Difficulties with the Charismatic Movement

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I’d like some help understanding the Charismatic movement. There are a few things that don’t jive with me.

Now, I understand that there can be and are several different spiritualities that are all legitimate and orthodox. But some things in the Charismatic movement just seem wrong. I’ll get to those things at the end. I understand that in any movement or thing like that, there is a danger of some people taking some aspects too far or the wrong way and falling into heterodoxy. And that since the Charismatic movement is attractive to people on their way Home but not there yet, there is even more things that I could see a particular person doing that could be in error.

Now, the Charismatics that I’ve gotten to know are solid, orthodox and even traditional. Plus, our Holy Father and Stubenville all endorse the Charismatic movement. And, it’s producing vocations. So, what I’m asking for is help in distinguishing what is Charismatic and orthodox, and what is called Charismatic and an abuse or an error. What I see at the Catholic Charismatic Center in my area sometimes makes me want to run away, but what I hear from orthodox Catholics about it makes me attracted to it.

Here are my sticky points.

Praying in toungs I can deal with. The way I understand it is that praying in toungs is not a supernatural gift, but just what you do when you want to pray and adore God, but you don’t have the words or you just don’t want to worry about the actual words. This doesn’t fit with my spirituality, but that’s okay, I don’t see anything wrong with it although, the discussion we had Friday about not ‘babbling on’ did raise some questions for me. Speaking in toungs, however, is a supernatural gift, the kind you never ask for or seek, and requires someone else around who can understand it. God gives these gift to people only for the building up of His kingdome and without someone who can interperet it, how could it serve that purpose?

I see a lot of times people trying to gain some of these gifts like, healing or prophecy and an attitude that somehow having one of these gifts means you’re holier than people who don’t. The way I understand it, you never, never, seek these gifts, and having them has nothing to do with how holy you are. God gives them to whoever, whenever, for the sole reason of building His kingdome and not as rewards for being holy. Is this what the Charismatic movement teaches? Are the people who are seeking these gifts and wearing them like a badge of honor in error? Is the attitude I hold about the supernatural gifts on target? What’s the truth about these supernatural gifts and is the truth what the Charismatic movement teaches?

Slain in the Spirit. What is that? Is that the same as Baptism of the Holy Spirt? What is Baptism of the Holy Spirt? Why do we need it when we have Baptism and Confirmation. The Holy Spirit is very active in both of those Sacraments. And, if Baptism of the Holy Spirt is such a high holy thing, then why isn’t it a sacrament? Are the Charismatics downplaying the Sacraments and trying to replace them with their own thing? Or are they building up the Sacraments by trying to bring out a renewal of them so that more of their fruit is realized?

The same stuff goes with the Healing Masses. How does this not detract from the Sacrament of the Sick? Why have a Healing Mass when we can have the real Sacrament? And what does the Charismatic movement say when God doen’t heal you?

Praying over people sometimes scares me as well. Of course I believe in the Priesthood of all Believers. But with the laying of hands and stuff, sometimes it looks to me like we’re blurring the lines between clergy and laity too much with that.

I hope that didn’t come off as an attack. I know email can have that effect. I see so much good fruit coming from it, but I have all those difficulties that I expressed. I’d also like to be able to defend the Charismatic Center to my SSPX friend.

Pax et Bonum
Luke, I can see you do have some misunderstandings about the Charismatic Movement. Its all about growing closer to and coming into a more intimate relationship with your Lord Jesus Christ. The Gifts are available to those who desire them in their hearts to recieve them. God then will distibute them to whom He feels are ready for them in His time. All these gifts from God are spiritual and supernatural. I would recommend that you would attend a life in the spirit seminar with an open and willing heart. That would be a good starting point. Seek ye first the Kingdom of the Lord and all His Rightiousness and all these things will be added unto you. 👍
Good Morning Church

I hope I can help you just a little bit with this. I have been a Catholic Charismatic for quite sometime and have heard these questions over and over again. We have done a very poor job, I think, explaining things.

First off, and this is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!
All prayer is supernatural. Everything about the Catholic Church is SUPERNATURAL.
You talk to God, God hears your prayer. Nothing natural about that. We take it so much for granted. The Sacraments are Super Supernatural. You consume God, body, soul and divinity. Your sins are forgiven. The greatest Supernatural Gift you will ever receive. HEAVEN ON EARTH!

