My wife has been in and out and now back into the hospital over the last three weeks. She is suffering from polyhydramnios or whatever it is called. We went through this with our last two kids. She had excessive Braxton Hicks-type contractions. WIth our last kid, my wife had to be treated with brethine on one occasion but was promptly released. She carried until 36 weeks and delivered a healthy, if a bit jaundiced, 6 lb 11 ounce girl. Well, baby brother has been more difficult. Three weeks ago, after having cervical length and dialation checked, she began having sharp 5 minute-spaced contractions. Her cervical length quickly shortened and she was admitted, first, for another round of brethine treatments. Well, that didn’t work so she was given intravenous magnesium sulfate (Epsom Salt). Well, she was discharged last Friday (April 25th) and placed on bedrest.
Well, that didn’t work and on her next visit to her perinatologist, her cervical length had shortened to less than before! Well, she was admitted again and had amniotic reduction. They drained off 1 liter of fluid! Well, that really got her contractions going and even with being put back on the mag and two massive doses of demerol, she had 7 minute contractions for about 6 hrs. We really thought baby boy (we still haven’t got a name) was coming Tuesday night! Mercifully, the contractions ebbed off at about 11 PM.
But, my wife’s in the hospital until at least 34 weeks (another 3 weeks) and not to thrilled about it. Thankfully, it’s not really affecting her finishing up her medical residency as she’s doing a directed study month. But, um, she’s really adamant that she wants my plumbing disconnected after this ordeal.
I can’t say I blame her as it just seems each pregnancy is getting more and more difficult. I just don’t know…
Anyway. Please pray for us!
Well, that didn’t work and on her next visit to her perinatologist, her cervical length had shortened to less than before! Well, she was admitted again and had amniotic reduction. They drained off 1 liter of fluid! Well, that really got her contractions going and even with being put back on the mag and two massive doses of demerol, she had 7 minute contractions for about 6 hrs. We really thought baby boy (we still haven’t got a name) was coming Tuesday night! Mercifully, the contractions ebbed off at about 11 PM.
But, my wife’s in the hospital until at least 34 weeks (another 3 weeks) and not to thrilled about it. Thankfully, it’s not really affecting her finishing up her medical residency as she’s doing a directed study month. But, um, she’s really adamant that she wants my plumbing disconnected after this ordeal.

Anyway. Please pray for us!