My son is 11. He has always wanted to be an altar server. He likes to hang around the sacristy and ask questions and shadow the priests and servers around after Mass. Both of our priests have been looking forward to him joining the newest class of altar servers when they are trained in January. Also, our church desperately needs more servers.
Recently, though, my son has been losing interest and said he doesn’t want to become a server. He has said he is too scared and thinks he will make a mistake.
In other activities, I give him choice. He wants to be in theater classes, so he is. He hated soccer, so he did that for only one year, and so on. But with this, my instinct is to require that he participate, that he at least do the training and give it a shot. I hope this will nurture his sense of commitment to the church.
What do you think? Thanks for your advice.
Recently, though, my son has been losing interest and said he doesn’t want to become a server. He has said he is too scared and thinks he will make a mistake.
In other activities, I give him choice. He wants to be in theater classes, so he is. He hated soccer, so he did that for only one year, and so on. But with this, my instinct is to require that he participate, that he at least do the training and give it a shot. I hope this will nurture his sense of commitment to the church.
What do you think? Thanks for your advice.