Once this is clearly understood, it is time to look at Spiritual Gifts.

However, you brought up another thing we rarely address for folks who are new to the Charismatic Renewal and that is Spiritual Pride. This also seems to go hand in hand with being Catholic. (I am not deliberately leaving out all other Christian denominations, we all suffer the same things, but I am addressing the Catholic walk right now.) Read any thread in these boards and in other Catholic boards and you will see that we all suffer from Spiritual Pride. We fight it, fail to recognize it, quite often, dispise it, repent for it, confess it but it is still continually lurking. It lurks in every area of our Christian life, to some extent. It doesn’t matter if we are Charismatic, Contemplative, Marian, Traditional, Liberal, Orthodox or what. It is simply and sadly there. Believe me, Satan knows how to use it, I suppose he was the first and even it’s inventor.

Do we find it where the use of Spiritual Gifts are concerned. Oh, you bet we do. Does that make Spiritual gifts wrong? If they are truly from the Holy Spirit, of course not. All Gifts are good and should be desired.

You have to realize that ALL good gifts come from God. That is not just what we see as the Charismatic Gifts but ALL good gifts. God has His own reasons, perfect reasons for spreading them as He does and it has not a single thing to do with who is worthy. Not one of us is worthy of anything He gives us. Only He can make us worthy.

I would like to go on and address your individual questions, and know we have others here who are even better with words than I am.

The thing is, please don’t go runningn to the Charismatic Renewal to find the supernatural when it is all around you in Holy Mother Church and at its most profound in the Sacraments. If you find a Charismatic who is not drawn closer to Sacrament in the renewal, my own opinion is that they have moved away from the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
The gift of discernment would be a really important gift to talk about right now! I belong to a charasmatic parish. Coming from an Assemblies of God background I would consider my parish charasmatic light. I have seen it all, and all I can say is that I learned early on that the gift of discernment is the most important gift we Christians have. Please understand that you cannot allow the actions of others scare you or keep you from experiencing the full potential of what the Holy Spirit has to give to you. Yes, many of the things you talked about can be alarming. There are those who truly have and share some of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and there are those that may want the gifts so bad that they often begin to act as though they have them. This was very common in the AOG church I was baptised in. As I said earlier, I had to learn very early on how to discern what was right and what was wrong. Often times you can’t tell the difference, and that is the time to simply not judge. Too many of us get so hung up on what others are doing that it inteferes with what we should be doing. I believe the term being baptised in the Holy Spirit came from when God sent the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. As far as people praying for gifts, a person probably shouldn’t be praying to receive a particular gift, but should instead pray and tell God he or she is completely open to receiving whatever gift(s) God feels is appropriate for that person. As a charsmatic, I don’t feel any holier than anybody. I do feel that the type of worship that is acceptable in a charasmatic church allows me to express my feelings for God in a different way. I feel that I personally make a stronger connection with God through charasmatic worship.

By the way, I would just like to also add that I have never seen anyone speak in tongues, or act out spontaneously in my parish. As I said earlier, my parish is what I would call charasmatic light. Now, I have been to some prayer meetings, and yes people do speak in tongues, pray for each other by the laying on of hands, etc… I personaly think this is the way it should be. Otherwise you run the risk of interupting the liturgy they way it is meant to be.
Good Morning

Good post!

Last Sunday, we had Sacrament of Healing along with Mass. My pastor does not see himself as a “Charismatic Priest” (although I believe every Priest is, indeed Charismatic) and this was not meant in any way as being a Charismatic Healing Mass.

Well, in my opinion, it was. I told Father afterward that it was as Beautiful a Charismatic Healing Mass as I had seen in 30 + years in the Renewal. He was amazed! He was also confused. When I explained my reasons, he had to agree.

I also told him, it always bothered me when folks have to travel miles for a healing Mass or invite a “Charismatic Priest” into the parish when we have a Priest of our own with the Pastoral Gifts, given in ordination and the Sacraments to have it right within our own Community.

We will now have a Healing Mass, every other month. At this point we do not have a Charismatic Prayer group in our parish and even though Father has given me permission to start one, I will not until we have pastoral involvement.

