Difficult Pregnancy-Pray for Us!

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My wife has been in and out and now back into the hospital over the last three weeks. She is suffering from polyhydramnios or whatever it is called. We went through this with our last two kids. She had excessive Braxton Hicks-type contractions. WIth our last kid, my wife had to be treated with brethine on one occasion but was promptly released. She carried until 36 weeks and delivered a healthy, if a bit jaundiced, 6 lb 11 ounce girl. Well, baby brother has been more difficult. Three weeks ago, after having cervical length and dialation checked, she began having sharp 5 minute-spaced contractions. Her cervical length quickly shortened and she was admitted, first, for another round of brethine treatments. Well, that didn’t work so she was given intravenous magnesium sulfate (Epsom Salt). Well, she was discharged last Friday (April 25th) and placed on bedrest.

Well, that didn’t work and on her next visit to her perinatologist, her cervical length had shortened to less than before! Well, she was admitted again and had amniotic reduction. They drained off 1 liter of fluid! Well, that really got her contractions going and even with being put back on the mag and two massive doses of demerol, she had 7 minute contractions for about 6 hrs. We really thought baby boy (we still haven’t got a name) was coming Tuesday night! Mercifully, the contractions ebbed off at about 11 PM.

But, my wife’s in the hospital until at least 34 weeks (another 3 weeks) and not to thrilled about it. Thankfully, it’s not really affecting her finishing up her medical residency as she’s doing a directed study month. But, um, she’s really adamant that she wants my plumbing disconnected after this ordeal. 😦 I can’t say I blame her as it just seems each pregnancy is getting more and more difficult. I just don’t know…

Anyway. Please pray for us!
Oh, and forget the counter. Junior is measuring out at over 5 lbs already!😛
Hi Brian,
We’ll be praying for you, wife, baby, and family.

Have you looked into NFP as an alternative to such a drastic measure as vasectomy? Only 100% abstinence is 100% effective, unless of course you’re the Mother of God. 😉
I’ll be praying for you guys.

St. Gianna Molla, pray for us.
My wife and I are praying for you. Keep your faith strong.
Your family will certainly be in my prayers.
I’ve been through a scary pregnancy/delivery. I know the feeling.

God Bless
God bless you. I’m praying right now for a safe fullterm delivery. And, for a healthy baby. I’m also sending up a prayer for peace and joyful anticipation (instead of worry) for the rest of the pregnancy.

Please, don’t have a vasectomy. It would be a mortal sin.

St. Gerald, pray for this family.
I am praying for you all as well. Pregnancy is difficult enough without the added stress of bed rest and a hospital stay. Our Lord Jesus will provide. Buy your wife a copy of Saint Gianna Mollas book that she can read while she is in the hospital. I think it may encourage her greatly.
Thanks all for the prayers. This is just the fourth in a string of difficult pregnancies. The first ended in a miscarriage. The second included me giving my wife twice-daily injections of blood thinners. Afterward, she had severe post-partum depression. The third included preterm labor, a trip to the hospital to stop contractions, bleeding, and other fun. This one is just the icing on the cake.

As for effectiveness of vasectomy, I’m aware. I live down the road from Chimp Haven, home of the recent “Whose your daddy?” baby chimp controversy! My wife works in a childrens’ clinic as part of her residency and she’s not too convinced of any form of birth control or contraception! Thankfully, she doesn’t prescribe it to anyone!

We love our little blessings and would certainly be receptive to more. We’ll easily be able to take care of a boatload of them financially so that is not a concern. I’m just tired of seeing my wife go thru so much pain.

I understand the morality of artificial contraception and hope to avoid it if at all possible. We tried NFP and it worked for a while but…

As for St. Gianna Molla, I appreciate the sentiment, but…I think if I gave my wife a book about someone who died to give birth, I may not have to wait to get “fixed.” 😛
Thanks all for the prayers. This is just the fourth in a string of difficult pregnancies. The first ended in a miscarriage. The second included me giving my wife twice-daily injections of blood thinners. Afterward, she had severe post-partum depression. The third included preterm labor, a trip to the hospital to stop contractions, bleeding, and other fun. This one is just the icing on the cake.

As for effectiveness of vasectomy, I’m aware. I live down the road from Chimp Haven, home of the recent “Whose your daddy?” baby chimp controversy! My wife works in a childrens’ clinic as part of her residency and she’s not too convinced of any form of birth control or contraception! Thankfully, she doesn’t prescribe it to anyone!

We love our little blessings and would certainly be receptive to more. We’ll easily be able to take care of a boatload of them financially so that is not a concern. I’m just tired of seeing my wife go thru so much pain.

I understand the morality of artificial contraception and hope to avoid it if at all possible. We tried NFP and it worked for a while but…

As for St. Gianna Molla, I appreciate the sentiment, but…I think if I gave my wife a book about someone who died to give birth, I may not have to wait to get “fixed.” 😛
You guys have been through the ringer. I’m so sorry for your loss and your suffering. I agree that you have discernable reasons to use NFP to avoid pregnancy.

I don’t know if this a good time for logical arguments about the effectiveness of NFP. Trust in God’s goodness. You may be called to be very conservative with abstaining. That is a heavy cross in a marriage. I know a couple who went nine months abstaining due to a health condition. Then, they went to one day a month. Now they just use phase 3.

