Did You Know The Difference Between a "Fertilized Egg" and a "Human Embryo"?

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I just heard Dr. Wilke explain the difference on Relevant Radio.

Contrary to what people may think a “fertilized egg” never attaches to a woman’s uterus.

Here’s why…

Fertilization produces a “fertilized egg” .The “fertilized egg” holds its ONE CELL stage for approximately 1 day (24 hours).

After this time, the cells start to divide and thus it is no longer called a “fertilized egg” but rather a “human embryo”.

About 7-9 days after fertilization, the “human embryo” will attempt to attach to a woman’s uterus.

Therefore, don’t believe it when Pro-Aborts tell you a “fertilized egg” attaches to a woman’s uterus. This is completely false. They don’t want to use the word “human embryo” because they want you to think it’s actually a tiny human being attaching to the woman’s uterus. They want to change the terminology to promote their birth control which prevents “implantation”!

Just thought you might want to know!
PLAL, I completely agree with you that a lot of people are using word games to cover their tracks and divert public attention from the fact tiny embryonic humans are already in existence. Embryologists have had an uphill battle convincing people to use accurate scientific terminology whenever describing the stages of human life. Many pro-lifers haven’t sorted it out for themselves yet and continue to carelessly use the term “fertilized egg” which only adds to the confusion rather than dissipating it.
One of the best and most technically accurate explanations for this critical process of gametogenesis is by Ronan O’Rahilly,5 the human embryologist who helped to develop the classic Carnegie stages of human embryological development. He also sits on the international board of Nomina Embryologica (which determines the correct terminology to be used in human embryology textbooks internationally
What does O’Rahilly have to say about the term?
The term “ovum” implies that polar body 2 has been given off, which event is usually delayed until the oocyte has been penetrated by a spermatozoon (i.e., has been fertilized). Hence a human ovum does not [really] exist. Moreover the term has been used for such disparate structures as an oocyte and a three-week embryo, and therefore **should be discarded, as *a fortiori ***should "egg"
Dianne Irving restated this in case anyone missed it.
Also, note O’Rahilly’s statement that the use of terms such as “ovum” and “egg”–which would include the term "fertilized egg"–is scientifically incorrect, has no objective correlate in reality, and is therefore very misleading–especially in these present discussions. Thus these terms themselves would qualify as “scientific” myths. The commonly used term, “fertilized egg,” is especially very misleading, since there is really no longer an egg (or oocyte) once fertilization has begun. What is being called a “fertilized egg” is not an egg of any sort; it is a human being.
From her article on Life Issues, "When Do Human Beings (normally) Begin? “scientific” myths and scientific facts.

Sorry, this isn’t easy reading but we all need to do our homework so that we can help to educate our families, co-workers, friends and even dare to write letters-to-the editor when the press prints misleading press releases designed to hoodwink the public. Even my pastor appreciates being kept up-to-date.
Therefore, don’t believe it when Pro-Aborts tell you a “fertilized egg” attaches to a woman’s uterus. This is completely false. They don’t want to use the word “human embryo” because they want you to think it’s actually a tiny human being attaching to the woman’s uterus. They want to change the terminology to promote their birth control which prevents “implantation”!
I forgot to include a very important word in this sentence. I should have included the word “NOT”. Sorry about that.

Therefore, don’t believe it when Pro-Aborts tell you a “fertilized egg” attaches to a woman’s uterus. This is completely false.

The Pro-Aborts don’t want to use the word “human embryo” because they want you to think it’s **NOT **actually a tiny human being attaching to the woman’s uterus.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I will be sure to point this fact (which I didn’t know) out to my mother, who is a nurse AND supports what she vaguely calls “A Woman’s Right To Choose” (and you can tell by the way she says it that it’s all in capitals like that :rolleyes: ), but had no idea that the heart started beating by 21 days after conception.

She is, I think, one of the millions of Americans who believe (wrongly) that Roe v. Wade allowed for abortions only in the first trimester, as if that “made it ok”, because it couldn’t possibly be a human at that point. When I told her that tidbit about the heartbeat at 21 days, you could tell she was shocked. This, from a NURSE, who you would expect to be at least aware of the basics of human development.

It’s so amazing to me how many people go about supporting a woman’s “right” to “choose” without learning WHAT she’s choosing.

And thank you, other poster (whose name I can’t remember) for posting the article on “When Does Human Life (Normally) Begin?” I’m planning on printing it out to read during my roadtrip this weekend.

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