I agree with you about the gift of Discernment and believe it is a PRIMARY, Pastoral gift. Not that we all do not receive it in different degrees but not in the same way or for the same reasons that it is received at Ordination.
The Gifts are available to those who desire them in their hearts to recieve them.
SPOKENWORD, I know I’m taking this quote out of it’s context but I want to make a point.

This above quote is one I have heard a number of times from those in the charismatic movement. They say this with the added, but unspoken sub-text of “…and if you aren’t receiving these gifts then you must not desire them enough or have enough faith or really want to submitt yourself to God.” It may not be their intention to communicate this, but it comes through to many people.

The fact is that the gifts are like anything else we might pray for. God either gives it to you or not and it may have nothing to do with the desire in your heart, or faith, or willingness to submit to the will of God. It simply may not be in his plan for you

SPOKENWORD…reading your quote further, I noticed you made allowances for this.

Lumen Gentium stated clearly that we should not rashly seek the more extraordinary spiritual gifts. SO, don’t let someone talk you into babbling inchohertly in hopes that the gift of tonhgues, for example, will manifest itself. This in all likeilhood is rashly seeking the gift.
SPOKENWORD, I know I’m taking this quote out of it’s context but I want to make a point.

This above quote is one I have heard a number of times from those in the charismatic movement. They say this with the added, but unspoken sub-text of “…and if you aren’t receiving these gifts then you must not desire them enough or have enough faith or really want to submitt yourself to God.” It may not be their intention to communicate this, but it comes through to many people.

The fact is that the gifts are like anything else we might pray for. God either gives it to you or not and it may have nothing to do with the desire in your heart, or faith, or willingness to submit to the will of God. It simply may not be in his plan for you
I agree totally with what you are saying here Keith. The only thing I would add is that I believe it is possible for a person to be given a gift that they either fail to recognize, or worse, deny having. I also believe a person can have something going on in their life that acts as a barrier to receiving a spiritual gift. This is no different than failing to hear God speaking to you or to hear what God’s is calling you to do. It has not a question of faith. I do agree that some can make statements that sound rather sharp and harsh and can cause a person to question their own faith, which leads me back to the gift of discernment…
SPOKENWORD, I know I’m taking this quote out of it’s context but I want to make a point.

This above quote is one I have heard a number of times from those in the charismatic movement. They say this with the added, but unspoken sub-text of “…and if you aren’t receiving these gifts then you must not desire them enough or have enough faith or really want to submitt yourself to God.” It may not be their intention to communicate this, but it comes through to many people.

The fact is that the gifts are like anything else we might pray for. God either gives it to you or not and it may have nothing to do with the desire in your heart, or faith, or willingness to submit to the will of God. It simply may not be in his plan for you

SPOKENWORD…reading your quote further, I noticed you made allowances for this.

Lumen Gentium stated clearly that we should not rashly seek the more extraordinary spiritual gifts. SO, don’t let someone talk you into babbling inchohertly in hopes that the gift of tonhgues, for example, will manifest itself. This in all likeilhood is rashly seeking the gift.
Keith, I say here I am Lord. I want to be the servant you called me to be. Use me the way you want Lord. I am open to recieve what you desire me to have. Scripture does say to set our hearts on spiritual gifts.[1corinth.vs.1] 👍

I had a very interesting experience with a Spiritual gift.
My primary gift for almost 30 years was the gift of Counseling. I operated in this gift without any training for quite awhile and it was enough that I was being guided by the Holy Spirit. Early on, the Church didn’t require the training and certification they do now, and gradually I became certified in the needed areas.
Things went really well and I was led into areas that often would have been very dangerous where I was able to actually remove a fire arm from a man who planned to murder a family and himself. I sat in intesive care units with attempted suicides and with dying Priests. It was a long, intense ministry.
Gradually it wore on me. I began to pray for God to lift me out of it. Yes, I actually asked Him to change my Gift.

He honored my prayer in a strange way, where I am concerned. He had started replacing or maybe giving me a new gift sometime before I realized He was doing it. Here is what happened.

At some Healing services, I was usually on a prayer team. I never thought of myself as having a healing gift, but was in Prayer ministry. I seemed to be getting words of what a person was needing prayer for. This became stronger as time went by and I started getting very powerful images if I touched a person, even occaisionally feeling pains in my own body. This was new to me and very confusing to me and I needed to find answers from people who knew about this new gift of knowledge. It took a few years before God removed the old gift, and I continued to counsel out of sheer obedience. By the time God lifted it, totally. the gift of word of knowledge was working well and I was very grateful for the release from counsel.

