Zoroastrianism, the ancient Iranian religion that is somewhat monotheism, with shades of grey as there are two competing Gods, good and evil, is said by many to have assimilated with Judaism during the Babylonian exile. Many believe Cyrus was a Zoroastrian, and also the “Magi from the east” who visited Jesus, were most likely Zoroastrians, as Magi was a term for Zoroastrian astrologers, which played important roles in that religion. I at times wonder if the learning of the faiths in Babylon made Magi aware that the Jews were waiting on a Messiah, and the star which guided them to Jesus was a learned thing for the Magi from the Jewish scriptures. Is there any reference to Zoroastrianism in the Bible? It is almost certain during the exile the two faiths would have come to know each other, and it seems almost certain the two most likely assimilated some traditions from each other. I have never read the Avesta( Sacred text of Zoroastrianism) but I really want to some day.