Someday you will stand before the throne of God. Don’t do anything hasty. This is a time of crisis. In a time of crisis, don’t make serious decisions such as this.

May God grant you the Grace to stay in His Divine Will. Bless this family.
All of my pregnancies have been a slog towards the end-so much so that each one was to be my last!
Thankfully I have got over it. This is not the time to be making decisions, particularly one that is a mortal sin.
This baby is wedged so far down in my pelvis that I find it hard to walk, and need to be close to the ladies room or I am in trouble.
With my daughter, she got so big that my heart could not maintain both of us without a struggle. Thankfully, all pregnancies are different-if I had gone by my daughter’s as a bench mark, I would never have had any more. My following pregnancy was a walk in the park DS was nearly 3 lbs lighter-I was climbing in the hills long after his due date.
Hi Brian,
We’ll be praying for you, wife, baby, and family.

Have you looked into NFP as an alternative to such a drastic measure as vasectomy? Only 100% abstinence is 100% effective, unless of course you’re the Mother of God. 😉
I had my first child using the NFP method. I think it’s a great natural method, but I find it to be the least effective for relying on planning a family. Just my experience.
As for St. Gianna Molla, I appreciate the sentiment, but…I think if I gave my wife a book about someone who died to give birth, I may not have to wait to get “fixed.”
HAHAHHAHAHA. Good point. You would think that as a woman I would have thought of that!! lol.

It really seems to me that she is just speaking out of frustration and pain right now. I will keep praying for you all. Keep us updated.
My wife has been in and out and now back into the hospital over the last three weeks. She is suffering from polyhydramnios or whatever it is called. We went through this with our last two kids. She had excessive Braxton Hicks-type contractions. WIth our last kid, my wife had to be treated with brethine on one occasion but was promptly released. She carried until 36 weeks and delivered a healthy, if a bit jaundiced, 6 lb 11 ounce girl. Well, baby brother has been more difficult. Three weeks ago, after having cervical length and dialation checked, she began having sharp 5 minute-spaced contractions. Her cervical length quickly shortened and she was admitted, first, for another round of brethine treatments. Well, that didn’t work so she was given intravenous magnesium sulfate (Epsom Salt). Well, she was discharged last Friday (April 25th) and placed on bedrest.

Well, that didn’t work and on her next visit to her perinatologist, her cervical length had shortened to less than before! Well, she was admitted again and had amniotic reduction. They drained off 1 liter of fluid! Well, that really got her contractions going and even with being put back on the mag and two massive doses of demerol, she had 7 minute contractions for about 6 hrs. We really thought baby boy (we still haven’t got a name) was coming Tuesday night! Mercifully, the contractions ebbed off at about 11 PM.

But, my wife’s in the hospital until at least 34 weeks (another 3 weeks) and not to thrilled about it. Thankfully, it’s not really affecting her finishing up her medical residency as she’s doing a directed study month. But, um, she’s really adamant that she wants my plumbing disconnected after this ordeal. 😦 I can’t say I blame her as it just seems each pregnancy is getting more and more difficult. I just don’t know…

Anyway. Please pray for us!
PRAYING FOR YOU - Lord, hear our prayers! Our daughter-in-love and son had two babies - 5 and 4 1/2 months and they were taken by the Father - home. They will be there when we arrive. Then they had four more and the third one was stitched in (whoopee! and lived) mother was in bed for most of the pregnancy - the last month in the hospital but they made it. Then the third, fourth and fifth made it and they are incredible. Don’t give up yet. I watch them and think how so many people might have missed this life and am so grateful for them. They are not even Catholic but knew it was right to have family. You are so blessed to have the first one and you are receiving many prayers. Take care and live ‘under’ faith not ‘under’ fear. God bless your family! Nothing is as wonderful as children. T:o
Just an update. My wife has been moved to an antepartum room out of labor and delivery. Actually, moved twice is more like it. Her perinatologist/s kinda made the move. What happened is…when she first had to make an appointment with the perinatologist this pregnancy, her OB/Gyn’s office made it with the partner of the one she saw the last two pregnancies. Well, the two are night and day!

The one she drew this time (let’s call him Dr. G) is the one who originally hospitalized her and put her on intravenous magnesium sulfate to stop the contractions. Well, he lowered her dosage last week and wanted to see how she did. However, when his partner (and my wife’s old doctor) Dr. L came in, he always ranted about why my wife was still on that medication. He wanted to try a mix of a heart medication and ibuprofen which would have the same effect and minimize her excess fluid. So, he tried that but it raised her pulse WAAAY up b/c of the dilated blood vessels. So, he switched her back to brethine, the medicine that both doctors use as the initial step to treat pre-term labor. With that, she moved out of labor and delivery and into an ante-partum room.

Dr. G would probably not approve, lol, but since he’s on two weeks vacation, I guess Dr. L’s treatment plan stands. :o This morning, he even discussed maybe going home again later in the week. We’re just scared this baby is going to be born in the bathtub or something! Oh well, only one more week (plus one day) until 34 weeks. At that time, they are cutting the meds and if my wife delivers, she delivers. I never thought I’d be so happy for a baby to actually get here but since my nights can’t get anymore sleepless, having them sleepless at home with a wife who can actually get out of the bed would be an improvement!
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