I have no idea why God does things the way He does. I just know what I have experienced.

Discernment, discernment, discernment! That is wonderful advise.
Vennari’s book Close-ups… does a nice job of reviewing some of the basic problems. Example: an identical “tongue” at two different meetings would be interpreted two different ways. One aspect of the movement is a doubt that the holy sacraments of the Church have their effect, that one must feel something tangible in order to have a religious experience. I can’t help but observe that Protestants, lacking real faith in their churches, needed most of all to have some kind of oomph in their spiritual life, whereas Catholics have known for centuries that our sacraments work ex opere operato and it doesn’t matter what you feel. You need to cooperate with the sacrament to gain greater benefit, that is, the openness of the recipient enhances the benefit. But this is different from a desire, born of doubt, to ensure that one feels something. One notices, as the culture around us becomes ever more depraved, a growing desire for intensity of feeling: roller coasters that fling riders harder, bass woofers that pound our heads, etc. It is Satan trying to bring us to earth, so we won’t look up.
robertaf…I started getting very powerful images if I touched a person said:
Theologians believe that we have various vestigial preternatural abilities left over from the Fall. These bits and pieces of our original higher, ordered nature are taken up by different people(s) in different ways, with widely varying outcomes.

Would you elaborate on that so I can better understand what this means.
I’m sorry but I didn’t understand. Maybe I am tired.
Please, it sounds very interesting.
Good Morning Church

In reading some of these posts and reflecting on them, it is very possible, I think that at different times in Salvation History, the type or style or maybe intensity of how we pray and worship does change.

I have always been interested in Church history and have taught it, and we see cycles.

There have been times when different areas have been a focus. In times and places of persecution the lives of martyrs have gotten a lot of attention. This is only one example.

We are at a time in the United States where folks are not afraid of blasphemy, (very different than when I was growing up) actually joke and say awful things about our Lord. Sin and Hell is rarely talked about and many do not even believe in it. It is rampant, however. Spiritually we are in a pretty sick time.

Maybe the Holy Spirit decided this is a time, once again when it is time to “LET THE FIRE FALL”. It has happened thoughout history. God is always drawing people to Himself in quite His own way. Maybe we need to see miracles and gifts.

The folks I have known in the Charismatic Renewal, including myself, have usually been renewed Spritually. I have seen Priests who were almost burned out and lifeless have a new burning for their Priesthood.

It is funny because I read about this being Protestant, it isn’t, of course, it is very very Catholic. In our area, when the Holy Season is approaching, more and more of our Protestant fellowships are adopting “our” Stations of the Cross. I have asked why, and the answer is always the same. It is time. The same reason God felt it was time for “The Passion of Christ”?

I think we are ready for a wake up call. Could the move of the Holy Spirit in the Charismatic Renewal be just one more way our Lord is doing it?

I think so.
CSR posted this quote:

"One aspect of the movement is a doubt that the holy sacraments of the Church have their effect, that one must feel something tangible in order to have a religious experience. "

I find this a very odd statement about those in the Charismatic movement. One things Charismantics are known for is their strong devotion to the Eucharist, and involved in Eucharistic Adoration for the most part. In any movement you find extremes, but of those that I know from 25 years of involment, they are serious of going to Mass daily if possible, Marian devotion is very strong, and they stay very close to the teachings of the Church. Many years ago priests told me we would know by the fruit the Renewal bore, and as far as I can tell the fruits of the Holy Spirit are very alive.

I really don’t know of any who say you have to feel something when you receive the Eucharist, that is by faith, not emotion.
Hi all!!
The best kept secret in the Catholic Church today is the Holy Spirit.
God gives us these gifts if we ask Him!!!
Ask and you shall receive…But we must be open to His gifts…
The gift that I pray I will always have is the gift of giving Thanks and Praise to Our Lord…

Come Holy Spirit, we need you.
Come Holy Spirit, we pray.
Come with your strength and your power.
Come in your own special way.

Come like a spring in the desert.
Come to the weary of souls.
Come with your sweet healing powers.
Touch us and make us whole.

Now and forerver.
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