I know its long just read it plz! First of i am 17 years old and i have been catholic my whole life. Grew up catholic with my brothers and my mother, father not been catholic. Anyways, when i was younger i remember discerning for the priesthood but i dont remember fo how long. It was always on my mind. So one day during mass i told God. “Fine if you want me to be Priest then have a miracle happen during consecration” this was also the feast day of the conception of jesus. After mass the priest later said that during consecration the priest heard a voice saying “what i do in your hands i did in the virgins womb”. After that i told the priest and my mother and one of brothers. They where amazed, obviously. later that month i remember going to a homeschool gathering and everyone was calling me father because the priest told people what happened. Everyonewas telling me i would be a very good priest. I asked another priests oppinion on it and he said that it could be a sign or it could be just a coincidence. You never know what god has for you in plan. Few years later i become extremely depressed due to my parents divorce and splitting of the family. I started following god as best as i could so i could get better and he ultimately saved me. Now i get extremely anxious over what god wants me to do and because of this i asked what he wants for me to do. I do this in A strange way. Id first ask, ok god if you want me to be a priest than this will happen and so on. I would also love to get married and have kids so when god ever points to one vocation or the other i get angry at either myself or god. At some points i start crying wishing i could have kids of my own and a wife to have them with. One time i was praying to god on my bed and a quick image in my head appeared showing a bright light behind a girl in a white dress holding a little boys hand. And it was almost as if that was my wife and son. ive been getting conflicting signals and today i asked god to help with this and i get a very calm peaceful since with god and the idea of priesthood. Now i get angry at god because i want to have a family. This anger feels terrible and i feel like that caused a lot of stress and and anxiety in the past. Whenever i try thinking of anything other then the priesthood i feel terrible and guilty as if that isn’t for me. And when i try pursuing something different then the priesthood i completely fall on my face and land into a sinful way. I go to a public school and never dated. I feel a tugg to the priesthood but a desire for marriage to the poimt where i start tearing up when i see familys. I feel so confident sometime that god wants me to become priest. Im extremely hurt and angered from past experiences and i dont know if this could be messing with all my feelings. Whenever i seroiously discern i feel exhausted afterwards especially when i think of marriage with the discernment, whenever i pray for my future wife it feels pointless. Whenever o think of marriage i feel self centered and then get angry at god. In some ways i feel ocd about it. I need someones opinion on all of this.