at the Pope’s view of the family - the family as God intended it to be.

“The Theology of the Body” is a great book if you have not read it before. The Pope has wonderful insite on the institution of Marriage and Family. It will be one of his great legacies.

I was listening to the radio during the week and heard that the Pope’s latest ‘utterance’ is that men and women are not equal
I would like to see a transcript indicating exact quotations. Without this, I would remain very skeptical.
The document has enough loopholes in it that the Vatican can allow it to be spun 200 different ways…in 200 different cultures…and still be considered an “accurate” interpretation.

It’s not a letter from the Pope, it’s a letter about the Pope. So for that, the Vatican can distance itself from the document at any time and have credible deniability. Frankly, it is *prima *facia insulting to many people, if they’re members of the group being discussed and if they choose to take issue with the Church even discussing the topic. Let’s not forget that for many, religion has been compartmentalized from the rest of their lives and they’re not looking for religious leaders to be critiquing the choices they’ve made.
Which document are you referring to? It sounds like what you heard was media spin. Although, it is true, men and women are not equal. Look around you - do men and women look the same, talk the same, think the same? I don’t think so. In any event, the Pope is an expert on the family and how it is the building block of a stable, safe, and loving society.

I can elaborate more if I know what talk or document you are referring to.
I hope you meant to say that men and women are equal but not the same. I hardly think that because I am a female I am inferior to my husband. We are markedly different in many ways but neither of us is superior to the other.

Remember in Christ there is no male or female. If we were not equal in God’s eyes I don’t think St. Paul would have made that statement.

Topic: I haven’t read the document, but am automatically assuming that 1) it is not directly from the Pope, or 2) the media has put its usual spin on the document to make the Church look bad.
I read a brief summary - but still need to read the whole document.
From what I’ve read - he made the point that men and women are not the SAME.
This is much different from claiming they are not equal.
I hope you meant to say that men and women are equal but not the same. I hardly think that because I am a female I am inferior to my husband. We are markedly different in many ways but neither of us is superior to the other.

Remember in Christ there is no male or female. If we were not equal in God’s eyes I don’t think St. Paul would have made that statement.

Topic: I haven’t read the document, but am automatically assuming that 1) it is not directly from the Pope, or 2) the media has put its usual spin on the document to make the Church look bad.
Apple = Orange. This makes no sense. An apple is not equal to an orange. This is not to say the apple is inferior to the orange, just that they are not equal. As a previous poster pointed out, society has twisted “not equal” to mean inferior.

In the context of the document, I’m sure the Popes real meaning is starkly different than that portrayed in the media.
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