OTTAWA, March 17, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Maurice Vellacott, MP for Saskatoon-Wanuskewin, upbraided the Canadian Cancer Society for withholding information about the link between hormonal contraception and cancer. Vellacott said, “If the Canadian Cancer Society is not telling Canadians the truth about the birth control pill’s link to breast cancer, what else is the Canadian Cancer Society withholding?”
In 2003, Oxford University researchers found a link between the pill and cervical cancer. Researchers from Cancer Research UK’s epidemiology unit in Oxford reviewed 28 studies and found that the longer a woman took the pill, the greater her risk of developing cervical cancer. They found a 10% increased risk for women taking the pill for 5 years or less, 60% for 5 to 9 years’ use, and 100% greater risk (i.e. double the risk of a non-pill-using woman) if they had taken it for at least 10 years.
Read related LifeSiteNews.com coverage:
Contraceptive Pill Linked to Cervical Cancer
Birth Control Pill May Cause Prostate Cancer and Bladder Disease in Mothers’ Children
Polycarp: Contraception/Cancer Relationship
Listen to Karen Malec Explain the Link Between Contraception/Abortion & Cancer
OTTAWA, March 17, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Maurice Vellacott, MP for Saskatoon-Wanuskewin, upbraided the Canadian Cancer Society for withholding information about the link between hormonal contraception and cancer. Vellacott said, “If the Canadian Cancer Society is not telling Canadians the truth about the birth control pill’s link to breast cancer, what else is the Canadian Cancer Society withholding?”
In 2003, Oxford University researchers found a link between the pill and cervical cancer. Researchers from Cancer Research UK’s epidemiology unit in Oxford reviewed 28 studies and found that the longer a woman took the pill, the greater her risk of developing cervical cancer. They found a 10% increased risk for women taking the pill for 5 years or less, 60% for 5 to 9 years’ use, and 100% greater risk (i.e. double the risk of a non-pill-using woman) if they had taken it for at least 10 years.
Read related LifeSiteNews.com coverage:
Contraceptive Pill Linked to Cervical Cancer
Birth Control Pill May Cause Prostate Cancer and Bladder Disease in Mothers’ Children
Polycarp: Contraception/Cancer Relationship
Listen to Karen Malec Explain the Link Between Contraception/Abortion & Cancer