I’ve come to faith via a scientific world view…
Thought/feelings are not matter= this is what we mean by a ‘soul’. Like wise many types of energy are not technically ‘matter’.
Indeed, all reality (including matter) is energy (particles being ‘condensed’ energy).
As concerns none material energies, they have no parts (being none physical) and so are as one. So thought/values are combined with all other energies and creative powers. This sounds a great deal like God!
But apparently it’s not God…He isn’t our thoughts/values nor is He energy…He made those things.
This seems confusing to me. On the one hand we experience something very like a god in energy here and now…all be it, only to some degree of its true power. Why not conclude that this IS a little bit of God or, rather, an example of God whilst much of Him remains unseen and unknown? Why would we logically need another none physical power and goodness than the none physical power/goodness we feel and see the effects of (all the values we have and all the ability energy has to bring everything so perfectly together)?!
It’s just annoying to have reached a perfectly reasonable (to myself at least!) conclusion as to what we mean by God, only to find it’s what ‘I’ believe God is…All we call goodness/thought combined with all the energy that has ever/will ever be…infinite and as one.
When all we feel of goodness exists here in Creation as energy and all Creation is from energy, what is the logical reason for saying ‘no, He’s not those things, He’s elsewhere’? I don’t even think my idea is ‘pantheist’…I’m not saying the goodness we have realised here and the energy we are aware of IS the sum of God’s parts…I’m saying we see a little of the larger God through the goodness we do have and that the invisible energy’s (that has no form or weight) ‘track’ through matter shows His ability to manipulate the physical World.
Energy has no form and cannot be destroyed- Goodness and values, like photons and heat, has no form. Why not just say that all these part less things are one and much besides that we don’t know of (for instance, quite how good goodness is) and call Him God?
And, if one argues that I am only partially correct (that Goodness/Betterness is Him but not other energy) how do we know/why do we think Goodness can enact with the World or is the same thing as the none physical Creator? (Any reason outside of the Bible?). Logically, if one leaved the Bible out of the answer, isn’t it the case that Perfection (all goodness) exists but it need not enact with us to be perfectly what it is?
The ability to create does not equal the same thing as being all goodness…and being all goodness does not give you the ability to enact with matter or being omnipotent. I should add that I believe in a none material Creator AND in Goodness existing fully as Goodness without it lacking anything of itself…I just have difficulty saying ‘they’re the same thing’…and this thing can do whatever it wants’.
Unless, of course, we just say the whole lot of anything anywhere is either due to energy or Energy, in which case Energy would have all none physical attributes (well…maybe…hang on, not sure about that omnipotence one but I suppose if all reality is alive and thinking…).
Anyways, I’ll stop before my brain explodes from over complication.
Thought/feelings are not matter= this is what we mean by a ‘soul’. Like wise many types of energy are not technically ‘matter’.
Indeed, all reality (including matter) is energy (particles being ‘condensed’ energy).
As concerns none material energies, they have no parts (being none physical) and so are as one. So thought/values are combined with all other energies and creative powers. This sounds a great deal like God!
But apparently it’s not God…He isn’t our thoughts/values nor is He energy…He made those things.
This seems confusing to me. On the one hand we experience something very like a god in energy here and now…all be it, only to some degree of its true power. Why not conclude that this IS a little bit of God or, rather, an example of God whilst much of Him remains unseen and unknown? Why would we logically need another none physical power and goodness than the none physical power/goodness we feel and see the effects of (all the values we have and all the ability energy has to bring everything so perfectly together)?!
It’s just annoying to have reached a perfectly reasonable (to myself at least!) conclusion as to what we mean by God, only to find it’s what ‘I’ believe God is…All we call goodness/thought combined with all the energy that has ever/will ever be…infinite and as one.
When all we feel of goodness exists here in Creation as energy and all Creation is from energy, what is the logical reason for saying ‘no, He’s not those things, He’s elsewhere’? I don’t even think my idea is ‘pantheist’…I’m not saying the goodness we have realised here and the energy we are aware of IS the sum of God’s parts…I’m saying we see a little of the larger God through the goodness we do have and that the invisible energy’s (that has no form or weight) ‘track’ through matter shows His ability to manipulate the physical World.
Energy has no form and cannot be destroyed- Goodness and values, like photons and heat, has no form. Why not just say that all these part less things are one and much besides that we don’t know of (for instance, quite how good goodness is) and call Him God?
And, if one argues that I am only partially correct (that Goodness/Betterness is Him but not other energy) how do we know/why do we think Goodness can enact with the World or is the same thing as the none physical Creator? (Any reason outside of the Bible?). Logically, if one leaved the Bible out of the answer, isn’t it the case that Perfection (all goodness) exists but it need not enact with us to be perfectly what it is?
The ability to create does not equal the same thing as being all goodness…and being all goodness does not give you the ability to enact with matter or being omnipotent. I should add that I believe in a none material Creator AND in Goodness existing fully as Goodness without it lacking anything of itself…I just have difficulty saying ‘they’re the same thing’…and this thing can do whatever it wants’.
Unless, of course, we just say the whole lot of anything anywhere is either due to energy or Energy, in which case Energy would have all none physical attributes (well…maybe…hang on, not sure about that omnipotence one but I suppose if all reality is alive and thinking…).
Anyways, I’ll stop before my brain explodes from over complication.