Differences between Catholics and Baptists

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Hello - I am new to this website and found it when I did a Google search trying to find out the differences between the Catholic and Baptist religions since my daughter is seriously contemplating joining the Baptist church due to our move from Massachusetts to So. Carolina. Her reason being that she does not want my two granddaughters to “be different”.

I am having a difficult time with this since all three of them had been practicing Catholics prior to the move, with my oldest granddaughter having received her first communion 2 years ago.

What I have learned so far from various websites disturbs me and I am hoping that through this forum I will find someone who will be able to allay my fears.

Thank you.

well, first of all, know that there are MANY different branches of “baptist” and they range in practice and belief.

so anything i say about (or you read about) Baptists may be true of some, but not all…

in general they do not have a Eucharistic celebration, at all. if they do it is only occasionally, and they do not believe in the true nature of the Eucharist.

they also generally think that the intercession of the saints, Mary, etc are “heretical” and “idol worship” They especially dislike teh Rosary.

they do not believe in purgatory, nor in praying for the dead.

they do not hold the Bishop of Rome as an authority
They do not have apostolic succession. SOME baptist groups have bishops as we understand them, most dont.

They do hold the Bible as good for instruction, SOME?most hold it as inerrant. but they do not have the apocrypha.

they pray the Lord’s prayer, but in the typical protestant fashion add the “for the kingdom…” .
Well, I personally do not think thats a good reason. First, I am a teacher in Georgia, and I grew up in Georgia and I am Catholic. While the majority of my friends are Baptist as well, you can always meet a Catholic friend as well. If the children stay involved in the parish throughout childhood and teenage years they should be fine, and meet Catholic friends as well as baptist friends. Its not like you cant be friends with non- catholic people!

Second, being Baptist means all them would need to be re-baptized (they only believe in believers baptism) the CC does not believe you need to be Baptized twice, and neither does the bible!

They believe in Sola Scriptura- that the bible is the sole means of rule and doctrine. If they turn Baptist one thing they will learn, is A LOT about the bible which is not a bad thing. Their bible (all protestants) also has 7 less books then the Catholic bible. Each church kinda does its own thing, but they would probably belong to the Southern Baptist Convention.

They believe that Jesus is only symbolically present in the Eucharist, and only have communion once a month or a few times a year.

They only have those 2 sacraments not seven.
They dont have intercession through Mary or the Saints.
They believe if you accept Jesus into your heart you will be saved and never lose that salvation (once saved always saved)…

Here’s the thing that may cause them to convert or not. Since I have a lot of friends who are Baptist I know this is a BIG southern Baptist belief, but not ALL baptists believe this… But they think Catholics are going to hell. That they are not really saved. Because we “bow down to statues, we worship Mary, we sacrafice Jesus over and over on the Cross again at Mass…” etc. This will be something that will come up living in the South amongst some Baptist friends. And if they convert to become Baptist they will probably attack your faith at some point.

While being baptist would have them learn a lot about the bible, I would not suggest that they leave the faith that Jesus himself established with the 7 sacraments.

Hope this helps!
Her reason being that she does not want my two granddaughters to “be different”.
Oh my God, are you serious? Is your daughter’s own faith so ill formed that should would contemplate leaving the Catholic faith for such a ridiculous reason?

What is WRONG with people these days?
What I have learned so far from various websites disturbs me and I am hoping that through this forum I will find someone who will be able to allay my fears.
Sorry, no can do.

The Baptist denomination is, like all Protestant groups, ultimately a set of doctrines that are in error.
I am a teacher in Georgia, and I grew up in Georgia and I am Catholic. While the majority of my friends are Baptist as well, you can always meet a Catholic friend as well.
Seriously. I grew up Protestant in South Carolina and always had Catholic friends. I later converted to Catholicism myself, while still living in SC. There are plenty of great Catholics and Catholic churches in SC.
I want to thank all of you who have so far responded to my thread. What you have said has helped me confirm what I already knew in my heart. I know there is a long road ahead for myself and family if my daughter makes the decision to become a member of the Baptist church. I also know she still has doubts about it, so please keep her in your prayers that she will make the right decision and re-establish her belief in the Catholic faith.
I want to thank all of you who have so far responded to my thread. What you have said has helped me confirm what I already knew in my heart. I know there is a long road ahead for myself and family if my daughter makes the decision to become a member of the Baptist church. I also know she still has doubts about it, so please keep her in your prayers that she will make the right decision and re-establish her belief in the Catholic faith.
The southern baptist are about the most anti-catholic group i’ve come across. They are a man made religion that is mostly un-biblical. They worship christ but reject his church! :confused:
I hope and pray you can through to her that the catholic church is the only true christian church there is. May the holy spirit guide her in all truth. 👍

I want to thank all of you who have so far responded to my thread. What you have said has helped me confirm what I already knew in my heart. I know there is a long road ahead for myself and family if my daughter makes the decision to become a member of the Baptist church. I also know she still has doubts about it, so please keep her in your prayers that she will make the right decision and re-establish her belief in the Catholic faith.
Catholicism is not something one can “leave”. She could be a sinning Catholic, but will be Catholic for all eternity.

The Catholics in the south are strong and vibrant. Help her find a good solid parish.
Well, I personally do not think thats a good reason. First, I am a teacher in Georgia, and I grew up in Georgia and I am Catholic. While the majority of my friends are Baptist as well, you can always meet a Catholic friend as well. If the children stay involved in the parish throughout childhood and teenage years they should be fine, and meet Catholic friends as well as baptist friends. Its not like you cant be friends with non- catholic people!

Second, being Baptist means all them would need to be re-baptized (they only believe in believers baptism) the CC does not believe you need to be Baptized twice, and neither does the bible!

They believe in Sola Scriptura- that the bible is the sole means of rule and doctrine. If they turn Baptist one thing they will learn, is A LOT about the bible which is not a bad thing. Their bible (all protestants) also has 7 less books then the Catholic bible. Each church kinda does its own thing, but they would probably belong to the Southern Baptist Convention.

They believe that Jesus is only symbolically present in the Eucharist, and only have communion once a month or a few times a year.

They only have those 2 sacraments not seven.
They dont have intercession through Mary or the Saints.
They believe if you accept Jesus into your heart you will be saved and never lose that salvation (once saved always saved)…

Here’s the thing that may cause them to convert or not. Since I have a lot of friends who are Baptist I know this is a BIG southern Baptist belief, but not ALL baptists believe this… But they think Catholics are going to hell. That they are not really saved. Because we “bow down to statues, we worship Mary, we sacrafice Jesus over and over on the Cross again at Mass…” etc. This will be something that will come up living in the South amongst some Baptist friends. And if they convert to become Baptist they will probably attack your faith at some point.

While being baptist would have them learn a lot about the bible, I would not suggest that they leave the faith that Jesus himself established with the 7 sacraments.

Hope this helps!
Good post kistnal. 👍 I hope and pray the holy spirit keeps her in the catholic church.

The Catholics in the south are strong and vibrant. Help her find a good solid parish.
I’d also recommend getting her some good Catholic books, especially ones that deal with basic objections. Among many others, I might recommend Catholicism for Dummies by Trigilio & Brighenti, Catholic Christianity by Peter Kreeft, The Essential Catholic Survival Guide by Catholic Answers, A Biblical Defense of Catholicism by Dave Armstrong, Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic by David B. Currie, Crossing the Tiber by Stephen K. Ray, and Mary, Mother of the Son (3 Volumes) by Mark Shea.
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